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Olympic Bigotry: It’s All Israel’s Fault


Dec 12, 2008
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Olympic Bigotry: It’s All Israel’s Fault
5 hours ago


Zahava Raymond

An article in the Economist titled Politics hogs the Olympic spotlight in the Middle East looks at Arab hostility towards Israel in the Olympics, but then becomes guilty of its own charge.

You might think an article in the sports section would reinforce the message of the Olympics and how treatment of the Israeli athletes is unsportsmanlike. But an anti-Israel agenda hogs the article, suggesting that Israel is to blame for bringing on the racism it endures.

The Economist bylines its authors by initials, so the writer is only identified as N.P.

Referring to the Egyptian judoka who refused to shake the hand of the Israeli Bronze winner Or Sasson, The Economist callously exploits the Munich Olympics massacre, saying “Mr El Shahaby’s snub seems mere tokenism compared to the bullets that killed 11 Israeli athletes at the Munich Olympics in 1972,” but “nonetheless” Israel criticized his bad sportsmanship.

Does that mean Israel should just accept the Rio snub simply because it wasn’t murder?

Would The Economist say such a thing about anyone else being targeted for their race, religion or nationality?

The article goes on:

Israel’s holier-than-thou protestations, though, risk sounding shrill.

Holier than thou?!

It is not the Israeli athletes who are blocking the Lebanese from sitting on the same bus or dropping out of matches to avoid playing Arabs. It’s the complete opposite. Sasson reached out his hand to his Egyptian opponent in a gesture of respect, and what a message it could have been for Israelis and Egyptians. But just like throughout history, the Arab spurned the Israeli gesture.

Who is Jibril Rajoub?
The article gives as an example of those “shrill,” “holier-than-thou protestations,” complaints against head of Palestinian Olympic Committee Jibril Rajoub.

Yisrael Hayom, Israel’s leading newspaper and a mouthpiece for Mr Netanyahu, gave copious space to a campaign demanding that the International Olympic Committee (IOC) sever ties with Jibril Rajoub, the head of the Palestine Olympic Committee. A former head of the Palestinian security forces, Mr Rajoub has coordinated closely with Israel in the past. Yet the newspaper called him “a terrorist”.

The Economist cherry-picked only one fact from Israel HaYom: that Rajoub “has coordinated closely with Israel in the past,” referring to his role as head of the Palestinian Preventive Security Force – until 2002. Presumably that must make him above criticism and capable of doing no wrong.


Jibril Rajoub

Yet Israel Hayom article gave a much more detailed picture of just who Rajoub is. Here’s what The Economist didn’t say:

• Rajoub is “in favor” of and “encourages” the Palestinian terrorists in the wave of violence over the past year, who he calls “heroes.”
• Consistently honors and glorifies terrorists, congratulating them on Palestinian television.
• Swore that if the Palestinians had nuclear weapons, they would use them immediately against Israel.
• Threatened to keep Israel out of the Olympics.
• Called normalization in sports with Israel a “crime against humanity.”
• Attended a boxing match named for one of the terrorists behind the massacre of Israeli athletes at the Munich Olympics.
• Said that requesting to hold a minute’s silence for the Israeli victims of Munich is racism.
• And said this:

The international community doesn’t accept buses blowing up in Tel Aviv, but it doesn’t question what happens to a settler or a soldier who is in the occupied territories in the wrong place at the wrong time. No one asks about that.Therefore, we want to fight in a way that keeps the international community on our side.

After completely playing down Arab bigotry against Israel in Rio, The Economist article looks at other examples of politics in the Olympics, including how South Africa was kept out from 1964 to 1988, concluding with this:

As Israel builds higher barriers between Jews and Palestinians in areas it occupies, the boycotters find the South Africa analogy particularly apt.

The only barriers Israel builds are to protect innocent people from terrorists. It is the Israeli athletes who bring their country’s spirit of peace, respect and tolerance to the Olympics. And they are the ones singled out for discrimination.

Cherry picking facts from another newspaper runs flagrantly afoul of normal journalistic practice. And the idea Israelis should put up with what amounts to racist bigotry because “at least they’re not being killed” wouldn’t be acceptable to any other race, religion, or ethnicity facing similar narrow-minded behavior anywhere. Not at the Olympics, and not in the pages of The Economist.

