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No change in policies of George W. Bush
Friday March 06, 2009
With the end of ignoble era of Bush and Obama settling down with his new team, the world is eagerly looking forward to see what change is brought about by the new leadership. Having gone through most painful times after 9/11, the oppressed Muslims are now attaching high hopes in Obama for a change in US policies for the better. It was essentially due to mounting hatred against Bush and his team of neo-cons that Obama gained unprecedented popularity and won elections with a thumping majority. Obama now finds himself caught up in a difficult situation.
Obama genuinely wants to introduce revolutionary changes within and outside America to live up to the expectations of the Americans in particular and the world in general. He realises that unresolved issues of Palestine and Kashmir and occupation of Afghanistan and Iraq have radicalised a large segment among the Muslims from all over the world and fuelled extremism and terrorism. He is conscious of the fact that unless amicable solutions to these problem areas are found, terrorism will not get defeated; nor can badly bruised US credibility be restored..
Notwithstanding his inner urges, he cannot sidestep the perverse influence of so many power centres including Jewish lobby and Indian lobby residing in USA. Of all the pressures, the Jewish pressure is most potent which no American president can afford to confront. In fact, Obama owes his victory to the American Jews who played a lead role in ensuring his victory. The basic parameters of US foreign policy remains unchanged irrespective whether the Republicans or the Democrats are at the helm of affairs.
Stabilisation of US economy and provision of jobs to the unemployed would remain uppermost in order of priorities of the new Administration. Russias assertiveness and Chinas conversion into a formidable economic giant are other challenges that pose a threat to uni-polarism and about which Obama has to remain mindful. These constraints have made Obama prudent and watchful. He has refused to put an end to futile war against terror which has become a bleeding wound for USA. Shifting of some troops from Iraq to Afghanistan and to make the latter as major theatre of war is change in strategy and not a change in policy. Retention of Robert Gates and Richard Boucher are clear indications that there will be no change in Bush policies.
Sensing from the direction in which Obama and his team has begun its journey, it is least likely that any major change would occur with regard to removing the grievances of the Muslims. Obama says that his Administration desires Afghanistan not turning into a safe haven for al-Qaeda. This wish is imposed upon the people of Afghanistan without taking them into confidence. They long to get rid of American presence in their country since it is American troops and its allies that have wrought havoc in Afghanistan and not al-Qaeda. In actuality, the al-Qaeda is helping the Taliban to push out occupation forces from Afghanistan and have rendered huge sacrifices. The Afghans have not forgotten or forgiven the Americans for wrongfully toppling Taliban regime which had not committed any crime against any other country. Omar led Taliban still consider themselves as rightful rulers and Osama led al-Qaeda as their sincere allies. Hamid Karzai led regime in Kabul which comprise minority non-Pashtun elements belonging to Northern Alliance is highly unpopular and continues to stand on the crutches provided by USA. The Afghan militia and police trained and equipped by US army are no match to Taliban.
The US led allied troops are fighting Islamic resistance forces in Afghanistan for the last seven years and have used maximum force to tame the Taliban and other militant Pashtuns in Afghanistan but have failed. The Taliban have grown in strength and apart from enjoying sway in southern and eastern Afghanistan, their fighters are hitting at targets all over the country. Within Nato, rumblings of discontent and dissent are heard and several countries have openly opined that war on terror in Afghanistan based on Bush policy is un-winnable. None among the 40 countries of ISAF is prepared to send additional troops; rather, some are eager to depart. Within USA, many quarters have criticised the mechanics of global war on terror which has plummeted the image and standing of USA, badly mauled the élan and pride of US soldier and severely hit US economy. Many view the senseless war one of the principle reasons behind global recession.
