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Non-locals’ can now vote in Jammu and Kashmir. 25 lakh new voters added

too bad there's no Imran Khan with his anti-modi, anti-RSS keera to talk about this, now is there? Oh wait, maybe that's by design?
On a serious note, i don't recall what was India's official reaction to the new govt in Pakistan and the new govt's statement on bilateral relations. Was there any? What was it?

Ramifications are immense.

looks like Kashmiri bros are up shit's creek. not that we were much help before but right now, our own house is on fire.

salivating on the thought of your chances with fair Kashmiri women improving via demographic change? A'ight, go ahead. It's not your lot had much options other than ethnic cleansing.
too bad there's no Imran Khan with his anti-modi, anti-RSS keera to talk about this, now is there? Oh wait, maybe that's by design?
On a serious note, i don't recall what was India's official reaction to the new govt in Pakistan and the new govt's statement on bilateral relations. Was there any? What was it?

looks like Kashmiri bros are up shit's creek. not that we were much help before but right now, our own house is on fire.
Imran Khan is there but he doesn't have much benefit in bringing this up. He's been using Modi's India model for votes these days.
too bad there's no Imran Khan with his anti-modi, anti-RSS keera to talk about this, now is there? Oh wait, maybe that's by design?
On a serious note, i don't recall what was India's official reaction to the new govt in Pakistan and the new govt's statement on bilateral relations. Was there any? What was it?

looks like Kashmiri bros are up shit's creek. not that we were much help before but right now, our own house is on fire.

salivating on the thought of your chances with fair Kashmiri women improving via demographic change? A'ight, go ahead. It's not your lot had much options other than ethnic cleansing.

They’ll just kidnap and kill these sanghis. They kidnapped that bank manager last time.
pathetic shameless Endians, suddenly growing balls when the Muslims are not ruling them.
Yo Indians, u do realise how absurd this looks...!!! 😁😆
Indian Army would now also use votes to occupy Kashmir ....yeah someone really deserves a raise for thinking about it... How much of a democratically elected a candidate would appear, voted in by the occupation army...??
Yo Indians, u do realise how absurd this looks...!!! 😁😆
Indian Army would now also use votes to occupy Kashmir ....yeah someone really deserves a raise for thinking about it... How much of a democratically elected a candidate would appear, voted in by the occupation army...??
Any citizen of India can vote where they live or work, irrespective of where their domicile is. This is a common practice in all democratic countries including USA, UK, Canada, Australia etc.
Yo Indians, u do realise how absurd this looks...!!! 😁😆
Indian Army would now also use votes to occupy Kashmir ....yeah someone really deserves a raise for thinking about it... How much of a democratically elected a candidate would appear, voted in by the occupation army...??
I’m sorry you don’t understand how elections work. Kashmir today from an administration perspective is like any other state in India.

Only thing absurd are a bunch of Pakistanis losing their heads with the realisation that abrogation of 370 isn’t just in name.

So naturally it follows that going forward they will start functioning under similar rules and regulations that govern states comprising the remainder of the Indian union.

If you’re interested look up electoral systems in leading democracies on Wikipedia.
Any citizen of India can vote where they live or work, irrespective of where their domicile is. This is a common practice in all democratic countries including USA, UK, Canada, Australia etc.
May be if they weren't imported from the mainland and living under armed guard behind walls, they would appear as regular citizens. 😁
I’m sorry you don’t understand how elections work. Kashmir today from an administration perspective is like any other state in India.

Only thing absurd are a bunch of Pakistanis losing their heads with the realisation that abrogation of 370 isn’t just in name.

So naturally it follows that going forward they will start functioning under similar rules and regulations that govern states comprising the remainder of the Indian union.

If you’re interested look up electoral systems in leading democracies on Wikipedia.
Haha... You cooked up the 370 move to look macho, after the Feb 27 beating, and the 🌎 going like meh..
It was meant for the camera, but what u didn't factor in was the China factor. You went bananas when Chinese were angered and tried to sweet talk to them that it wasn't meant for them but failed. Now u have a reinforced two front situation in Kashmir, where your fighting forces are divided. Guess u have put those Azad Kashmir invasion plans on indefinite hold. Tell me who is the loser now?? 😁😇
May be if they weren't imported from the mainland and living under armed guard behind walls, they would appear as regular citizens. 😁

Nobody is imported into the J&K Valley. The reality is that there is a shortage of unskilled labor in the Valley and the compensation is far better than what people from Bihar, Jharkhand, Orissa, West Bengal can earn in their own villages or cities. Therefore, they find the risk to reward ratio favorable and migrate there for economic reasons.

They are offered no protection from either the police or the army and usually fend for themselves.

This itself is not a new phenomenon, this has been happening since the 80s, even when militancy was at its peak.

If you go to any hotel/shikhara/market in the Valley, the owners are local Kashmiris, but the people doing the menial labor, such as cleaning the boats, or the hotel rooms etc, as usually from Bihar/Jharkhand. Many of the beggars in Srinagar are non-locals as well.

For as long as militancy was alive in Kashmir, these non-locals were never targeted, and generally lived in peace. However, that has changed recently. They are now targeted - thanks to the stupidity of the BJP government; that itself is not a surprise. Anything they have touched has been a disaster for everyone.

The title/article itself is misleading. The only non-locals who are allowed to vote in J&K are those that are residents of the state. Residency itself has complex rules, and typically involves a person residing in the state for over 10 years continuously and deleting his name from electoral rolls in his own city/state.

Most of the 25 lakh new voters are Kashmiris who either registered themselves for the first time, or became above the age of 18.

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