Olympic Bigotry: It’s All Israel’s Fault
5 hours ago


Zahava Raymond

An article in the Economist titled Politics hogs the Olympic spotlight in the Middle East looks at Arab hostility towards Israel in the Olympics, but then becomes guilty of its own charge.

You might think an article in the sports section would reinforce the message of the Olympics and how treatment of the Israeli athletes is unsportsmanlike. But an anti-Israel agenda hogs the article, suggesting that Israel is to blame for bringing on the racism it endures.

The Economist bylines its authors by initials, so the writer is only identified as N.P.

Referring to the Egyptian judoka who refused to shake the hand of the Israeli Bronze winner Or Sasson, The Economist callously exploits the Munich Olympics massacre, saying “Mr El Shahaby’s snub seems mere tokenism compared to the bullets that killed 11 Israeli athletes at the Munich Olympics in 1972,” but “nonetheless” Israel criticized his bad sportsmanship.

Does that mean Israel should just accept the Rio snub simply because it wasn’t murder?

Would The Economist say such a thing about anyone else being targeted for their race, religion or nationality?

The article goes on:

Israel’s holier-than-thou protestations, though, risk sounding shrill.

Holier than thou?!

It is not the Israeli athletes who are blocking the Lebanese from sitting on the same bus or dropping out of matches to avoid playing Arabs. It’s the complete opposite. Sasson reached out his hand to his Egyptian opponent in a gesture of respect, and what a message it could have been for Israelis and Egyptians. But just like throughout history, the Arab spurned the Israeli gesture.

Who is Jibril Rajoub?
The article gives as an example of those “shrill,” “holier-than-thou protestations,” complaints against head of Palestinian Olympic Committee Jibril Rajoub.

Yisrael Hayom, Israel’s leading newspaper and a mouthpiece for Mr Netanyahu, gave copious space to a campaign demanding that the International Olympic Committee (IOC) sever ties with Jibril Rajoub, the head of the Palestine Olympic Committee. A former head of the Palestinian security forces, Mr Rajoub has coordinated closely with Israel in the past. Yet the newspaper called him “a terrorist”.

The Economist cherry-picked only one fact from Israel HaYom: that Rajoub “has coordinated closely with Israel in the past,” referring to his role as head of the Palestinian Preventive Security Force – until 2002. Presumably that must make him above criticism and capable of doing no wrong.


Jibril Rajoub

Yet Israel Hayom article gave a much more detailed picture of just who Rajoub is. Here’s what The Economist didn’t say:

• Rajoub is “in favor” of and “encourages” the Palestinian terrorists in the wave of violence over the past year, who he calls “heroes.”
• Consistently honors and glorifies terrorists, congratulating them on Palestinian television.
• Swore that if the Palestinians had nuclear weapons, they would use them immediately against Israel.
• Threatened to keep Israel out of the Olympics.
• Called normalization in sports with Israel a “crime against humanity.”
• Attended a boxing match named for one of the terrorists behind the massacre of Israeli athletes at the Munich Olympics.
• Said that requesting to hold a minute’s silence for the Israeli victims of Munich is racism.
• And said this:

The international community doesn’t accept buses blowing up in Tel Aviv, but it doesn’t question what happens to a settler or a soldier who is in the occupied territories in the wrong place at the wrong time. No one asks about that.Therefore, we want to fight in a way that keeps the international community on our side.

After completely playing down Arab bigotry against Israel in Rio, The Economist article looks at other examples of politics in the Olympics, including how South Africa was kept out from 1964 to 1988, concluding with this:

As Israel builds higher barriers between Jews and Palestinians in areas it occupies, the boycotters find the South Africa analogy particularly apt.

The only barriers Israel builds are to protect innocent people from terrorists. It is the Israeli athletes who bring their country’s spirit of peace, respect and tolerance to the Olympics. And they are the ones singled out for discrimination.

