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NWA operation can delay elections


Dec 8, 2011
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Emergency imposition feared
Javed Mahmood

Islamabad—The upcoming military operation in the North Waziristan Agency (NWA) may lead to the imposition of emergency and postponement of elections for one year in the country, sources told Pakistan Observer.

Sources said that the government would have to declare emergency for one year under the Clause-6 of the article 232 of the constitution in case military operation is launched in the NWA that would, no doubt, lead to unprecedented bloodshed and political chaos in the country. After the tragic incident of murderous attempt on the life of Malala Yusufzai in Swat last week, Pakistan government and Army are under immense pressure from the United States and other world powers to launch operation in the NWA, said sources.

The US President Barrack Obama, the Secretary General of the United Nations Ban Ki Mon and foreign media have created a hype for operation against Taliban in NWA after attack on Malala Yusufzai.

Pakistan’s Army and the government have already announced their statements of carrying out an operation against militants in the North Waziristan Agency. Sources said that the NWA operation may become 9/11 for Pakistan that would further destabilize the economy of the country that had already sustained over $80 billion losses because of war on terror while more than 40,000 countrymen, including over 5,000 army personnel have also lost their lives in this proxy war.

Political analysts are arguing that the NATO countries are going to disengage their forces gradually from Afghanistan from 2014, but the world powers are throwing Pakistan deeper into the war on terror because of their ulterior motives. Instead of straightening guns towards Taliban in the NWA, Pakistan government should hold dialogues with them to persuade them to give up militancy just like the United States officials who are also holding talks with Al-Qaeda and Taliban in Afghanistan for the past few months to find a way out of this bloody war, said sources.

If the United States can hold dialogues with the militants, Pakistan government can also follow this path to save the country from bloodshed and anarchy, they said.

Sources further claimed that after the imposition of emergency, President Asif Ali Zardari can get a good chance to get himself re-elected as President for the second term from the same assemblies that would prove another shield for him against the opening of pending cases against him in the Switzerland.

Sources also strongly criticized the statement of MQM chief Altaf Hussain in which he supported the army operation in NWA and said that his party was ready to offer MQM men for crusade against militants during operation.

They said that the political leaders must understand the fact that the NWA operation would further undermine the stability, harmony and it would lead to an unforeseen anarchy and bloodshed in the country.

Pakistani’s constitution has provision for imposing emergency

The Article 232 Clause 6 of the Constitutions explains _ Proclamation of emergency on account of war, internal disturbance, etc. (1) If the President is satisfied that a grave emergency exists in which the security of Pakistan, or any part thereof, is threatened by war or external aggression, or by internal disturbance beyond the power of a Provincial Government to control, he may issue a Proclamation of Emergency Provided that for imposition of emergency due to internal disturbances beyond the powers of a Provincial Government to control, a Resolution from the Provincial Assembly of that Province shall be required:

Provided further that if the President acts on his own, the Proclamation of Emergency shall be placed before both Houses of Majlis-e-Shoora (Parliament) for approval by each House within ten days. (2) Notwithstanding anything in the Constitution, while a Proclamation of Emergency is in force, (a) Majlis-e-Shoora (Parliament) shall have power to make laws for a Province, or any part thereof, with respect to any matter not enumerated in the Federal Legislative List or the Concurrent Legislative List; (b) the executive authority of the Federation shall extend to the giving of directions to a Province; as to the manner in which the executive authority of the Province is to be exercised, and (c) the Federal Government may by Order assume to itself, or direct the Governor of a Province to assume on behalf of the Federal Government, all or any of the functions of the Government of the Province, and all or any of the powers vested in, or exercisable by, any body or authority in the Province other than the Provincial Assembly, and make such incidental and consequential provisions as appear to the Federal Government to be necessary or desirable for giving effect to the objects of the Proclamation, including provisions for suspending, in whole or in part, the operation of any provisions of the Constitution relating to any body or authority in the province: Provided that nothing in paragraph (c) shall authorize the Federal Government to assume to itself, or direct the Governor of the Province to assume on its behalf, any of the powers vested in or exercisable by a High Court, or to suspend either in whole or in part the operation of any provisions of the Constitution relating to High Courts.

