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Obama & America's War crimes



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Jun 3, 2011
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I wanted to start a thread about war crimes I want other members to put information on this thread as well. What better way than to start by asking for Obama to be tried for war crimes

The Massacre Of The Afghan 17 And The Obama Cover-Up

Written by: James Petras
March 28, 2012

The March 11 Massacre of the 17 Afghan citizens, including at least nine children and four women, raises many fundamental issues about the nature of a colonial war, the practices of a colonial army engaged in a prolonged (eleven-year) occupation and the character of an imperial state as it commits war crimes and increasingly relies on arbitrary dictatorial measures to secure public compliance and suppress dissent.

After the cold-blooded murder of the 17 Afghan villagers in Kandahar Province the US military and the ever-complicit Obama regime constructed an elaborate cover-up, exposing the Administration up to charges of conspiracy to suppress the essential facts, falsify data and obstruct justice: All are grounds for criminal prosecution and impeachment.

This massacre is just one of several hundred committed by US armed forces according to the Afghan president, Hamid Karzai. It could ruin the Obama presidency, by putting him on trial for conspiracy to obstruct justice and arguably send him to jail for war crimes.

Obama’s deliberate lies about the events surrounding the massacre and the fundamental responsibility of the high military command for the crimes committed by its troops underscores the breakdown of the occupation of Afghanistan, the very centerpiece of Obama’s war policy. The President of the United States has personally played a major role in the cover-up. From a political vantage point, the executive conspiracy charge has wider and deeper implications than the massacre itself, as horrible as it is.
The Massacre, the ‘Official’ Story (1st version) and the Cover-Up

According to the US military command in Afghanistan and the Obama regime, at 3am on March 11, 2012 a deranged soldier walked off a Special Forces Base in rural Kandahar Province and without command authority entered two villages (two miles apart), shot and killed 17 unarmed civilians, mostly women and children and wounded an unspecified number of villagers; then he doused their bodies with gasoline, set them on fire and hiked back to base to surrender himself to his commanders.
This ‘surrender’, the Pentagon claims, was recorded on video and no less than the President of the United States, Barack Obama, vouched for its authenticity as conclusive proof for the story of a lone, unbalanced mass murderer. The military command quickly whisked the initially unnamed murderer out of the Afghanistan to the maximum security federal prison in Fort Leavenworth, Kansas and only then identified the madman as a 38-year old, multi-decorated, 11-year army veteran, Staff Sgt. Robert Bales. The US has rejected all attempts by the Afghan President, the Afghan Army Chief and members of the Afghan Parliament to interview Sgt Bales, gather testimony and bring the suspect to trial in Afghanistan.

According to an independent Afghan parliamentary investigation led by Sayed Ishaq Gillami, and initial investigations by General Sher Mohammed Karimi of the Afghan Army, who interviewed residents of the two villages, there are significant contradictions in the US military’s and President Obama’s “official story”. Eye witnesses have testified that up to 20 soldiers were involved, aided by a helicopter. What they described was typical of a US Special Forces’ night time raid, which involved the systematic breaking down of doors, rousing the sleeping families and shooting Afghan victims.

Gordon Duff, senior editor of Veterans Today, finds the villagers’ version of events quite plausible for the following reasons: The villages, where the murders occurred, were two miles apart, making it highly unlikely that a lone, fully armed solder could haul a multi-gallon jerry can of gasoline from his base to the first sleeping village, break down the doors of one or more homes, commit the murders, douse and burn his victims and then proceed on foot two miles further on to the second village, shoot, kill and burn the next set of unarmed villagers and then walk back to his base and surrender.

It makes far more sense that a heavily armed group of Special Forces troops, engaged in village ‘pacification’ operations, left their base in military vehicles, passed through the gate in the wee hours of the morning, on a routine official operation, authorized by the bases military command and something went wrong. What was supposed to have been a typical midnight assault on a “pacified” village in search of Taliban supporters, turned into the mass murder of children and their mothers in bed with virtually no adult males (husbands, fathers, uncles or brothers) present to protect them. Typically, all Afghan farmers keep weapons in their homes, but these villages had been disarmed by the Special Forces and the adult men had either been detained in earlier sweeps or were in hiding from just such brutal operations in the expectation that their wives and children would not be attacked.

