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Pakistan has replaced Iraq as Al Qaeda’s target: US



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Nov 1, 2005
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NEW YORK, Nov 26: Pakistan has replaced Iraq as Al Qaeda’s main focus, and the group has stepped up its efforts to destabilise the nuclear-armed South Asian nation, the Wall Street Journal quoted a senior US military commander as saying on Wednesday.

“Iraq is now a rear-guard action on the part of Al Qaeda,” Gen James Conway, the head of the Marine Corps and a member of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, said in an interview with the newspaper.

“They’ve changed their strategic focus not to Afghanistan but to Pakistan, because Pakistan is the closest place where you have the nexus of terrorism and nuclear weapons.”

Gen Conway also offered a stark assessment of the Afghan situation, saying the Taliban had built a rudimentary command-and-control network that enabled the group’s leadership to launch direct attacks across the country.

“They move troops around. They resupply. They provide money,” he said. “It’s effective and it’s real. It’s not just happenstance that these guys know where to go and what to do.”

The newspaper observed that senior US military and civilian officials had grown increasingly pessimistic about Afghanistan and Pakistan. Last month, Admiral Mike Mullen, chairman of the Joint Chiefs, told lawmakers he was planning to develop a new strategy for the war in Afghanistan that would for the first time focus on both countries which, he said, were “inextricably linked in a common insurgency that crosses the border between them”.

Gen Conway told the paper that Pakistan’s best troops were deployed along its border with India and weren’t being used in the fight against the militants.

Pakistan’s failure to take concerted action against the militants, he said, had led the CIA and the US military’s secretive Special Operations Command to launch a wave of missile strikes against insurgent targets inside Pakistan.

Gen Conway said the attacks had killed Al Qaeda figures involved in planning attacks on targets in Europe and the US. “It is important that we keep them on the run,” he said.
Knew it, all the focus is comming down to Pakistan. Lets prepare! Get organized.
u.s. should be careful of what it does
i have a feeling a 3rd world war will start soon
but this time it wont be the u.s. whos gonna win [because of all the enemies it has made all over the world]
This is gonna be a very dark time for Pakistan

I'm hoping there will be no war between the US and Pakistan.
but doesn't seem so
so poeple of pakistan Think of ALlah and remember your Ummah is all i have to say.
The so-called ally of Pakistan thinks that it is the best time to grab the nuclear assets of Pakistan, besides it is worried that soon Pakistan may become self-sufficient in the field of defence. So, it does not want to waste time, it wants to make Pakistan a success story like Iraq(Iraq is now a failed state and that is a success for its enemy). This ally of Pakistan is actually saying what it wants in the name of Al Qaeda, Pakistan is this ally's next target.
Is Pakistan Next on the Neocon Agenda?!
18 September 2008

Back home in the sub-continent, they say you should always stay away from the cops; their friendship as well as adversity is bad for one’s health. I am reminded of the advice as the world’s chief cop, United States, bombs its allies and friends in Pakistan. With friends like these, do you need any more enemies?

When General Pervez Musharraf had promptly and so enthusiastically recruited Pakistan in America’s war after that call from Colin Powell, he had assured his people that this was the only option available to Pakistan. Else, the reasonable General reasoned later, the US would have bombed Pakistan back to the Stone Age.

Fortunately or unfortunately for Pakistan, Musharraf is not around. Otherwise we could have asked the good General why the Coalition of the Willing has suddenly turned on its own. Or is Pakistan no longer part of Bush’s divine mission to promote Democracy and Human Dignity in the Muslim world now that Musharraf is out of power? Or have the new, democratic leaders of Pakistan happily surrendered the total control of the Islamic republic to Uncle Sam?

Last week as Asif Ali Zardari joined ‘brother Hamid Karzai’ in a duet celebrating democracy and the noble War on Terror after his inauguration, the US special forces were going about taking out ‘the terrorists’ in the Northwest, who surprisingly looked like women and children.

By hosting the Mayor of Kabul — oops, the Afghan President -- as the chief guest at his inauguration, Musharraf’s successor left no one in doubt where his priorities lay. But what was rather too much to take even for Zardari’s minders was his endless mollycoddling of ‘brother Karzai.’

Don’t take me wrong. I have nothing against the elegantly dressed Karzai and his ever-ready pearls of wisdom that he proffers from time to time for the benefit of his Western audiences. But he is not exactly the poster boy of democracy in the Muslim world, regardless of what his American friends might think of him. Most Pakistanis love to hate him. General Musharraf might have made a thousand policy blunders but the guy certainly knew how to deal with the likes of Karzai.

But how do Pakistan’s new leaders propose to deal with the increasingly demanding friends and allies like the Americans? Pakistan’s Army Chief General Ashfaq Kayani won the instant gratitude and admiration of his worried people and surprised the world by standing up to the Coalition of the Willing. The reticent General was lustily cheered by the Americans as ‘our man’ when he took over from Musharraf as the Chief of the Army Staff. There was much talk of his ‘Enlightened Moderation’ and his positive outlook on the West.

