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No money to Pak till they get rid of nukes: Trump

1 ummah

Feb 16, 2011
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WASHINGTON: The US should not give any money to Pakistan untill they get rid of their nuclear weapons, said Donald Trump, believed to be a top Republican contender for the next presidential elections.

"Pakistan is a real problem because they have nuclear weapons. And I would say something that I haven't heard, I would say we don't give them any money unless they get rid of their nuclear weapons," Trump told the Fox news in an interview.

Trump said he does not consider Pakistan a friend of the US.

"It's very much like China. These are not friends of ours. These are people that are totally in for themselves and probably some pretty bad people and some enemies. They are not friends of ours and we're going to probably have to deal with them a lot differently than we thought. These are not our friends," he argued.Observing that there are plenty of other terrorists in Pakistan, Trump said the US shouldn't be giving them USD 3.2 billion a year.

"I've also heard that in many cases where we had somebody that we wanted to get, when we informed them and when we went in to get that terrorist, they weren't there. So somebody gave them some clues. So this is not a good situation in Pakistan. They have nuclear weapons. We're giving them USD 3.2 billion a year and they do not love us," he said.

You know people keep claiming that we giving $$$$$ to Pakistan as aid, dude you are F@#$%^&g Pakistan A$$ with drone attacks every day, So many Pakistan Military people died, so much you are using Pakistan to support in Afghanistan. So much innocent people died, the whole region become a war zone. no one like to talk about that just $$$ , $$$, $$$.

I will put Mr.Trump at the border one day than ask them what do you think now...

I just Listen Donald Rumsfeld interview this morning, and he was saying that Pakistan is #1 partner of US, and without Pakistan nothing is possible. There is nothing wrong with that.

But man this guys really need to get a life......
Haha.... Joke of the day!

I seriously hope that a nut case like doesn't become a president of US.
Seriously it would be day of the 21st Century when America stops funding Pakistan and allow us to stand us on our feet. May be that will make our coward leaders little more responsible and finally they start taking stand on minor issues...
Seriously it would be day of the 21st Century when America stops funding Pakistan and allow us to stand us on our feet. May be that will make our coward leaders little more responsible and finally they start taking stand on minor issues...

usa can never gain support from UN or international community to break the balance of nuclear powers who happen to be adjoining enemy states...
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