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<==Our Politics Behind the scene==>


Sep 6, 2007
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Imran Khan, Nawaz Sharif and Qazi Hussain Ahmed have one thing in common. Despite gross differences in the personality and character, they all hate fierly Altaf Hussain and his party. This helps MQM enormously in getting huge mandate in both local and general polls. Imran Khan is wholly justified in launching his tirade against Altaf Hussain, since the MQM has diminished whatever chances his party had of securing any position in Karachi and Hyderabad.

Similarly, Nawaz Sharif within his heart wants Altaf Hussain to launch a movement against the PPP rule and bring it to its knees in Sindh. This is not possible as Nine Zero now understand the brutal power game very well. The Mian from Lahore has used MQM successfully against the first benazir government, the party of sindh urbanities joined hands with IJI formed by Aslam Baig, supported by Ghulam Mustafa Jatoi, and headed by Nawaz Sharif. The PPP government was doomed as power brokers played dirty tricks.

This is not possible right now. The world has changed drastically. The MQM is not prepared to play in the hands of anti-democratic forces again. It was Nawaz Sharif who used MQM to dislodge the PPP then, then he ordered the operation cleanup against Azizabad (MQM). This is his politics. Hence, it was poeticjustice when Nawaz Sharif cried foul after shrewd Zardari jettisoned him ruthlessly in the wake of Musharraf's ouster. The woundedlion of Lahore is licking his political wounds and vowing not to trust zardari again.

Since Zardari has become President of Pakistan, he is out of reach for the Nawaz Sharif. He is spewing his anger at Nine Zero and blaming it for every thing bad in politics. He just wanted to see his political opponents punished in Karachi. He never wanted to win any seat. This is loud and clear. In this, he is at par with fuming Imran Khan. Khan's party in Sindh is composed of two ladies and one dentist (Indirectly his son as well). It is hard to challenge the MQM with it's massive and huge following. Hence, Imran Khan keeps attacking Altaf Hussain through various TV channels which invite him religiously, as otherpoliticians are busy in the government-opposition tussle. Afterall, these TV channels too require some hot-cake issues highlightened by fuming politician. The man who stands nowhere is Imran Khan. He loves to appear as an expert and his experties chiefly is confined to MQM and former President Musharraf and now the current President Zardari. Well Nawaz Sharif needs someone to raise his voice when he's busy in negotiations with Zardari on power-sharing, Khan is doing the job. This is his politics in total. To take revenge from Altaf Hussain he went to court in London and Nawaz Sharif supported him. Nothing has come out of that case so far. This is strange as Imran Khan is a major advocate of "Jirga" system but he demands restoration of deposed judiciary ?

The only member of the troika who is sincere and serious in his anti-MQM campaign is Qazi Hussain Ahmed. His dislikes for the party is understandable. Nine Zero dislodged Noor-e-Haq from Karachi in 2008 general polls and in the local polls held in 2005. True, in 2001, Jamat-e-Islami (JI) had won mainly because the MQM was not in the field. Nine Zero's boycott helped JI to bring it's own nazim. Naimatullah Khan played his inning well and showed his character when he supported young Nazim at the time when he was struggling against powerful Agha Siraj, a class fellow of Asif Ali Zardari and a permanent candidate for the top slot in Sindh. Despite Naimatullah's sole support, the JI i not prepaired to forgive and to forget Azizabad, it's wounds are deep seated.

Politically claimed, the city belongs to JI, younger people would throng Islami Jamiat-e-Taluba, the students wing of JI. They would collect hides and skins for JI and took pride in working for the cause, on numourus occassions, they were reported to collect "Chanda" from localities, normally called as "Bhatta" in Karachites.

This happened in spite of the fact that JI and it's top leadership always supported military dictatorship, and dubbed them as "Saviours of Pakistan". In their scheme of things there was and there is no room for any popular leader staring from Bhutto to Benazir and then to Altaf Hussain. To find out the reason, i talked to a seasoned leader of JI and asked for his views.

He said "To tell you the truth MQM damaged JI's past, present and future in Karachi, once a stronghold of JI. Hence, this is a staright fight between JI and MQM".

The man was not wrong but this straight fight is taking heavy toll. Scores have died in this senseless struggle.

Interestingly, all three anti-MQM partners refuse to accept 2008 poll results and claim they were not fair in Karachi. True, they have not produced any concrete evidence so far to prove their claim. Since PPP, ANP, JUI, PML "Q", and PML "F" have gladly accepted Karachi polls, Nawaz Sharif, Qazi Hussain Ahmed and Imran Khan find scant support for their unproven theory. The city remains a hunting ground for them. There is no denying the fact that JI has it's presence in the city not the roots as it was uprooted by the "Haq Parast".

Hence, Qazi's anger makes sence. Nawaz Sharif has no right to be mad at Nine Zero, his party never existed in Karachi effectively. The man refused to buy even a house in this city, he wants representation. He and his family use to stay with top PML "N" politician businessman in KDA Scheme 1. Some leaders suggested to Nawaz Sharif that he should have a house in Karachi as Zardari has in Islamabad. He laughed at it and remarked " You want my opponents to occupy that house in case of trouble: ' I am not a fool' ". The idea to acquire a residence for sharifis was immediately dropped.

Imran Khan is not in anyway justified in his constant altaf bashing. He has no stake in Sindh urban politics. The only man of substance who supported him was seasoned Mairaj Muhammad Khan. Khan wrongly discovered a "revolutionary" in Imran Khan which he was not. Khan was clearly disillusioned when Imran Khan secretly met US diplomats at the residence of a dentist (Arif Alvi - Arif Alvi's online efforts to support the cause of Imran Khan's aims is an open secret now, his web portal http://www.teeth.com.pk is well-known for Altaf/MQM bashing). He then abandoned his leader and never look back. Sadly, Mairaj Khan repeated his history. He jumped out of Bhutto's boat when it was sailing smoothly. Imran Khan had no boat but he jumped out anyway and hurt himself badly.

Politics in this country is ruthless and unpredictable, but one thing is for sure, Altaf Hussain is bound to remain the city's national leader. His journey is on, he is not following Pakistani traditional political system by looking back, he is continue to dominate Pakistan's economic engine and ruling the hearts of it's residence. This is his success.
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