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New ****** magazine appeals for help against drones

Slav Defence

Oct 30, 2010
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LONDON: A new magazine set up by militants in Afghanistan and Pakistan has appealed to Muslims around the world to come up with technology to hack into or manipulate drones, describing this as one of their most important priorities.

The first issue of the English-language online magazine, called “Azan”, was published on May 5, the SITE intelligence monitoring group said. It compared Azan to “Inspire” magazine, set up by al Qaeda in the Arabian Peninsula (AQAP).

In what appeared to be an acknowledgement of the effectiveness of US drone strikes, the magazine said these were affecting the war in the Waziristan tribal areas of Pakistan – where al Qaeda is based along with the Tehrik-i-Taliban Pakistan (TTP) and Afghan Taliban fighters.

Devoting a section of the 80-page issue to drones, it said these represented a challenge to the Muslim community, or Ummah.

“With the death of so many Muslim assets, this is one of the utmost important issues that the Ummah must unite and come up with an answer to,” said the magazine, which opens with excerpts from speeches from Afghan Taliban leader Mullah Muhammad Omar and late al Qaeda leader Osama bin Laden.

“Any opinions, thoughts, ideas and practical implementations to defeat this drone technology must be communicated to us as early as possible because these would aid the Ummah greatly in its war against the Crusader-Zionist enemy.”

Western officials say drone strikes have been highly effective in disrupting the activities of al Qaeda and its allies in the tribal region bordering Afghanistan. Critics object to the secrecy of the drone programme, question its legality and raise concerns about civilian casualties.


Pakistan – which in late 2011 ordered the CIA to leave the remote Shamsi air base in western Pakistan which it used for drones – condemns drone strikes. It has repeatedly denied cooperating with the United States in identifying targets.

Azan magazine accused the Pakistan Army of continuing to work with the United States – going as far as to suggest it had set up new secret bases in Pakistan to replace Shamsi. Given intense hostility to drones in Pakistan, this would be very difficult to do without detection.

“Azan” covers many areas where al Qaeda is active, from Syria to Mali, and celebrates Afghanistan as the base for the start of global jihad. Its focus, however, is on Pakistan.

One section is devoted to criticising Malala Yousufzai, the schoolgirl who survived being shot by the Pakistani Taliban last year after she spoke out for her right to an education.

Another segment attacks the Pakistan Army for turning its back on traditional enemy India to fight in the tribal areas. Laced with references that have a strong resonance in Pakistan, it appeals to young soldiers to turn away from the military.

The army has been accused of fighting militants who attack Pakistan while tolerating those who focus on Afghanistan. “Azan”, however, says it considers the entire state apparatus – from the army to police to intelligence agencies – as the enemy.

The alleged evils of democracy also get their own section – echoing comments made by the Pakistani Taliban in recent weeks. They have carried out a string of attacks, mainly on liberal, secular-leaning parties – ahead of an election on May 11.

(they censored the word J I H A D I ON TITLE....:what:)
true , drones are making a rift between the Taliban , afghan hazaraas advice americans to drone Pashtun Pakistan and americans are being smart they make a rift by acting like this so when they leave there's a rift there
Allah Ta'ala Pakistan ko apni aman mein rakhain.

Their focus was always Pakistan...but key issue I see here is again drone attack...I think that Pakistan army should use their own base and must carry effective drone attacks if necessary rather than allowing United states of america and nato army..
These Al Qaeda/Taliban murderers are nothing more than Muslim killing machines.............

Takfiries creating fitnah in Islamic Lands...
Their focus was always Pakistan...but key issue I see here is again drone attack...I think that Pakistan army should use their own base and must carry effective drone attacks if necessary rather than allowing United states of america and nato army..

The details are too muddled. Many Army officers have appreciated drone attacks and their efficiency. The shameful truth seems to be that Pakistan Army could not face these TTP terrorists on their own and is providing information to USA on drone targets. I wonder how much more humiliation we will have to suffer after giving PA the biggest cut out of our budget.
true , drones are making a rift between the Taliban , afghan hazaraas advice americans to drone Pashtun Pakistan and americans are being smart they make a rift by acting like this so when they leave there's a rift there

I have always focused on this crucial point that we need to get out of american war at all cost--this is so not our war.We are in fact losing our stability after 9/11 drama.We first of all need to seal our Pakistan-Afghanistan border,track down nexus and their financiers as well...and then need to launch full fledged operation against TTP... WHEREAS AFGHAN- USA should deal their matters on their own.this war on terror has given us nothing except economical loss,death,blood,fire and collateral damage:sick:

The details are too muddled. Many Army officers have appreciated drone attacks and their efficiency. The shameful truth seems to be that Pakistan Army could not face these TTP terrorists on their own and is providing information to USA on drone targets. I wonder how much more humiliation we will have to suffer after giving PA the biggest cut out of our budget.