Cherry picking facts from another newspaper runs flagrantly afoul of normal journalistic practice. And the idea Israelis should put up with what amounts to racist bigotry because “at least they’re not being killed” wouldn’t be acceptable to any other race, religion, or ethnicity facing similar narrow-minded behavior anywhere. Not at the Olympics, and not in the pages of The Economist.
@Solomon2 Off topic question. If I wish to become Zionist jew ? what should I do? Can I convert myself to Judaism ?
@Solomon2 Off topic question. If I wish to become Zionist jew ? what should I do? Can I convert myself to Judaism ?
You can convert to judaism, altho it's much longer process than for let's say, islam.
Zionism is taken from the word Zion - which means jerusalem.
Zionism (Hebrew: צִיּוֹנוּת Tsiyyonut IPA: [t͡sijo̞ˈnut] after Zion) is a nationalist political movement of Jews and Jewish culture that supports the re-establishment of a Jewish homeland in the territory defined as the historicLand of Israel (roughly corresponding to Palestine, Canaan or the Holy Land)
You can convert to judaism, altho it's much longer process than for let's say, islam.
Zionism is taken from the word Zion - which means jerusalem.
Zionism (Hebrew: צִיּוֹנוּת Tsiyyonut IPA: [t͡sijo̞ˈnut] after Zion) is a nationalist political movement of Jews and Jewish culture that supports the re-establishment of a Jewish homeland in the territory defined as the historicLand of Israel (roughly corresponding to Palestine, Canaan or the Holy Land)
But Most sects of Judaism dont believe in that. Like A jewish person is only born to jewish mother. Well lets end it here its not good to discuss religious topics.

On-topic The actions of the player were uncalled for and were extremely improfessional. He should have known that he is in international games and he will face Israeli. He should have shown sportsmanship rather than his political affiliation

@DavidSling Kindly tag when you post stuff on Advance tech of IDF It makes for a good and interesting read. Thanks
But Most sects of Judaism dont believe in that. Like A jewish person is only born to jewish mother. Well lets end it here its not good to discuss religious topics.

On-topic The actions of the player were uncalled for and were extremely improfessional. He should have known that he is in international games and he will face Israeli. He should have shown sportsmanship rather than his political affiliation

@DavidSling Kindly tag when you post stuff on Advance tech of IDF It makes for a good and interesting read. Thanks
There's that, those who born jewish, will remain ones, even if they're not religious.
Altho, they can't convert to other religions. if u wanna convert to judaism, it's a long process.

The egyptian player was sent home due to his behaviour, and he did no honor to his country.

I've posted alot of articles, u can look in my history of posting. also, I got some articles in my signature if u wanna take a look.
I'll take into account to tag u in the future, and I'm glad that you're enjoy reading them
There's that, those who born jewish, will remain ones, even if they're not religious.
Altho, they can't convert to other religions. if u wanna convert to judaism, it's a long process.

The egyptian player was sent home due to his behaviour, and he did no honor to his country.

I've posted alot of articles, u can look in my history of posting. also, I got some articles in my signature if u wanna take a look.
I'll take into account to tag u in the future, and I'm glad that you're enjoy reading them
Yeah its bettet to ead hi tch defense stuff than to dsicuss political topics. Thank you very much. Looking forward to innovative hi tech stuff from you as in articles LOL
"Defending Israel From Media Bias".

So its another Hasbara cell. Yawn.
There's that, those who born jewish, will remain ones, even if they're not religious.
Altho, they can't convert to other religions. if u wanna convert to judaism, it's a long process.

The egyptian player was sent home due to his behaviour, and he did no honor to his country.

I've posted alot of articles, u can look in my history of posting. also, I got some articles in my signature if u wanna take a look.
I'll take into account to tag u in the future, and I'm glad that you're enjoy reading them
Doesn't Israel accept people as Jewish even if they only have a Jewish father?
Anyway, if he didn't want to have anything to do with an Israeli he should have dropped out as many other Arab athletes did.
@Solomon2 Off topic question. If I wish to become Zionist jew ? what should I do? Can I convert myself to Judaism ?

Off topic answer,you don´t need to convert to judaism in order to become zionist.It seems that Allah is a zionist: Quran 5:20-21.
Off topic answer,you don´t need to convert to judaism in order to become zionist.It seems that Allah is a zionist: Quran 5:20-21.

Refrain your tongue insulting my religion. Just because you have loyal dog who wants to be a Zionist, you think some of will sit back and allow you to insult my faith.