US forces and their allies have been relying solely on military muscle to obliterate terrorism and to make the world peaceful. Extremism and terrorism instead of getting enfeebled and curtailed has spread far and wide and has become more deadly. Terrorism has been converted into an international phenomenon making the world unsafe and insecure. There is no letup in the determination of the Islamists, who are convinced that USA, Europe, Israel and India have ganged up to decimate Islam. They consider America as the chief Satan and UK, Israel and India as its disciples working for the accomplishment of US global agenda. This impression has permeated into the minds of Muslims because of highly oppressive and unjust policies pursued by Bush Administration and their out and out support extended to Israel at the cost of Muslims.
Israel has often been behind the failures of USA and yet American elite consider Israel as US natural ally and go out of the way to meet its unreasonable demands. No American official can dare oppose or even utter a word of admonishment against Israel. After nudging Bush to conquer Afghanistan and Iraq, the Jews are now prodding Obama to decimate Pakistan and Iran. The two targeted countries have been subjected to a prolonged malicious propaganda campaign to mould the perceptions of the world through disinformation and falsehoods and to make them believe in what has been fed to them.
Since the western media is controlled by the Jews and India has a clear edge in this field in South Asia, this objective has been largely achieved. Mumbai carnage was manufactured to use it as a ploy to exert pressure on Pakistan. CIA, Mossad and MI-6 were part of the gory drama. The idea was to whip up war hype with the help of abrasive Indo-western media followed by aggressive statements by Indian leaders and move forward of Indian armed forces. The US and UK leaders maximised pressure on Pak leadership to act speedily on Indian demands without seeking evidence. Mercifully the world saw through the game plan and the war hysteria created by India has been mellowed but not completely deflated.
The entire team of Obama is pro-Israel and pro-India and has no soft corner for Pakistan. On the occasion of formation of cabinet team by Obama on 01 December, the whole lot was in furious mood and Pakistan was held guilty on Mumbai carnage. While India got full sympathy from Obama and Hillary Clinton, there was no mention of Pakistan acting as the frontline state in the war on terror in which it has paid the heaviest price. When Richard Boucher was apprised about the sensitivities and anger of the Pakistanis at the US drone attacks, he stated that the US couldnt care less if it was so. Obama has endorsed drone policy of Bush and Pakistan has been formally informed that drone attacks will continue. Obama had used threatening language of attacking Pakistan during his election campaign and has not taken back his words after assuming power. Notwithstanding his persistent criticism of failed military adventures of Bush, he remains wedded to the crucial elements of war on terror.
Pakistan is still viewed as the most dangerous place on earth and FATA the epicentre of terrorism wherefrom future attacks on US homeland could emanate. Al-Qaeda and Taliban leadership is still suspected to be based in FATA. Reservations about elements within Pak army and the ISI collaborating with the Taliban still persist, while Pakistans nuclear program continues to irk USA. Apprehensions about nuclear bombs getting stolen by the militants are very much in place. Talk about balkanisation of Pakistan aired by state sponsored US think tanks has not been reversed.. India continues to be held in high esteem and Pakistan as a suspect afflicted with all possible diseases.
Indo-US nuclear collaboration has matured and the NSG has begun to supply enriched uranium to India to enable it to utilise its indigenous uranium for further upgrading its weaponised nuclear program. Indo-Israeli defence, nuclear and intelligence cooperation has touched new heights. These developments have tilted the regional balance heavily in favour of India. Under the circumstances, it will be foolhardy to expect any change for the good.
Instead of correcting the equation, the new leadership in Washington is likely to work towards bridging the trust deficit between Pakistan and Afghanistan and between Pakistan and India. A psychological war in this context had been launched to bring about a change in our perceptions that it is militancy and not India which pose the chief threat to Pakistan. However, this exercise got sabotaged midway because of Mumbai attacks and Indian churlish belligerence which reinvigorated antagonism between the arch rivals. Holbrooke has been mandated to achieve requisite harmony between the three countries. The idea is to launch focussed and coordinated joint operations against the militants in Afghanistan and neighbouring tribal belt of Pakistan.