Whatever triggered the mass murder of mothers and children in their nightclothes in those villages in Kandahar, one thing is clear: the President of the United States conspired with the US military command to obstruct justice in the cover-up of a heinous war crime, a felony punishable with impeachment.

When the implausibility first ‘official’ story became embarrassingly evident to the most superficial observer, the Obama ‘cover-up’ crew released a new version on March 26: According to the revised version of events, the lone, deranged Sgt. Bales committed the first massacre in the early morning hours of March 11, walked back to base for breakfast and lunch and then walked out again to a second village for another round of mass murder – before returning and turning himself in to his commander posing for the video.
Why the Obama Cover-Up: Military Demoralization and the Iran War

Why would President Obama engage in such a clumsy cover-up further eroding US relations with the Afghan President Karzai, the Afghan military and especially the Afghan people? Why would he risk charges of conspiracy to protect war criminals by insisting on an easily refutable cover-up?

The story of the alleged assassin, Staff Sgt. Robert Bales, provides some leads about the larger crisis facing the imperial military. Bales is a ‘decorated’ soldier rewarded for his three tours of combat duty in Iraq and his more recent Afghan assignment where he would have participated in similar types of Special Pacification Operations among civilians in the countryside in Afghanistan. In the days after news of the massacre leaked out, a furious Afghan President Karzai claimed that “hundreds” of similar massacres had been perpetrated by US and NATO forces and had gone unreported in the Western media and unpunished. Karzai has repeatedly called for an end to US Special Forces’ night raids on sleeping villages. But, until now, there had been no need for a US Presidential cover-up up.

With the approaching US withdrawal from Afghanistan and the growing expressions of militant Afghan nationalism, the Obama regime must hide the true nature of the occupation. Washington’s Afghan clients can no longer ignore US war crimes against innocent children and women and other non-combatants. This is especially true in the so-called ‘pacified’ villages where the adult Afghani men have already been arrested in sweeps or driven into hiding and with the few remaining, disarmed and ‘under the control’ of the US Special Forces.

Considering even the US official story, why would the Special Forces commanders in charge of the Sgt. Bales base ignore the loud bursts of gunfire and screams of women and children in a village within 100 meters of its perimeter at 3 am? According to their official version, the base command only became aware of the massacres when Sgt. Bales walked back to base, raised his hands high for a video-op and confessed to killing and desecrating the bodies of 17, mostly children and women.

Obama has tried to sell the ‘confession’ video as proof of the ‘official version’ of events to a skeptical Afghan President Karzai who contemptuously demanded the ‘alleged’ video be turned over for a detailed examination for authenticity. Obama’s refusal to release the video tends to confirm his role in the cover-up. Obama’s contention that a ‘lone unbalanced gunman’ committed the crime is completely self-serving and exposes serious and deep structural problems with the war in Afghanistan.

US combat troops in Afghanistan are demoralized and angry because their military commanders have marched them into a cul de sac – a dead end. They are engaged in a long, losing war where every dead US soldier is accompanied by scores who are maimed, blinded and mentally traumatized. In Obama’s war, the wounded are patched up and recycled back into the same meat grinder in an increasingly hostile environment, where rape, torture, maiming and murder become their only ‘recreation’. Sgt. Bales was coerced into multiple tours of duty in Iraq and then shipped off to Afghanistan, contrary to his expectations of a promotion and an end to overseas combat assignments.

There is a huge gap between the world of the political warlords in Washington and their accomplices among the warmongering ‘lobbies’ and that of the soldiers who risk their lives in imperial wars of occupation. These dispensable soldiers are repeatedly deployed to brutal colonial wars thousands of miles from their homes to confront an ‘enemy’ they cannot possibly understand. They end up brutalizing the families, friends, neighbors and compatriots of the elusive Afghan anti-colonial fighters – who are everywhere. Back in Washington none of the political war-mongers ever experience the pain and suffering of a prolonged war, which for any soldier on the battlefield, is ever present, everywhere. Soldiers, like Sgt. Bales, operate in a very hostile environment where, a roadside bomb or a grenade thrown from a motorcycle, or even a ‘trusted’ Afghan ally, who might turn his gun on his US ‘mentors,’ are omnipresent threats to their ever returning home in one piece.