Which was why the Pakistanis were elated to see the General lash out at the Americans promising ‘retaliation’ if they continued to violate Pakistan’s sovereignty and territorial integrity. Whether the Pakistani Army will really take on America, the leading member of the fabled trinity -- the other two being Allah and Army of course -- is still a hypothetical question.

However, by asserting himself General Kayani articulated the sentiments and aspirations of the nation of 170 million people that has been at the receiving end for some time. More importantly, Kayani has provided the much-needed leadership and sense of direction to his people at one of the most difficult points in the nation’s history.

But where are those who are supposed to lead the nation at all times? Where are the champions of democracy and freedom when they are under threat by the friends who are not so friendly?

While the rejuvenated Pakistani media is constantly debating the growing US attacks inside the Pakistani territory protesting against the mounting civilian casualties, the silence of the country’s leaders on the issue is deafening. Zardari clumsily evaded all questions about the US incursions at his first Press conference that appeared more like the unveiling of Hamid Karzai. It’s been more than a week since he took over as the President. But he has offered no clue as to how the government proposed to deal with the issue. When the same question was raised in London after his meeting with British PM Gordon Brown, he quipped ‘there will be no more (attacks).’

It’s understandable if Benazir Bhutto’s widower finds himself inexorably indebted to Uncle Sam. After all, the US did not play an insignificant role in the turnaround of his fortune. It was the US pressure that persuaded Musharraf to bring in the National Reconciliation Ordinance paving the way for the return of Benazir and Zardari. It was the Bush administration again that pushed Musharraf to shed his uniform and hold elections.

So even though it was the pro-democracy movement pioneered by the lawyers and the media that eventually brought Musharraf down, the man who spent 11 years in the prison on his way to the presidency views Washington as his real benefactor.

Which is why it’s doubtful when and if the neocons in their last desperate bid to make the most out of the Bush presidency hit Pakistan, they’ll face much resistance from the political leadership.

Having totally wrecked Iraq and Afghanistan over the past seven years, the neocons are looking for fresh targets, new enemies and new territory to sustain the interest of the bored American voters. After the disastrous eight years of the Bush presidency, you would think the Republican would be too embarrassed to ask the voters for another shot at power. But if you can get Bush re-elected after what he unleashed on the Americans and the world in his first term, you can surely get another dummy elected all over again. Even if he is too old to run and doesn’t know how to check his e-mail. Even if he is threatening to persist with the mess in Iraq and Afghanistan and open new fronts in Pakistan and Iran.

Right now, the Republicans and neocons are dangerously desperate. They could do anything to keep Barack Hussein Obama out of the White House. And for them, attacking Pakistan is the surest and only way to laugh all the way to the vote bank. Besides, that’s where Osama Bin Laden is supposed to be holed up, right?

But who will tell the Bushies that if they hit Pakistan, the **** will really hit the fan. The world’s first Muslim nuclear state might have been much abused by the men in khaki and the civvies over the past half a century.

However, it’s not the defanged and neutered Iraq of Saddam Hussein. This is a country that has fought three major wars with the giant called India. The US may be the world’s greatest military power. But if it attacks Pakistan, all hell will break loose. It will end up turning the whole of Muslim world, from Morocco to Malaysia, into a large battlefield. So much so Saddam’s Iraq would look like a long picnic.

Aijaz Zaka Syed is Opinion Editor of Khaleej Times. The views expressed here are his own. Write to him at aijaz@khaleejtimes.com
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Khaleej Times Online - Is Pakistan Next on the Neocon Agenda?
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lets prepare for our self for war against India and US.

Wow! You guys are seriously paranoid. There is no way that the US is going to go to war with Pakistan. We might lob some missiles over the border and do some special ops against AQ, Afghani Taliban and, maybe, Pak Taliban. But offensively attack the Pak military forces??? No way.
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This is gonna be a very dark time for Pakistan

I'm hoping there will be no war between the US and Pakistan.
but doesn't seem so
so poeple of pakistan Think of ALlah and remember your Ummah is all i have to say.

oH MAN i needed a Good laugh thank you.:rofl:
This is gonna be a very dark time for Pakistan

I'm hoping there will be no war between the US and Pakistan.
but doesn't seem so
so poeple of pakistan Think of ALlah and remember your Ummah is all i have to say.

Are you a seer? I heard there were hindu pundits who could do this sort of thing u know...

lets prepare for our self for war against India and US.

They declared war on us Pakistani studs? :S

u.s. should be careful of what it does
i have a feeling a 3rd world war will start soon
but this time it wont be the u.s. whos gonna win [because of all the enemies it has made all over the world]

3rd world war?

We better send for ever man and woman in Pakistan to raise arms then...

Knew it, all the focus is comming down to Pakistan. Lets prepare! Get organized.