Those verses you quote and continue reading are relating to the favors Allah did up on the Jews and how treacherous they became. Yes, Allah raised you above all nations and then you broke the convent and cursed you. If you want to open a separate thread on this, it's better!
Off topic answer,you don´t need to convert to judaism in order to become zionist.It seems that Allah is a zionist: Quran 5:20-21.
But your own judaism disregard zionists, hence that is why there are so many anti zinoists organisations in USA and all around he world.
The People of Israel oppose the so-called "State of Israel" for four reasons:

FIRST -- The so-called "State of Israel" is diametrically opposed and completely contradictory to the true essence and foundation of the People of Israel, as is explained above. The only time that the People of Israel were permitted to have a state was two thousand years ago when the glory of the creator was upon us, and likewise in the future when the glory of the creator will once more be revealed, and the whole world will serve Him, then He Himself (without any human effort or force of arms) will grant us a kingdom founded on Divine Service. However, a worldly state, like those possessed by other peoples, is contradictory to the true essence of the People of Israel. Whoever calls this the salvation of Israel shows that he denies the essence of the People of Israel, and substitutes another nature, a worldly materialistic nature, and therefore sets before them, a worldly materialistic "salvation," and the means of achieving this "salvation" is also worldly and materialistic i.e. to organize a land and army. However, the true salvation of the People of Israel is to draw close to the Creator. This is not done by organization and force of arms. Rather it is done by occupation to Torah and good deeds.

SECOND -- Because of all of this and other reasons the Torah forbids us to end the exile and establish a state and army until the Holy One, blessed He, in His Glory and Essence will redeem us. This is forbidden even if the state is conducted according to the law of the Torah because arising from the exile itself is forbidden, and we are required to remain under the rule of the nations of the world, as is explained in the book VAYOEL MOSHE. If we transgress this injunction, He will bring upon us (may we be spared) terrible punishment.

THIRD -- Aside from arising from exile, all the deeds of the Zionists are diametrically opposed to the Faith and the Torah. Because the foundation of the Faith and Torah of Israel is that the Torah was revealed from heaven, and there is reward for those who obey it and punishment for those who transgress it. The entire People of Israel is required to obey the Torah, and whoever doesn't want to, ceases to be part of the congregation of Israel.

FOURTH -- Aside from the fact that they themselves do not obey the Torah they do everything they can to prevent anyone they get under their power from fulfilling the commands of the Torah, the claims to freedom of religion are lies. They fight with all of their strength to destroy the Faith of Israel.

Depends. See "How to criticize Israel without being anti-semitic". (I would add to the list that criticizing Israel for not following ethical standards expected of no other nation is also anti-semitic.)
Zionist founder Theodor Herzl (1860 – 1904) said:

“It is essential that the suffering of Jews….becomes worse….this will assist in (the) realization of our plans….I have an excellent idea….I shall induce anti-semites to liquidate Jewish wealth….The anti-semites will assist us thereby in that they will strengthen the persecution and oppression of Jews. The anti-semites shall be our best friends.”

In 1920, other Zionists voiced similar ideas, including Nahum Goldmann, later president of the World Zionist Organization and World Jewish Congress head. Israel’s first president, Chaim Weizman, said Germany had too many Jews. In 1921, Jacob Klatzkin called for German Jews to undermine Jewish communities as a way to acquire a future state.

In 1963, Moshe Sharett (Israel’s second prime minister from 1953 – 1955) told the 38th Scandinavian Youth Federation Annual Congress that Jewish freedom imperiled Zionism. Delegates at the 26th World Zionist Congress were told that easing US anti-Semitism and freedom endangered Jews.

Torah Jewry disagrees in affirming its desire to live in peace with their Arab and Palestinian neighbors and abide by sacred commandments “with a perfect heart and to delight in the radiance of the sanctity of the Land.”

They believe: “Zionists have no right of any sovereignty over even one inch of the Holy Land. They do not represent the Jewish people in any way whatsoever. They have no right to speak in the name of the Jewish people.” Their ideology is “antithetical to Jewish law,” and because they don’t behave like Jews, “they desecrate the sanctity of the land.” They feel that when Israel is recognized as a Zionist, not a Jewish, state, “Jews worldwide will be able to live in peace” and do it alongside Arabs in the Middle East.
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