Obama has to conspire with the Pentagon in covering up this mass murder, defending the officers in charge of these ‘pacified’ villages, because there are no alternatives, no back-ups, no new recruits eager to engage in the 12th year of war in Afghanistan. There are only the re-cycled killers, willing to pursue their career in ‘Special Forces’ involving ‘kill and destroy’ operations. Furthermore, Obama cannot rely on the international allies who are rushing to withdraw their own troops from this quagmire. And Obama has a problem with his allied Afghan warlords and kleptocrats, who managed to run off with over $4.5 billion dollars in 2011 (half of the entire state budget) (Financial Times, 3/19/12, p. 1). President Obama cannot allow an entire garrison, including their commanding officer to be put on trial for the war crimes in this massacre. Holding anyone, besides the hapless Sgt. Bales, accountable for the massacre would incite a general rebellion within the armed forces, or, at a minimum, further demoralize the elite Special Forces who are expected to man these long-term engagements after the regulars withdraw, which in the case of Afghanistan could last until 2024.

This issue has implications far beyond Afghanistan: Obama has developed his entire new counter-insurgency strategy centered on the easy entry and bloody exits of US Special Forces targeting over seventy-five countries. The Special Forces figure prominently in Obama’s military preparations for Syria and Iran, which have been developed at the behest of his Zionist overlords.

In the final analysis, the entire imperial military apparatus of the Obama regime, while formidable on paper, depends on the ‘Special Operations’ formations. As such, they are the centerpiece of the new imperial warfare, developed as a response to the demands for reduced ground forces, budgetary constraints and growing domestic discontent. Their ‘actions’ are designed to leave no witnesses and no embarrassments. They may be the butchers of children, women and unarmed civilians but they are the White House’s butchers.

Despite all their crimes and cover-ups, the Obama regime’s priority is to defend the empire with whatever personnel is available at his disposal. So while Sgt. Bales is in Leavenworth, the Afghan elite cry injustice, the families in Kandahar mourn their dead and the Taliban plan their revenge.

On the domestic front, Obama faces strong popular opposition to the costly unending wars, which have destroyed the US economy, and growing anger and demoralization in the armed forces. As a result of the massive popular discontent among the American people with politicians of both parties who have recklessly sent troops into anachronistic colonial wars, which serve the interest of foreign powers, the President has issued an executive decree, allowing him to assume dictatorial powers in order to militarize the entire economy, its resources and its work force. On March 16, 2012 Barak Obama issued an Executive Order-National Defense Resource Preparedness in order to sustain the global empire.

Clearly prolonged colonial wars cannot be sustained through the consent of the citizens and such wars cannot be prosecuted according to military manuals and the Geneva Conventions. At this point, only Presidential ‘rule by decree’ can secure compliance of the citizens at home and only massacres and cover-ups can sustain the colonial occupations abroad. But these are desperate and temporary: When the extreme measures have run their course there will be nothing to fall back on and nothing can save the president of a collapsing empire from the revolt of its citizens and soldiers.

American-British war crimes against humanity spsyed analysis. This video shows how American and British soldiers and politicians give Iraqi children lessons in democracy; freedom; liberty; human rights; justice; peace; nation building; Christian values; animal and human welfare, love; and how to win hearts and minds. This 2004 video clip was made in Al-Amara in Iraq by British war veteran Martin Webster who also provided voiceover. Webster left army after making the video that exposed the US-led invasions and occupations, but he still continues to lie in order to justify the war crimes. This video clips shows there is no damage to the British soldiers fortress base. Webster demands the soldiers should be compensated for killing civilians in Iraq. The video also show the impact of over 320-tons of uranium bombs used in Iraq since 1991. Since 1945, more than 92-percent of war victims remain civilians, a third of them children, all paid for by American and British tax-payers and voters. US-led killers are banned from filming their war crimes that would incriminate the killers and their governments. All victims of post-traumatic stress disorder and all survivors should be adequately compensated to repair the lives of who were tortured and bombed in Iraq for almost 20 years since 1991, in Afghanistan since 2001 and in Pakistan since 2003

