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Pak, Italy govts agree to cancel 50% of Pak debt


Jan 30, 2010
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Pak, Italy govts agree to cancel 50% of Pak debt

ISLAMABAD: On the basis of the Paris Club Debt Rescheduling agreement of 2001, the government of Pakistan and Italy agreed to cancel 50% of the debt owed by Pakistan for the expenditure already incurred on Afghan refugees. The remaining 50% of the debt ($26.52 million & 58.74 million euros) was agreed to be swapped for the jointly agreed social and developmental projects under a “Debt for Development Swap Agreement” signed on November 4, 2006.

Debt conversion was to be effective in five annual tranches on June 30th of each year. Each annual tranche equal to 1/5th of the total debt amount shall be converted in Pak rupees at the exchange rate quoted by State Bank of Pakistan on that day and deposited in a counterpart fund operated through an assignment account. First tranche was deposited in 2007 and so far four tranches have been deposited. Estimated total funds under the debt swap are Rs 8.067 billion.

Funds under the debt swap agreement are to be utilised on jointly agreed projects aiming at socioeconomic development in the priority sectors of agriculture, health, education and basic infrastructure. To manage and oversee the utilisation of funds, a management committee has been established Co-chaired by Italian Ambassador and Secretary EAD with representation from all the provinces, Ministry of Finance, Planning Commission and Ministry of Foreign Affairs.

Utilisation of funds has been 33% of the existing projects in its first year i.e. by June 30, 2010 totaling an amount of Rs 940.91 million. Management committee, which is to be co-chaired by the Italian Ambassador, endorsed cancellation of this amount in its meeting held on August 11, 2010.

Third management committee meeting was held on August 11-19, 2010, which approved 23 projects worth Rs 3.137 billion. Terms of reference have been signed with 15 of them and the first semester. First semester installment for the projects with which the terms of reference have been signed, amounts to Rs 222.38 million.Daily Times - Leading News Resource of Pakistan
good news
the relations between Pakistan and Italy have always been very friendly and of mutual interests, these relations have strengthened over time especially in recent years.
Burlesquoni will never learn. Even after surviving a close trust vote, he keeps on making stupid economic decisions which will further push Italy towards bankruptcy.
Burlesquoni will never learn. Even after surviving a close trust vote, he keeps on making stupid economic decisions which will further push Italy towards bankruptcy.

Actually he is not as "genius" as you are. Just this decision would make whole Italy bankrupt.:rofl:
Is this just for the refugees, or for all the debt between Italy and Pakistan?
Shoo. And stop flaming and taking cheap shots every where. Shoo.


On whom did I take any cheap shots? I didn't even mention Pakistan in my comment. It is a stupid economic decision for ITALY.

Oh, and Shoo, go get your own insults. At least be a bit creative :coffee:
On whom did I take any cheap shots? I didn't even mention Pakistan in my comment. It is a stupid economic decision for ITALY.

Oh, and Shoo, go get your own insults. At least be a bit creative :coffee:

Shoo buddy. You did make a cheap shot CHEAP SHOT. Now get over it. :)
so thats only couple of millions of dollars?

lol - by the title of this thread - it seemed like 50% of Paris Club's debt (which is in billions) shall be wiped off
so thats only couple of millions of dollars?

lol - by the title of this thread - it seemed like 50% of Paris Club's debt (which is in billions) shall be wiped off

Million ho ya Billion

a penny saved is a penny earned
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