An effort had been made in last September through Saudi mediation to befriend Omar led Taliban and let them share power with Karzai but no tangible results could be achieved. Saudi regime no longer exerts influence over the Taliban. While this option has not been given up, efforts are now in hand to win over local support from within the Pashtun community in Afghanistan and to form tribal armies duly backed by US troops to fight the Taliban and Al-Qaeda.
The main battleground will be in southern and eastern Afghanistan which will be effectively cordoned with the help of extra 30,000 US troops shifted from Iraq. Likewise, Pakistan will be asked to seal off FATA and pitch local lashkars against the militants. In each theatre, emphasis will be on targeting leaders of Taliban and Al-Qaeda down to three tiers. High rewards will be doled out to the informers or those who kill the wanted high-value target. Military operations will be on the pattern of Al-Anbar in Iraq where Sunni tribes backed by US troops were utilised to destroy Al-Qaeda.
So far more blood has been spilled in Iraq where nearly 1.4 million Iraqis have been killed. Casualty rate in Afghanistan is a little over one million. Blood letting will now be accelerated in Afghanistan and north-western tribal areas of Pakistan to even up the score of deaths in both the theatres of war. It is in this context that FATA has been made part of Afghan imbroglio and declared as the war zone.
Notwithstanding US tilt towards India and its sinister designs against Pakistan, it still needs Pakistans assistance in view of continuously deteriorating security conditions in Afghanistan. US-Nato troops are entirely dependent upon Pakistan for supplies and also understand that without its active military and logistic support it will become exceedingly difficult to operate in Afghanistan at its own. Other options via Iran or Central Asia are very expensive and dicey. Kyrgyzstan has decided to close US air base through which supplies were flown to Afghanistan. Although Tajikistan has allowed transportation of non-military supplies through its territory, USA would prefer Pakistan land route. USA would certainly have gained if it had relied on Pakistan instead of wholly depending upon unpopular Karzai regime and duplicitous India.. Pakistan must shun notions of relief from USA under Obama.
Pakistan News Service - PakTribune
Friday March 06, 2009
With the end of ignoble era of Bush and Obama settling down with his new team, the world is eagerly looking forward to see what change is brought about by the new leadership. Having gone through most painful times after 9/11, the oppressed Muslims are now attaching high hopes in Obama for a change in US policies for the better. It was essentially due to mounting hatred against Bush and his team of neo-cons that Obama gained unprecedented popularity and won elections with a thumping majority. Obama now finds himself caught up in a difficult situation.
Obama genuinely wants to introduce revolutionary changes within and outside America to live up to the expectations of the Americans in particular and the world in general. He realises that unresolved issues of Palestine and Kashmir and occupation of Afghanistan and Iraq have radicalised a large segment among the Muslims from all over the world and fuelled extremism and terrorism. He is conscious of the fact that unless amicable solutions to these problem areas are found, terrorism will not get defeated; nor can badly bruised US credibility be restored..
Notwithstanding his inner urges, he cannot sidestep the perverse influence of so many power centres including Jewish lobby and Indian lobby residing in USA. Of all the pressures, the Jewish pressure is most potent which no American president can afford to confront. In fact, Obama owes his victory to the American Jews who played a lead role in ensuring his victory. The basic parameters of US foreign policy remains unchanged irrespective whether the Republicans or the Democrats are at the helm of affairs.
Stabilisation of US economy and provision of jobs to the unemployed would remain uppermost in order of priorities of the new Administration. Russias assertiveness and Chinas conversion into a formidable economic giant are other challenges that pose a threat to uni-polarism and about which Obama has to remain mindful. These constraints have made Obama prudent and watchful. He has refused to put an end to futile war against terror which has become a bleeding wound for USA. Shifting of some troops from Iraq to Afghanistan and to make the latter as major theatre of war is change in strategy and not a change in policy. Retention of Robert Gates and Richard Boucher are clear indications that there will be no change in Bush policies.