Wikileaks expose secret American war crimes -- spsyed analyses leaked Afghan War Diary logs, and cablegate. Before it is too late, defend your right to know. WikiLeaks released over 92,000 secret US military reports 'Afghan War Diary' covering its war imposed on Afghanistan. The leaked reports are written by US soldiers and intelligence officers. They describe a number of bloody operations carried out by US Task Force 373, a secret American assassination gang in the region. Wikileaks reveal civilian killings, 'friendly fire' deaths and shadowy American special murder gangs. The leaks also describe the majority of lethal US military actions from 2004 to 2009, giving the precise geographical location of each event, and major weapon systems used against unarmed Afghan civilians. Whistleblowers may email secret documents and videos to tyneham at boxbe dot com ;

The leaked irrefutable evidence documents the conduct of the war imposed civilians in Afghanistan and Pakistan. US military continue to kill unarmed civilians in fake encounters, classifying the crimes against humanity as 'insurgent killed,' thus evading, subverting and perverting justice. The leaks continue to expose war crimes, lies, deceptions and propaganda that enable American war criminals to downplay and dismiss any criticism. The leaked reports confirm the vast range of collateral murders that are almost never reported by the American and European media groups but which account for the overwhelming majority of deaths and injuries of unarmed Afghan civilians. The leaked reports also contain related information from US Marines intelligence, US Embassies, and reports about corruption and development activity across Afghanistan. Wikileaks has delayed the release of additional 15,000 reports that would damage US image. Another 160,000 damaging secret documents may be banned by the US government or censored by Wikileaks. Whistleblowers may email secret documents and video to tyneham at boxbe dot com ;

In April 2010, WikiLeaks released a video showing the killing of civilians by the US military in Baghdad in July 2007. The video shows a street in Baghdad and a group of about eight unarmed civilians, whom the helicopter pilots falsely identify as 'armed insurgents'. The unarmed civilians included Arab news reporters holding video and photographic cameras, working for Reuters. However, American war criminal on the helicopter claim that one of the individuals has "got an RPG (rocket-propelled grenade), I'm going to fire". Another remote American voice orders the pilot to "light 'em all up," the individuals on the street are shot by the helicopter gunship's cannon. A few minutes later a van drives to the scene, and its occupants appear to start picking up a wounded person. It, too, is fired upon, injuring two children, and killing 12 unarmed civilians in the collateral murder. The remote voice is heard praising the collateral murder as: 'Nice... good shoot'. Whistleblowers may email secret documents and videos to tyneham at boxbe dot com ;

As part of the growing resistence or 'insurgency,' 16,000 improvised explosive devices (IED) are recorded in the Afghanistan war logs, rising over five years from 308 in 2004 to 7,155 in 2009. By disclosing such secret documents, WikiLeaks led by Julian Assange, is campaigning for freedom of information, seeking transparency as it continues to expose unethical behaviour by governments and corporations. As part of their campaign to minimise damage, American politicians and intelligence agents are set to impose selective and blanket ban on Internet websites, harass and persecute those who expose the war and financial crimes. Whistleblowers may email secret documents to tyneham at boxbe dot com ;

German Foreign Minister Guido Westerwelle said it was too early to assess the impact of the revelations. British foreign secretary William Hague dismissed the potential impact of the exposed secret US military documents, claiming that "they should not be damaging the international efforts". American politicians and army said they will carry on business as usual

Wikileaks expose American war crimes 2004-2009 - spsyed analyses Afghan War Diary logs - YouTube

Video of war crimes committed by the Bush Regime in Iraq. Not for the feint of heart.

War Crimes Caught on Video - YouTube

The US used the worldwiode illegal Depleted Uranium amunition. Not only tousands of new born baby have gen defects making their life to hell, also US and allied soldiers are contaminated with the radioactive dust endangering their future life and their new born babies.

