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Opinion: Time to Surrender to the Highest Power | PKKH.tv


Oct 10, 2012
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Opinion: Time to Surrender to the Highest Power | PKKH.tv


PKKH Exclusive | by Dr. A.A. Siddiqui

This is in response to the article “No Time to Surrender”, posted on the Tribune , published on 15th February, 2013. In this article, the writer has displayed the emblematic liberal mindset while discussing the matter of negotiating with the Pakistani Taliban.

The problem with the mainstream newspaper narrative, such as this, is that in their analysis of the possibility of negotiations with the TTP is, the main attack goes on religion; religion that has sadly turned out to be such a dilemma, so that it continues to scare people more than… maybe, death through fire, cancer, poverty, dengue, measles, and spurious cough medicine?

Why is religion such a problem? When people believed in it to the extent, such that it was the basis of the partition of the sub-continent, giving birth to a new nation, why then, in the later years, has it transformed into the center of contradiction?

How can we benefit as a nation if the cause of our foundation is now feared the most, and that the Islamic ideology is now being intermixed and turned impure by the induction of several contradictory versions today. But in spite of all this, Islam is not the reason to every single problem in the world, let alone of our country.

An irresponsible government that does not qualify as a just or competent one by any standard of the world is running our country, to a media that survives on lies, and manipulative dramas, to doctors who call out protests after killing a hundred people with fake cough medicines, to homeless kids being raped on the streets, and mothers finally feeding their hungry children with poison; before I feel the need to point out all of those 99 problems, I find it necessary to explain how the opinion of this writer depicts the ‘fear of surrender to the TTP’s extremist version of Islam’, and at the same time concealing his convenience over the current belief in this inhumane version of extreme political corruption that has taken over like pests over a cornfield.

The writer says: “What do the TTP want? The short answer is that the TTP want power; that they want to do in Pakistan what the Taliban did in Afghanistan. The slightly longer answer is that they seek a Pakistan in which the only law is their interpretation of the Sharia, in which music, dancing and all forms of joy are banned, in which women are effectively enslaved, in which Shias are wajib ul qatal and in which the penalty for dissent is death.”

If we consider most political parties today, we see that they all want power; seeking a Pakistan as a means of earning black money, on a swift spree, where the masses die in a greater number as to that shown on the media. But this triggers less panic for our so-called progressive minded lot because the parties do not have any interpretation of the Shariah let alone an intention to impose an Islamic rule in the country.

Nevertheless it is a fact that the ideology of the TTP does not resonate with the exact Shariah rules but unfortunately, this ‘fact’ is not enough to remove the fear that our ruling class bears from the real form of an Islamic Ideology to rule the country; therefore maligning Islam becomes the goal of both the TTP or the current govt.

There wouldn’t have been any need of negotiating with an extremist group upon their version of Islam if the real version of Islam was known, and if today, the Islamic Scholars were considered as actual scholars and worth referring to, instead of being mocked at with offensive terms like Mullahs and regarded as hay brained miswak chewing illiterate baboons.

It is ironic how Islam; that brought rights for oppressed women, is now labeled as oppressive and its laws are considered extreme on the mainstream media. With books like My Feudal Lord gaining more coverage than A Case of Exploding Mangoes, just because it yells out that distorted version of the typical Muslim husband, it does not surprise me that the TTP are considered as cannibals and the ever rising powerful bureaucrats are just native tribal chiefs. You don’t mess with them.

My purpose here is not to justify the atrocities of the TTP, but to point out that their presence has been caused by the incompetent system of our government. The problem isn’t their rule, but our ignorance of the tool; Islam, that they abuse to achieve their false influence.

The reason that false Islamic organizations with equally misinterpreted laws and ethics are materializing under a rule of anarchy, is because we ourselves have let our ground of faith go barren. What grow now are weeds in the form of these fallacious groups of extremists and terrorists, meant only to suck the nourishment out of this land.

Instead of debating over negotiations being fruitful or not, the cause of their creation needs to be addressed on a wider scale. The Pakistani constitution (that covers important aspects of the Shariah related to everything and not just women) is deliberately thrown at the backs and the rulers are let to witness the violations being committed without any litigation. As we chose to live lives our way, a greater majority of the people would rather suffer under a tyrant where illegal is legal, rather than live under an acceptable Islamic rule that runs on strict Shariah.

Today, the businessmen and transport authorities would obey a call for strike but protest if a simple rule of pausing trade at Namaz timings is imposed. They would rather have millions of dollars thrown to build the world’s largest buildings than to use the same money for building respectable hospitals and schools for the people. Can we look into countering poverty and illiteracy side by side while dealing with terrorist organizations?

Let’s be honest; that if a life of slavery is to be preferred we’d rather negotiate and surrender to our current lifestyle of ruins than surrender to the Supreme Power that runs the world.

Dr.Dr. A.A. Siddiqui, pharmacist/ freelance writer; interests: religion/human psychology; blogs at: The Dead Poets Sanctuary | MAY YOUR WORDS REST IN PEACE

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