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Pakistan condemns 'illegal' US drone strikes, COAS Kiyani sleep


Jun 4, 2009
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United States
Isn't this strange General Kiyani hasn't condemn this drones? Is he sleeping? or oral condemnation?

Pakistan condemns 'illegal' US drone strikes


Three drone strikes have killed 27 people

ISLAMABAD: Pakistan on Monday strongly condemned a jump in US drone strikes on its territory, as a deadlock between the two strategic allies over the attacks remains unresolved.

Three drone strikes in as many days on suspected militants have killed 27 people, Pakistani intelligence officials say.

The foreign ministry called the attacks “illegal” and said they violated the country’s sovereignty.

A statement released on Monday said that the strategic disadvantages of the strikes far outweigh the tactical benefits, hence totally counterproductive.

Washington and Islamabad are deadlocked in negotiations over the re-opening of land supply routes to Nato forces in Afghanistan. One of the conditions put forward by Pakkistan’s Parliament to re-open the routes is a halt in the strikes.

Islamabad blocked the supply routes in November after 24 Pakistani soldiers were killed by cross-border ‘friendly fire’ from Nato aircraft.

The supply lines are considered vital to the planned withdrawal of most foreign combat troops from Afghanistan before the end of 2014.

The Pakistan’s government says the CIA drone campaign fuels anti-American sentiment in the country, and is counterproductive because of the collateral damage – civilian deaths – it causes.

US officials say such strikes by the remotely piloted aircraft are a highly effective way of attacking militants and are an important weapon in the war against militancy. They maintain that the attacks are per US laws.
dont distrub he is enjoying dancing with zardari. Way zardariya way zardariya way.
He has become a politician.
dont distrub he is enjoying dancing with zardari. Way zardariya way zardariya way.
Let's face it. Zardari has no say whatsoever in the drone strikes. Such decisions and policy is the prerogative of the Pakistan Army. There is a tacit understanding between Kayani and his American counterparts for the continuation of such strikes due to the difficulty of the PA to launch strikes on their own in these militant infected areas.

The point is, why endanger the lives of Pakistani soldiers to take on the terrorists in these mostly inaccessible areas when the job can be done by the Americans? However, the only sticking point is the unacceptable collateral damage being inflicted by these attacks, which should be curbed.
I use to think that drones strikes were aiming for innocent people but I thought about it again and then I thought about it again and again. If instead of the drone strikes, if the PAF was doing these strikes from JF-17 then no one would have said a thing considering the fact that since PAF is doing the strikes, then it must be terrorists.

What I personaly beleive is that the Army, ISI has full and 100% approval and support for these drone strikes and just to think about it again, I think they probably are killing terrorists.

and Shame on PPP and shame on Gilani because he is such a dumba$$ that he is fooling the people of Pakistan. This is how. He keeps giving public announcement that the government condemn the drone strikes but in reality the government has fully allowed CIA to do the drone strikes. At this point, I am not arguing that the drones are legal or not but fooling the public should be a crime worth giving a death sentence.
...Shame on PPP and shame on Gilani because he is such a dumba$$ that he is fooling the people of Pakistan. This is how. He keeps giving public announcement that the government condemn the drone strikes but in reality the government has fully allowed CIA to do the drone strikes -
Shame, or cowardice? Then again, does Pakistan really need more Qadris?
This is like the 5th condemnation this month, that's all they do how is this news anymore? They don't have the spine to do anything else.
Come on guys, give me some evidence that there is intelligent form on PDF.
how are they illegal as its happening with Pakistani government permission. ? isn't it?
how are they illegal as its happening with Pakistani government permission. ? isn't it?
Whether or not the Pakistani gov't gives permission doesn't make a difference under post-9/11 international law: UNSCR 1373 makes it a sovereign obligation to root out terrorists. If a nation refrains from taking action to do so (as Pakistan has in the Wazirstans) it has no legal grounds to bring a sovereign complaint when other nations take action on its territory instead.

Consider that the alternative to UNSCR 1373 isn't "immunity" to drone attacks but international recognition of the Pakistani Taliban as a new government since they do, after all, control borders and access on the ground.
Shame, or cowardice? Then again, does Pakistan really need more Qadris?

Both dude, but regardless of what drone strikes do, we all know that they are only going to be for a short period of time, let's say till the end of this year. Once and when Imran Khan comes to power then so many things are going to change in Pakistan overnight.

USA is doing the right thing with choosing Central Asia as it's main route because $250 a truck times are gone. Imran Khan will get Pakistan out of WOT plus there won't be any drone strikes and if there are then he will order PAF to shoot them down (that's what he said) although he may allow USA to use Pakistan as an exit only.

Edit: Trust me Solomon2, Imran Khan will order the military to shoot them down! I can bet any money on that because that guy has alot of self respect and dignity and he does what he says.
haaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaawwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!wats new?
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