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Pakistan Army launches Facebook page

Devil Soul

Jun 28, 2010
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The Pakistan Army announced on Saturday that it has launched its Facebook page, an announcement on their official page read.
The page was created on June 16, 2013 but saw no postings till Saturday. So far the page carries only one post that announces its arrival on the popular social media website.
The announcement was followed by a post on the sister page of the Army’s official public relations department, the Inter Services Public Relations.
The ISPR already has its own social media presence, complete with a Facebook page and Twitter account. ISPR’s Facebook page was created almost 11 months ago in July 2012.
At the time of reporting the Pakistan Army page had close to 1,400 fans while its sister page, the ISPR, had close to 21,000 fans.
I have joined our heroes of Pakistan on Facebook :pakistan:
Look at the cover photo of Pak Army official. The left most picture was made by our very own @Stealth!

BTW< they could have made the Pak Army page a bit more official...a better cover photo etc.
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Pakistan Zindabad, what a poor site, my 9 year old nephew can do better than this. Please someone in the army get professionals in to do a professional job. This facebook site (and the official web site) are **** poor. Have a look at this in comparison:

Pakistan Zindabad, what a poor site, my 9 year old nephew can do better than this. Please someone in the army get professionals in to do a professional job. This facebook site (and the official web site) are **** poor. Have a look at this in comparison:


Keep in mind that they just launched it & it will take some time to upload all the material, but i agree that the cover page/pic should have been more professional, hope they change it
Keep in mind that they just launched it & it will take some time to upload all the material, but i agree that the cover page/pic should have been more professional, hope they change it

It does not seem you can comment on that page! I did leave a comment asking them to professional up the site and to just copy what other's have done before you such as the quality of the page for the British Army, not these sad and pathetic fan boyesque cover image, terrible fonts and placements. no logo and no strap line. **** poor content. When you run a project you don't launch it without having done all the freaking work!! this is why I keep saying if you can't run a website then how the hell can you run an army?? poor poor management.
Look at the cover photo of Pak Army official. The left most picture was made by our very own @Stealth!

BTW< they could have made the Pak Army page a bit more official...a better cover photo etc.

doesnt look official to me at all lol.
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