Lets prepare! Yaaay...
We need to unite ourselves. If we become united no one can attack Pakistan and for that national consensus must be developed.:pakistan:
We need to unite ourselves. If we become united no one can attack Pakistan and for that national consensus must be developed.:pakistan:

I agree, that and also we pakistanis have to stop being so ignorant. U c we have to understand each one of us has a responsibility to this country. The issue is if we are asked what we do for our country the answer for most is absolutely nothing!

We have to ensure pakistan becomes a prosperous nation and the envy of the rest of the world. It is us who will fulfill the Quaids dreams and the dreams for a better future for those who have been living within this land but in obscurity for years.

This nation is responsibility of each one of us. We have an obligation to it. Even if we support the education of one child or help one family stand on its own feet thru business growth programs then think of the difference.

First what we need is 100% school enrollment both for primary and secondary. It will atleast be a start.
The Americans remind me of the Green Anole! Why well read on.

"Gen Conway told the paper that Pakistan’s best troops were deployed along its border with India and weren’t being used in the fight against the militants."

Notice this?!, I have also read in an other article that the reason why US keeps saying Pakistan needs to do more, despite the 65000 (if not more) men in that region is because they want Pakistan to move its elite troops away from the eastern border. This way it will completely allow India to harass Pakistan and cause a bigger headache. US would probably never attack Pakistan it self but might let India do it for them. The only reason y US doesn't want Pakistan to have a self sustained economy is because of the whole balance of the region.

Chinese threat to the US is growing very fast, US has in a way appointed India to counter balance that. Pakistan disturbs this whole balance, despite having half the size of India’s army Pakistan is still a very serious threat to India. Now if Pakistan was to be an ally of India all of this wouldn't happen, US would worry else where about keeping balance so that it could stay in power. But since Pakistan is allied with the Chinese, the balance tips towards China/not-America and threatens its status as a world power.

Take example of the middle east, US is allied with Israel. Iraq/Iran/Syria/Palestine might not be allies but they all have a mutual enemy in that region, Israel. Prior to 2003 Iraq had a huge arsenal of weapons which seriously threatened Israel, at its peak Iraq's military power was even said to be #4 in the world. Any how by taking out Iraq, now Israel has a way better chance of fending for it self against the rest of the countries in the region. And once again balance is restored in American favor and this way it could stay in the so called world power status.

If you haven’t noticed by now, this is all about the US staying in that status. The US has been doing this for a long time. And every time it divides and maintains the balance. During the Vietnam war it had North vs South, during the Korean war it had again North vs South. A lot of people say it’s a war on Islam, its really not, its more about the fact that US wants to stay in power. Just like the “green anole” changes color to suit its environmental needs, the US will change allies to suit its needs.

Do any of you remember when it provided Iran with weapons so that it could fight Iraq in turn just to maintain the balance? And just recently it had completely changed its status with Iran from neutral to red by stepping up presence in the area and threatening to attack it unless it stopped the so called “nuclear proliferation”, why because if it succeeded it would threaten Israel and once again disturb the balance in that region.

Remember when it supported Taliban/Al-Qaeda during the 80’s (when Russia occupied Afghanistan) and helped them with beating the Russians out of Afghanistan, why, once again the balance was disturbed against the US favor. And right now it’s fighting against the once old ally.

At the moment all that US wants is balance in the world in its favor. At the moment there is no need to attack Iran because its being counter balanced by Israel. And there is almost no chance that it will attack Pakistan (although that would be the quickest route towards balance in the area) because Pakistan has a very capable fighting force which would inflict immense casualties on the US side which would cause all the support they have in their own country to diminish and cause there whole operation of world dominance to shut down. US has already made many enemies, putting Pakistan on the list would be disaster as this would cause all the Muslim nations on earth to unite against it along with China, Iran, Russia, and this is last thing that they want because this would cause a united action against its world dominance.

A less risky way to maintain balance would be to start insurgency inside Pakistan, causing most of its resources to focus on that. This would result in majority of its forces trying to protect the civilians in its mother land, this would mean that India doesn’t have to worry about its western border as much and this way they (Indians) can start to focus more towards the Chinese threat. And eventually this way India could counter balance China. Once again maintaining balance in the area in favor of the US.

And If you haven’t noticed that yet this is exactly what’s happening in Pakistan, tens of hundreds of soldiers are dying every month trying to fight insurgency along its western tribal belt.

If in the future something happens to Chinese economy and India becomes the power in that whole Asian region, unless Indian complies 100% with US, it will become a target and US will do everything in its power to gain that balance back. And for that there is a very high chance that it would support China to do that. Like I said before just like the Green Anole, US would change allies back and forth to sustain that world power status.

How does this balance help US, very simple, since China would start to worry more about India and India worry about China, this would cause an arms race between the two countries and none would even think about threatening the US!

Just like in the past different nations had the status, the Romans, Greeks, Egyptians, Mians, Spanish, British, even to a point Soviet Union, Germans, etc etc. And their rein might have lasted different time lengths from centuries to mere years but they had their time. These are the times of the all mighty Americans, their time will pass eventually, but may god protect the innocent in the mean time.
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