NWA operation can delay elections
Not gonna happen. Elections wil be held on time. NWA op can still go on a limited targeted scale. There was no emergency declared during Malakand and SWA op and things were a lot worse then. suicide bombing everyday. I don't see why we'd need emergency declared now. People and many political parties are counting days to next election. An announcement of delayed election is gonna throw the country into more disarray.
Not gonna happen. Elections wil be held on time. NWA op can still go on a limited targeted scale. There was no emergency declared during Malakand and SWA op and things were a lot worse then. suicide bombing everyday. I don't see why we'd need emergency declared now. People and many political parties are counting days to next election. An announcement of delayed election is gonna throw the country into more disarray.

How can people in north wazeeristan vote when military action is going on there..?
Not gonna happen. Elections wil be held on time. NWA op can still go on a limited targeted scale. There was no emergency declared during Malakand and SWA op and things were a lot worse then. suicide bombing everyday. I don't see why we'd need emergency declared now. People and many political parties are counting days to next election. An announcement of delayed election is gonna throw the country into more disarray.

Right but seems like this is something already circulating in political circles like

PESHAWAR, Sept 26: Khyber Pakhtunkhwa Information Minister Mian Iftikhar Hussain has said that the government could take decision concerning delay in general election in the country in case operation is started in North Waziristan Agency. However, he said that the decision whether to launch operation in North Waziristan or not was yet to be taken.

Then he further said that

Mr Hussain, however, dispelled the impression that the situation was deliberately created to delay the elections, saying that the government wanted to complete its five-year term and hold elections as per constitution. He said that independent and autonomous election commission was vital to holding free and fair elections in the country.

The timings and current situation make things suspicious, doesn't it ?

KP information minister says: Operation in N. Waziristan can delay elections | DAWN.COM
Military operation within our borders is not wise, be it anywhere. No need for NWA operation. If there is going to be an operation there, it should be initiated in Karachi as well. The argument is strong for such an action.

The terror in Karachi is reaching the limits. Everyday 12 to 13 people die in target killing. Thousands have died in the last 4 years alone. If the political govt. has failed, military has to step in. The terrorist party of Karachi has had enough opportunities to be in govt but it is not sincere. But the situation in Karachi has political and administrative solution, so why jump the gun?

For NWA, the 'terrorists' there are those whom US is holding negotiations with across the border. So should we fight them? And why? Just because US wants us to fight? Does anyone understand the blow back we will get from such an operation?

How is it wise to launch military operation anywhere, be it in Karachi or NWA? We are not US fighting a war away from shores. We are Pakistan and if we launch operation anywhere its like we are fighting ourselves and that has a very profound impact on the security of our country.
I doubt there will be any such operation. The Pakmil leadership doesn't want to take the blame for any operation that could result in large numbers of casualties or soldiers captured. Elected politicians - quite properly - decline to take responsibility over military ventures they have no authority over. So paralysis reigns while the Talibs seek to rule.
Maybe it will be easier for military leadership to launch such an operation after elections. But, even if they launch an operation in NWA, what about others areas where there are Afghans talibans, such as Karachi, Quetta, ... ?
Maybe it will be easier for military leadership to launch such an operation after elections. But, even if they launch an operation in NWA, what about others areas where there are Afghans talibans, such as Karachi, Quetta, ... ?

Military operation would only be launched when the army thinks it ready by taking into account all the factors, which are involved, from resources to the mode/will of the nation.

As for cities, the fight can be taken on by the police, IB, ISI & other law enforcement agencies, in coordination with each other.