Sensing from the direction in which Obama and his team has begun its journey, it is least likely that any major change would occur with regard to removing the grievances of the Muslims. Obama says that his Administration desires Afghanistan not turning into a safe haven for al-Qaeda. This wish is imposed upon the people of Afghanistan without taking them into confidence. They long to get rid of American presence in their country since it is American troops and its allies that have wrought havoc in Afghanistan and not al-Qaeda. In actuality, the al-Qaeda is helping the Taliban to push out occupation forces from Afghanistan and have rendered huge sacrifices. The Afghans have not forgotten or forgiven the Americans for wrongfully toppling Taliban regime which had not committed any crime against any other country. Omar led Taliban still consider themselves as rightful rulers and Osama led al-Qaeda as their sincere allies. Hamid Karzai led regime in Kabul which comprise minority non-Pashtun elements belonging to Northern Alliance is highly unpopular and continues to stand on the crutches provided by USA. The Afghan militia and police trained and equipped by US army are no match to Taliban.
The US led allied troops are fighting Islamic resistance forces in Afghanistan for the last seven years and have used maximum force to tame the Taliban and other militant Pashtuns in Afghanistan but have failed. The Taliban have grown in strength and apart from enjoying sway in southern and eastern Afghanistan, their fighters are hitting at targets all over the country. Within Nato, rumblings of discontent and dissent are heard and several countries have openly opined that war on terror in Afghanistan based on Bush policy is un-winnable. None among the 40 countries of ISAF is prepared to send additional troops; rather, some are eager to depart. Within USA, many quarters have criticised the mechanics of global war on terror which has plummeted the image and standing of USA, badly mauled the élan and pride of US soldier and severely hit US economy. Many view the senseless war one of the principle reasons behind global recession.
US forces and their allies have been relying solely on military muscle to obliterate terrorism and to make the world peaceful. Extremism and terrorism instead of getting enfeebled and curtailed has spread far and wide and has become more deadly. Terrorism has been converted into an international phenomenon making the world unsafe and insecure. There is no letup in the determination of the Islamists, who are convinced that USA, Europe, Israel and India have ganged up to decimate Islam. They consider America as the chief Satan and UK, Israel and India as its disciples working for the accomplishment of US global agenda. This impression has permeated into the minds of Muslims because of highly oppressive and unjust policies pursued by Bush Administration and their out and out support extended to Israel at the cost of Muslims.
Israel has often been behind the failures of USA and yet American elite consider Israel as US natural ally and go out of the way to meet its unreasonable demands. No American official can dare oppose or even utter a word of admonishment against Israel. After nudging Bush to conquer Afghanistan and Iraq, the Jews are now prodding Obama to decimate Pakistan and Iran. The two targeted countries have been subjected to a prolonged malicious propaganda campaign to mould the perceptions of the world through disinformation and falsehoods and to make them believe in what has been fed to them.
Since the western media is controlled by the Jews and India has a clear edge in this field in South Asia, this objective has been largely achieved. Mumbai carnage was manufactured to use it as a ploy to exert pressure on Pakistan. CIA, Mossad and MI-6 were part of the gory drama. The idea was to whip up war hype with the help of abrasive Indo-western media followed by aggressive statements by Indian leaders and move forward of Indian armed forces. The US and UK leaders maximised pressure on Pak leadership to act speedily on Indian demands without seeking evidence. Mercifully the world saw through the game plan and the war hysteria created by India has been mellowed but not completely deflated.
The entire team of Obama is pro-Israel and pro-India and has no soft corner for Pakistan. On the occasion of formation of cabinet team by Obama on 01 December, the whole lot was in furious mood and Pakistan was held guilty on Mumbai carnage. While India got full sympathy from Obama and Hillary Clinton, there was no mention of Pakistan acting as the frontline state in the war on terror in which it has paid the heaviest price. When Richard Boucher was apprised about the sensitivities and anger of the Pakistanis at the US drone attacks, he stated that the US couldnt care less if it was so. Obama has endorsed drone policy of Bush and Pakistan has been formally informed that drone attacks will continue. Obama had used threatening language of attacking Pakistan during his election campaign and has not taken back his words after assuming power. Notwithstanding his persistent criticism of failed military adventures of Bush, he remains wedded to the crucial elements of war on terror.
