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Obama administration pressurises Pakistan to give MFN status to India.

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Jul 17, 2013
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Obama administration pressurises Pakistan to give MFN status to India.
Last Updated On 12 December,2013

ISLAMABAD (Dunya News) - The Obama Administration has pressurized Pakistani government to grant Most Favoured Nation (MFN) status to India as soon as possible.

Special US Representatives for Afghanistan and Pakistan James Dobbins told lawmakers that US has raised this issue with the government of Pakistan on several occasions and, indeed, with the government of India.

He added that it also came up while Prime Minister Nawaz Sharif was in Washington during a visit a month ago.

“The Pakistanis have indicated their intention is to provide, is to grant MFN to India. The question is one of timing. We, of course, have urged it to be done as quickly as possible,” he said in response to a question at a hearing on Afghanistan by the House Foreign Affairs Committee.

“They did not say so, but I think they may be waiting until a new Indian government takes office, they probably want to do this in the part of a context of other improvements in the relationship,” he further said.

Dunya News: Pakistan:-Obama administration pressurises Pakistan to give ...
Pakistan has the right to choose when and if to provide MFN. Its a bilateral issue. So why Obama sticking his nose in it?

Kashmir is not a bilateral issue. If America wants to be helpful, it should intervene there. For a fact before Indians start jumping here, it was India which took this issue to UN for mediation and as the UN resolutions are still pending, Kashmir remains an international issue. You may wish otherwise,but it is a reality.
Dar, Dastgir differ over MFN status for India

Two important members of the federal cabinet, Finance Minister Senator Ishaq Dar and State Minister for Commerce and Textile Khurram Dastagir Khan , are not on the same page regarding grant of most favoured nation (MFN) status to India . Finance Minister Senator Ishaq Dar , in an interview to private news channel a few months back, said there was no immediate plan to give the MFN-status to India as he claimed there was a need to normalise relations between the two countries. However, his junior cabinet member, State Minister for Commerce and Textile Khurram Dastagir Khan , on Monday said the government was working to grant the MFN status to India and 82 percent of the preliminary work had been done. The difference of opinions between the two ministers indicates the government has no clear-cut strategy to grant the MFN status to India . However, Pakistan had assured the International Monetary Fund (IMF) of granting the MFN status to India . “We are moving forward to eliminate the negative list on trade with India and extend India the most favoured nation status,” Pakistan said in a letter to the IMF. The previous PPP government announced in October 2011 that it would grant the MFN status to India from January 1, 2013 , by converting the negative list into positive one by the end of 2012, a step that would have automatically granted MFN status to India . However, Pakistan failed to grant the MFN status to India before December 31, 2012 . India granted the MFN status to Pakistan in 1996, but non-tariff barriers remained intact on exports from Pakistan and both the sides did not make much progress towards trade liberalisation. India , at present, can export all items to Pakistan other than the 1,209 items put on the negative list. Later, When Pakistan Muslim League Nawaz (PML-N) came into power after the general elections of May 2013 , it was supposed that it would grant the MFN status to India . However, Pakistan decided not to grant this status to India after tension emerged on its eastern border. On the other hand, local manufacturers have expressed serious concerns over the grant of MFN status to India as they believe this move would force them to close down their businesses altogether and say trade with that country is not in their favour. Pakistan has faced over $6 billion deficit because of trade with India in six years, which suggests that trade with the neighbouring country is in its favour. According to the figures, Pakistan’s exports to India recorded at $1.735 billion in last six years (from 2006-07 to 2011-12) against the imports of $8.363 billion , thus leaving the trade deficit at $6.628 billion in the period under review. The figures suggest that Pakistan’s exports never exceeded $350 million in a year while imports from India crossed $ 1 billion benchmark every year in the last six years.

Dar, Dastgir differ over MFN status for India - HispanicBusiness.com
Obama just can't help it he has been sticking his nose in the matters of each and every country on the planet possibly.
“The Pakistanis have indicated their intention is to provide, is to grant MFN to India. The question is one of timing. We, of course, have urged it to be done as quickly as possible,” he said in response to a question at a hearing on Afghanistan by the House Foreign Affairs Committee.

