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New Satellite Images Suggest North Korea Preparing For Submarine-launched Missile


Apr 28, 2011
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Netting or tarps suspended over SINPO-class SSBA observed in May 2016. (38North photo)

Latest satellite images have emerged showcasing activity at one of North Korea’s submarine bases days after it threatened to carry out a missile test towards US-owned Guam.

North Korean watcher Joseph Bermudez of 38North, which monitors military activity in the Stalinist country, has spotted changes on the boat and the facility it is docked in which is scarily similar to preparations before the nation’s last test of their Pukguksong-1 submarine-launched ballistic missile in August 2016.

The images emerged after Trump warned North Korea that the US military was “locked and loaded” as Pyongyang accused the U.S. leader of driving the Korean peninsula to the brink of nuclear war.

Bermudez said: “Recent commercial satellite imagery reveals several developments suggesting that North Korea may be accelerating the development of the sea-based leg of its nuclear forces. Since the July report, netting or tarps have been suspended above both the fore and aft decks of the submarine obscuring any activity taking place beneath them”.

“The only other time this was seen was during May-July 2016 and prior to the failed July 9, 2016 Pukguksong-1 test,” Bermudez said further.

However, The Pentagon has said that the United States and North Korea would proceed as planned with a joint military exercise despite the risk it will further antagonise the situation.

Damn North Korea has a ballistic missile sub....

We need one of those
Damn North Korea has a ballistic missile sub....

We need one of those

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