The hundreds of places in Iraq will be radioactivly contaminated for 4,5 million years!


DU-coated Amunition is getting better tru materials and makes more damage...


US-War Crimes on children using Depleted Uranium ( Iraq ) - YouTube
Why do wish to start with Obama? What about the blatant historical "Blair and Bush" pillar of lies made up to invade Iraq?

Court finds Bush and Blair guilty of war crimes

Those who lobbied to have George W. Bush and Tony Blair tried for their role in the Iraq War have finally got their wish. Though the verdict of the court carries no legal weight, its supporters believe its symbolic value is beyond doubt.

The court in Malaysia where the trial took place may not have the power to convict, but the verdict against the former British and American leaders was unanimous.

“War criminals have to be dealt with – convict Bush and Blair as charged. A guilty verdict will serve as a notice to the world that war criminals may run but can never ultimately hide from truth and justice,” the statement from the Perdana Global Peace Foundation read.

The foundation was set up by former Malaysian Prime Minister Mahathir Mohamed, who was always a staunch opponent of the war against the regime of Saddam Hussain in 2003. He previously branded Blair and Bush “child-killers”.

The tribunal, which consisted of a former federal judge and several academics, paid particular attention to the failure of the Western military to find a single weapon of mass destruction in Iraq. WMDs were cited by the Western coalition as a major reason for their military intervention. It also declared the war to be in contravention of the will of the United Nations.

“The evidence showed that the drums of war were being beaten long before the invasion. The accused in their own memoirs have admitted their intention to invade Iraq regardless of international law,” said the tribunal.

The tribunal has no powers of enforcement, and as yet there has been no response from Bush or Blair. But the Perdana Peace Foundation says it hopes to maintain pressure from the international community on the two leaders, both of whom have now retired from domestic politics.

Meanwhile, Donald Rumsfeld, the US Secretary of Defence during the Iraq War, is next on the list to have his case heard by the mock court.

Court finds Bush and Blair guilty of war crimes — RT

Now why dont we put them on trial - Americans have a lot to answer for. How many orphans? How many innocent lives because of their lies?
Afghan Massacre: The Convoy of Death is a 2002 documentary by Irish filmmaker Jamie Doran and Afghan journalist Najibullah Quraishi about alleged war crimes committed by Afghan Northern Alliance troops under General Abdul Rashid Dostum against Taliban fighters.

The Taliban fighters, who had surrendered to Dostum's troops after the November 2001 siege of Kunduz, were transported to Sheberghan prison in sealed containers.

Human rights groups estimate that hundreds or thousands of them died during and after transit.

This film presents testimony from interviewees stating that American military personnel were present at and complicit in some of the mass killings, known as the Dasht-i-Leili massacre.

A short early version of the documentary was shown to the European and German Parliaments in June 2002, causing widespread concern in Europe.

Against protests from the United States government, the completed documentary was shown later that year on many countries' national television channels, including German, British, Italian and Australian television.

The program was not screened in the U.S. and received no U.S. media coverage.

A Newsweek report in August 2002, based on a leaked UN memo, did confirm some of the details in Doran's documentary, as well as the presence of mass graves in the Dasht-i-Leili desert, but made no mention of the documentary.

In July 2009, Barack Obama, ordered a probe into allegations that the Bush administration had resisted efforts to have the massacre investigated...

Afghan Massacre: The Convoy Of Death (part 1/4) - YouTube
'Kony? What about America's war criminals?' [Marcel Cartier ยฉ RTAmerica]

On March 5, the Kony 2012 video was posted on YouTube. Four days after its implantation by the group Invisible Children, the documentary has gone viral and has received millions of hits in hardly any time. The film that has blown up all over the net and social media sites has many folks talking. The collective that produced the film aims to make Joseph Kony infamous for his long-occurring crimes in an effort to bring him to justice. So after all these years, why should we care about Kony? Hip-hop artist Marcel Cartier joins us for more on Kony.

'Kony? What about America's war criminals?' [Marcel Cartier ยฉ RTAmerica] - YouTube
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