Pakistan is still viewed as the most dangerous place on earth and FATA the epicentre of terrorism wherefrom future attacks on US homeland could emanate. Al-Qaeda and Taliban leadership is still suspected to be based in FATA. Reservations about elements within Pak army and the ISI collaborating with the Taliban still persist, while Pakistans nuclear program continues to irk USA. Apprehensions about nuclear bombs getting stolen by the militants are very much in place. Talk about balkanisation of Pakistan aired by state sponsored US think tanks has not been reversed.. India continues to be held in high esteem and Pakistan as a suspect afflicted with all possible diseases.
Indo-US nuclear collaboration has matured and the NSG has begun to supply enriched uranium to India to enable it to utilise its indigenous uranium for further upgrading its weaponised nuclear program. Indo-Israeli defence, nuclear and intelligence cooperation has touched new heights. These developments have tilted the regional balance heavily in favour of India. Under the circumstances, it will be foolhardy to expect any change for the good.
Instead of correcting the equation, the new leadership in Washington is likely to work towards bridging the trust deficit between Pakistan and Afghanistan and between Pakistan and India. A psychological war in this context had been launched to bring about a change in our perceptions that it is militancy and not India which pose the chief threat to Pakistan. However, this exercise got sabotaged midway because of Mumbai attacks and Indian churlish belligerence which reinvigorated antagonism between the arch rivals. Holbrooke has been mandated to achieve requisite harmony between the three countries. The idea is to launch focussed and coordinated joint operations against the militants in Afghanistan and neighbouring tribal belt of Pakistan.
An effort had been made in last September through Saudi mediation to befriend Omar led Taliban and let them share power with Karzai but no tangible results could be achieved. Saudi regime no longer exerts influence over the Taliban. While this option has not been given up, efforts are now in hand to win over local support from within the Pashtun community in Afghanistan and to form tribal armies duly backed by US troops to fight the Taliban and Al-Qaeda.
The main battleground will be in southern and eastern Afghanistan which will be effectively cordoned with the help of extra 30,000 US troops shifted from Iraq. Likewise, Pakistan will be asked to seal off FATA and pitch local lashkars against the militants. In each theatre, emphasis will be on targeting leaders of Taliban and Al-Qaeda down to three tiers. High rewards will be doled out to the informers or those who kill the wanted high-value target. Military operations will be on the pattern of Al-Anbar in Iraq where Sunni tribes backed by US troops were utilised to destroy Al-Qaeda.
So far more blood has been spilled in Iraq where nearly 1.4 million Iraqis have been killed. Casualty rate in Afghanistan is a little over one million. Blood letting will now be accelerated in Afghanistan and north-western tribal areas of Pakistan to even up the score of deaths in both the theatres of war. It is in this context that FATA has been made part of Afghan imbroglio and declared as the war zone.
Notwithstanding US tilt towards India and its sinister designs against Pakistan, it still needs Pakistans assistance in view of continuously deteriorating security conditions in Afghanistan. US-Nato troops are entirely dependent upon Pakistan for supplies and also understand that without its active military and logistic support it will become exceedingly difficult to operate in Afghanistan at its own. Other options via Iran or Central Asia are very expensive and dicey. Kyrgyzstan has decided to close US air base through which supplies were flown to Afghanistan. Although Tajikistan has allowed transportation of non-military supplies through its territory, USA would prefer Pakistan land route. USA would certainly have gained if it had relied on Pakistan instead of wholly depending upon unpopular Karzai regime and duplicitous India.. Pakistan must shun notions of relief from USA under Obama.
Pakistan News Service - PakTribune