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Opinion : AFSPA or No AFSPA, Kashmir Eagerly Awaits The Dawn of Freedom


Oct 10, 2012
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Opinion : AFSPA or No AFSPA, Kashmir Eagerly Awaits The Dawn of Freedom | PKKH.tv


PKKH Exclusive | By Mahwish Qureshi

We have experienced countless debates and arguments about the occupied land of Kashmir. The occupier has tried its best to deploy the worst possible tools of repression. In order to muzzle the voices and the cries for the right to be free, they have done everything possible to make the people of Kashmir voiceless.

Time has proved that mighty India is afraid of the voices of caged Kashmiris. Everything is done to erase any voice that rises against their occupation. Black laws, like Armed Forces Special Powers Act (AFSPA) and Public Safety Act (PSA), have been used by the brave Indian soldiers as a shield, protecting them from any legality once they indulge in human rights' violations.

India has used criminal tactics as tools for repression to create fear among the occupied population craving for freedom. Rape, arson, custodial murder, arrests without warrants and shoot-to-kill-under-suspicion are a few examples of criminal tactics used by India on hapless Kashmiris. These crimes are executed by Indian soldiers, who are legally immune and cannot be tried in any court of law.

Till date, not even a single case of these HR violations has been taken notice of, or justice delivered. On the contrary, the soldiers and army generals who committed these heinous crimes were rewarded by the hypocrite democracy.

Humans dream to be free. Each Kashmiri has seen this dream since the passing decades. They have every right to this Freedom they aspire. For every voice muzzled, hundreds bud up and speak out. India is handed over a defeat each time they kill an innocent.

The world’s largest democracy has always shamelessly slipped away and refused to acknowledge the war crimes executed by their state in occupied Kashmir. They, as a state, have always tried to cover up on their deeds, but we have seen how martyrs resting in countless mass graves spoke up as testimonies. Thousands of innocent boys were snatched by Indian forces from their families years back, leaving no trail of their whereabouts; their invisible existence creates the presence of revolt.

Voices have been raised from the Indian side to revoke these dark laws, but they only aim at bringing back so-called ‘normalcy’. In other words, these voices are meant to dilute the core issue. Most see this as an attempt to divert the attention of the world from the main problem. The root cause of the human rights violation is not just the inhuman laws implemented by India but the occupation in itself. Once Kashmiris are heard, their respect and dignity is restored, and occupation is put to an end, peace will return.

Wails of the mothers and sisters of this beautiful land, travel far across the region, piercing even the stone-hearted. They need to be heard. There is only one message that comes out from the oppressed land of Kashmir: AFSPA or No AFSPA, Kashmir is more concerned and focused to kick out the occupier.

Mahwish Qureshi is a Peace & Political Activist with a strong belief of Socio- constructivism through the mirror of Islamic System. She is currently working in the field of Training and development and can be reached atmissterriouss@gmail.com
She tweets@Ms_Terrious

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