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Pakistan Army in Haiti?



New Recruit

Jul 31, 2007
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We did have peacekeepers in Haiti? Do we still have a presence there or has the Pak Army contingent been pulled out? If there's still any of our boys there then any news about them after the earthquake?
Pakistan Army is still in Haiti, as a matter of fact one of my friends is still serving there with the UN. I talked to him a week before the earthquake but haven't heard from him yet.

I hope he survived! Hard to get a hold of people there due to communications mess.
hope they can help the devestated people - i know we as a country have our issues but our govt must 'contribute' to the relief effort.!
All unit of PA are safe reported on Geo. And we are not going to pull out because this is the time they need us most.

we all pray from ALMIGHTY ALLAH forgive us for our sins and keep your faith on us and keep us in ur safety forgive us we are the bad people forgive us we beg from you ALMIGHT GOD ALLAH we Beg from u and bring haiti back to life ALLAH cure them INSHALLAH we will learn from our mistakes and will never commit them INSHAHALLAH.
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Yestarday i heard someone comparing this earth quake to what happened in Kashmir. The biggest difference in Pakistan was the army on whose back the entire relief effort was executed so i think we should send some people in the army who dealt with that situation because they might have the relative expertise in this sad situation.
All my prayers with effectives of Haiti
Pakistan Army Zindabad ..
Pakistan Paindabad :pakistan:
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