Operation in cities and tribal area are two different scenarios involving different kind of tactics.
I doubt there will be any such operation. The Pakmil leadership doesn't want to take the blame for any operation that could result in large numbers of casualties or soldiers captured. Elected politicians - quite properly - decline to take responsibility over military ventures they have no authority over. So paralysis reigns while the Talibs seek to rule.

1. There will be no big time operation till the border is secured on the other side.

2. even if an operation is launched, it will be a selected operation against TTP guys.
There will be no big time operation till the border is secured on the other side.
It's too late for that; Pakistan has squandered its opportunity to undertake large-scale cooperation with coalition forces in Afghanistan. Though maybe that's the plan: wait 'til the Westerners leave, then use the TTP as a pretext to invade and annex Afghanistan - or return it to the control of ISI puppets.
It's too late for that; Pakistan has squandered its opportunity to undertake large-scale cooperation with coalition forces in Afghanistan. Though maybe that's the plan: wait 'til the Westerners leave, then use the TTP as a pretext to invade and annex Afghanistan - or return it to the control of ISI puppets.

Pakistan does not need any operation against Taliban. If there is an operation needed it is against TTP terrorists given asylum in Afghanistan by US occupation.

US/CIA is using TTP to blackmail Pakistan, to force it into doing something stupid like operation in NWA. Its a tactic that is not working even after TTP attacked a little girl. the nation is united against these terrorists. But the fight must not be carried out at US behest.

TTP is a tailor-made outfit used to arm twist and terrorize us. Its not denial, its a reality check.
It's too late for that; Pakistan has squandered its opportunity to undertake large-scale cooperation with coalition forces in Afghanistan. Though maybe that's the plan: wait 'til the Westerners leave, then use the TTP as a pretext to invade and annex Afghanistan - or return it to the control of ISI puppets.

Afghanistan is hosting TTP leadership... I always read that as America hosting TTP leadership in Afghanistan...

and once the coalition forces leave, doesnot mean that the objective will change, which is to keep Afghanistan destabilized to have a say in the region.

as far as Pakistan playing its great game, I think we are too small to achieve our goals, if what you say is our goal... rather I think Afghanistan will be used against Pakistan to keep its army engaged, after all a lesson must be taught ? what do you say America plans to do?
It's too late for that; Pakistan has squandered its opportunity to undertake large-scale cooperation with coalition forces in Afghanistan. Though maybe that's the plan: wait 'til the Westerners leave, then use the TTP as a pretext to invade and annex Afghanistan - or return it to the control of ISI puppets.

Pakistan did not squandered any opportunity, rather it was the US/NATO which squandered any opportunity by showing its true face by emptying the border posts and bases while PA was doing operations on this side of the border in SWA, Mohmand & Bajaur. With TTP enjoying official protection of ANA/NATO/US in Kunar and Nooristan, Pakistan has no option but to sit this time and see. Hadn't US/NATO shown their true nature, PA might had launched an operation way back, but after seeing the double faced policies of US/NATO, its clear that PA/Pakistan has to show its double faced policies too.

Pakistan will never invade Afghanistan, as we have no wish for that. Afghanistan's future is in the hands of Afghans themselves, lets see how they make good use of it or mess it up once again.

And western forces, especially US ones are not leaving anytime soon, they came for occupation, they will remain there to occupy for some very obvious reasons, as the invasion of Afghanistan was not for revenge, revenge was just a pretext for other designs.
I doubt there will be any such operation. The Pakmil leadership doesn't want to take the blame for any operation that could result in large numbers of casualties or soldiers captured. Elected politicians - quite properly - decline to take responsibility over military ventures they have no authority over. So paralysis reigns while the Talibs seek to rule.

Thats the right approach and the army should stick to this approach since its the responsibility of the parliament to decide the launching of operation and since the parliament/politicians of all colours are in no mood to take this responsibility hence army should not bother to go for it as long as its not approved by the parliament.
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