I don't think so that pakistan army is dumb enough that it cannot carry drone of their own.The truth is that we are paying goddamn price of Pakistan being front-line ally...I again strongly recommend that we should give limitations to US army...army's hand s are tied because of false decisions taken by our government.

These Al Qaeda/Taliban murderers are nothing more than Muslim killing machines.............

Takfiries creating fitnah in Islamic Lands...

and we will clean them..but with our own hands.Rather than USA itself.
I have always focused on this crucial point that we need to get out of american war at all cost--this is so not our war.We are in fact losing our stability after 9/11 drama.We first of all need to seal our Pakistan-Afghanistan border,track down nexus and their financiers as well...and then need to launch full fledged operation against TTP... WHEREAS AFGHAN- USA should deal their matters on their own.this war on terror has given us nothing except economical loss,death,blood,fire and collateral damage:sick:

I don't think so that pakistan army is dumb enough that it cannot carry drone of their own.The truth is that we are paying goddamn price of Pakistan being front-line ally...I again strongly recommend that we should give limitations to US army...army's hand s are tied because of false decisions taken by our government.

and we will clean them..but with our own hands.Rather than USA itself.

I wish that was not the case but the core commander stationed in Peshawar was praising the efficiency of Drone attacks. You should understand the state of depravity we have reached, TTP claims that it is killing common Pakistani citizens to build pressure on Pakistan Army to remove itself from WoT. USA is constantly killing Pakistani civilians as collateral damage with full backing of Pakistan Army. Pakistan Army meanwhile is more busy in trying to save Musharraf and rig next elections. Pakistan has become the butt of joke in international community with extremists blaming us for betraying the Jehad cause and liberals blaming us for extremism. With country in tatters our Army Chief does not tire of reminding us how 'big hearted' he has been by not overthrowing a legitimate govt. PA has made Pakistan into an official banana republic which can be compared with countries like Congo. What a pity, what high hopes we had and how we have been pushed into this dead end by shortsighted generals.
I wish that was not the case but the core commander stationed in Peshawar was praising the efficiency of Drone attacks. You should understand the state of depravity we have reached, TTP claims that it is killing common Pakistani citizens to build pressure on Pakistan Army to remove itself from WoT. USA is constantly killing Pakistani civilians as collateral damage with full backing of Pakistan Army. Pakistan Army meanwhile is more busy in trying to save Musharraf and rig next elections. Pakistan has become the butt of joke in international community with extremists blaming us for betraying the Jehad cause and liberals blaming us for extremism. With country in tatters our Army Chief does not tire of reminding us how 'big hearted' he has been by not overthrowing a legitimate govt. PA has made Pakistan into an official banana republic which can be compared with countries like Congo. What a pity, what high hopes we had and how we have been pushed into this dead end by shortsighted generals.

But how long we will continue to live in despair??I do admit that Pakistan is facing tough times,with US sitting on our back with crystal clear objectives:our oblivion-- rather than war on terroR while talibans are carrying same objective, in fact they are derivatives of opposing agencies-our army is sandwiched, I admit...but we are still tough enough to break all this nexus...all we need is strong leadership,proper planning,proper implementation and we need to cover trust deficiency b/w army and government,and we need to think on broader horizons,rather filling our goddamn pockets with aided money..even our economy was prosperous during musharraf's era..we lost all our economic stability in PPP' era and I hate to see it going in that way.
"...With the death of so many Muslim assets, this is one of the utmost important issues that the Ummah must unite and come up with an answer to..."

Do these ingenuous fools really think the 'Ummah' gives hoot about a bunch of dying Pakistani Talibs?
"...With the death of so many Muslim assets, this is one of the utmost important issues that the Ummah must unite and come up with an answer to..."

Do these ingenuous fools really think the 'Ummah' gives hoot about a bunch of dying Pakistani's?

The elements like them in Ummah will:P
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