If so, then where is the problem?
Kashmir what else?
If so, then where is the problem?
Its a perfect attitude of, khane ko roti nahi, tijori khali padi hai aur chale lamaddar banane.

In simple words, Kashmir will always be an issue between India and Pakistan. Today Pakistan is in no situation to bargain. On the other hand if Pakistan remains so adamant and stubborn, then it only Pakistan thats suffering. Dont fuget you guys are almost on the verge of crossing static inflation threshold and on the verge of economic collape. This economic situation has elongate too long to remain dynamic. Anymore tym wasted will mean irreversible damage.

Dont understand, LoC has been formed. There is a Shimla Agreement. LoC is more than a Border now. Why not accept our respective status quo and move on. We dont want complete Kashmir as shown in old indian maps and so shud u guyz.

If you really want to be in a situation to not feel apprehensive of India every second then only and only option is econimic independence. No Prophet or dickheads like Zaid Hameed will come to develop you. Its you common man and your hard work will help Pakistan sustain as a country. Better focus on economy, education only coz there is no alternative for u guyz. Fortunately India isnt in that dire situation yet. Touchwood.

But again what has led Obama to take this stance? Why does Obama want Pakistan to grant this status to India? What is American Interest in this? Even India is not desperate for any MFN from Pakistan. So this situation is alien to my logic.
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But again what has led Obama to take this stance? Why does Obama want Pakistan to grant this status to India? What is American Interest in this? Even India is not desperate for any MFN from Pakistan. So this situation is alien to my logic.

Indo-US Chamber of Commerce is filled with Indian businessmen who have a lot of sway in Indian trade markets (and a strong lobby in the US as well). I suppose they want the MFN status from Pakistan to expand the area of trade to a country with 200 million people who are culturally very similar to Indians - a very attractive region for investment.
Indo-US Chamber of Commerce is filled with Indian businessmen who have a lot of sway in Indian trade markets (and a strong lobby in the US as well). I suppose they want the MFN status from Pakistan to expand the area of trade to a country with 200 million people who are culturally very similar to Indians - a very attractive region for investment.
Thats ok but i dont understand why wud Obama be interested even an iota if there is no American interest in this. On the contrary, Pakistan is more important to USA currently and any event which is not acceptible to Pakistan will only backfire for Americans.

I cud have understood when Americans have already withdrawn from Pakistani routes.
Thats ok but i dont understand why wud Obama be interested even an iota if there is no American interest in this. On the contrary, Pakistan is more important to USA currently and any event which is not acceptible to Pakistan will only backfire for Americans.

I cud have understood when Americans have already withdrawn from Pakistani routes.

To counter Chinese movies, USA do not want chinese to expand influence in Pakistan. In the coming days USA will supply military equipment and other aid to pakistan just like old times.
Chinese also know USA won't let chinese expand influence in Pakistan reason why Chinese never invested heavily in Pakistan.

Secondly loosing friendship with china do not mean Pakistan will crumble,(there are other players who will fill that gap) from the beginning onwards it is USA which helped Pakistan China never really helped Pakistan in war times of economic crisis situation. China only supplied some military tech simple as that.
Thats ok but i dont understand why wud Obama be interested even an iota if there is no American interest in this. On the contrary, Pakistan is more important to USA currently and any event which is not acceptible to Pakistan will only backfire for Americans.

I cud have understood when Americans have already withdrawn from Pakistani routes.

It's the Indian lobbying at work. Stronger the lobbying, higher the statesman to make statements.
Why should Pakistan grant MFN to India?

India has supported terrorism in East Pakistan and now in Baluchistan & FATA. Its actively doing it to undermine Pakistan. Why it wants MFN status from a country it doesn't want to see existing?

India has granted MFN status on paper only. The import restrictions are far too many for Pakistani products. Our industry needs protection. Just like any other country, Pakistan too has the right to protect its industry.

I m surprised to read @cb4 post that IMF has put this MFN condition. Why are outsiders lobbying or pressuring us into it? There must be some geopolitical dimension to it too.
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