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New era of cooperation': details of US-funded projects released


Oct 20, 2008
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'New era of cooperation': details of US-funded projects released

ISLAMABAD (August 17 2010): The Ministry of Foreign Affairs has released the details of dozens of projects to be funded by the United States as new era of co-operation recently launched by US Secretary of State Hillary Clinton. Official sources told Business Recorder that US Department of State, (office of the spokesman), has issued a series of fact sheets containing details of the projects starts from information technology to export of Pakistani mangoes to the US.

The Ministry of Foreign Affairs has dispatched the details of projects to be funded by Washington. The projects are as follows:

COMMUNICATIONS and PUBLIC DIPLOMACY: The projects include: (i) Information Systems Data Centre: The US will work in partnership with the Ministry of Information Technology to deploy tier IV data storage and information systems service delivery platform for the Government of Pakistan - enabling common e-mail, word processing, standard data exchange and other business process applications.

The project will enable, for the first time, a Pakistan government-exclusive e-mail domain and will enable centralised hosting of all government web sites. The adoption of common applications will enable paperless working, enhanced government accountability and audit capability and government-to-business and government-to-citizen services.

ii) Electronic Citizen Services: The US will work in partnership with the Ministry of Information Technology to launch a set of electronic citizen services to enable Pakistani citizens to engage their government for common public services using broadband and mobile phones messages. The initial group of four or five services will bring government-citizen interaction into the electronic era, yield both cost and time saving.

iii) Pakistan Broadcasting Corporation - Historic Archives Preservation: In partnership with the Ministry of Information and Broadcasting, the US will support the digitisation and professional archiving of Radio Pakistan's music library.

The Pakistan Broadcasting Corporation's sound archives is a repository of priceless recordings documenting the nation's history and culture. Two million minutes of archives currently held on degrading magnetic tape will be digitised for access, with materials including the recorded speeches of Pakistan's founder, M A Jinnah, former Presidents and Prime Ministers and pioneers of the Independence Movement as well as interviews with celebrities, historians, scientists, intellectuals and music from all regions of Pakistan.

iv) Historic Preservation - Sheikhupura Fort, Southern Punjab: The US ambassador's Fund for Cultural Preservation has agreed to support a three-year project with the Ministry of Culture to restore, conserve and protect the Sheikhupura Fort in Punjab. The site incorporates architectural and cultural elements from both the Mughal and the Sikh eras and dates back to the early 17th century. In addition to highlighting Mughal architecture, the Fort also houses prime examples of Sikh fresco work in the Punjab.

Foreign Service Scholarship Program: In partnership with the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, the US will contribute to strengthen mutual understanding between diplomats and provide advanced professional training for Pakistan's Foreign Service officers in the United States. The United States and Pakistan will support four scholarships for Pakistan's Foreign Service officers to attend American university programs in international relations and diplomacy for one year in a program managed by bilateral Fulbright Commission, the US Educational Foundation in Pakistan. Pakistan's entry-level Foreign Service officers will also participate in a US study tour.

WOMEN'S EMPOWERMENT: Secretary Clinton announced a new five-year, $40 million Gender Equity Program to be funded by USAID aimed at advancing women's rights and empowerment in Pakistan by expanding women's access to justice; helping women exercise their rights in the workplace, community and home; combating gender-based violence; and, strengthening the capacity of Pakistani organisations that advocate for gender equality, women's empowerment and the elimination of gender-based violence.

The US has already committed $12.5 million for this program and nation-wide grant-making is expected to begin in August. Grantees will include non-governmental organisations, community-based organisations, policy think tanks, academic research and training institutions, professional and business associations, media, civic advocacy organisations, civil society coalitions, as well as partnerships with relevant government or quasi-government entities addressing women's equality and empowerment.

AGRICULTURE: $21 million in USAID-supported projects to boost Pakistan's agricultural productivity and to open new market opportunities:

Rural Development Dairy Project: The US will support a public-private partnership designed to improve the status and ability of women to manage agricultural business. The program will focus on providing technical training for Pakistani women to manage dairy-related enterprises and do business both domestically and internationally. Although located in southern Punjab, the program is expected to have as many as 16,000 beneficiaries throughout the country.

Mango Export Project: To promote export by sea of Pakistan's world famous mangoes, the US will support a three-year infrastructure program in partnership with leading mango farms in southern Punjab and northern Sindh to jointly finance infrastructure such as hot water treatment facilities, sorting and grading machines, blast chiller, and cold storage facilities. On June 15, the US began the process that will allow for trial shipments of Pakistani mangos to the US later this year.

SIGNATURE WATER PROGRAM FOR PAKISTAN: A multi-year Signature Water Program for Pakistan was announced to improve Pakistan's ability to increase efficient management and use of its scarce water resources and improve water distribution. The first phase of the program will cover seven projects costing over $270 million:

Jacobabad and Peshawar Municipal Water Projects: The US will work with the two cities over five years to rehabilitate or construct water storage, supply, distribution, and metering systems and improve the water services delivery management capacity of the Northern Sindh Utility Services Corporation and the Government of Khyber-Pukhtoonkhwa.

Municipal Services Delivery: The US will conduct a five-year national program to improve the capacity of local authorities to manage public services, including the provision of potable safe water, sanitation and solid waste collection and disposal, as well as other basic municipal services. Scheduled to begin in August in southern Punjab, the program will target 42 vulnerable districts and 139 municipalities that have a combined population of over 50 million.

Gomal Zam Dam Irrigation Project: When completed, this project connected to the new energy-producing dam will store water to irrigate 190,000 acres in South Waziristan, Tank, and Dera Ismail Khan to control flooding, preventing an estimated $2.6 million annually in damages, and enhance agricultural opportunities for approximately 30,000 farming families.

Satpara Dam irrigation Project: This project, located in Skardu. Gilgit-Baltistan, connected to the new energy-producing dam, will help improve irrigation for 15,500 acres of land and provide 3.1 million gallons of clean drinking water daily for Skardu's 280,000 local residents.

High Efficiency Irrigation Project: This three-year project will introduce improved irrigation technologies on over 250,000 acres of land mall four provinces, Gilgit-Baltistan, Azad Jammu Kashmir (AJK) and the Federally Administered Tribal Areas (FATA). In each location, the project will substantially reduce water use - increasing crop yields 30-100 percent and reducing fertiliser and pesticide use.

Balochistan Water Storage Dams: This project will support plans by the Government of Balochistan to create a series of water storage clams and will enhance existing programs for irrigation water storage and distribution while also pro/noting watershed management and integrated crop management.

Expert Consultations: The United States will fund a professional exchange visit by Pakistani experts in water management to the US to meet with counterparts and to examine cost recovery and policy mechanisms that incentivize private sector investment in the water sector.

SIGNATURE HEALTH PROGRAM: The first phase of a three-year, $28 million Signature Health Program for Pakistan was announced. The US and Pakistan have consulted closely on the shared objectives of addressing Pakistan's National Health Policy, which outlines the priorities for the nation, which include family planning, maternal and child health, workforce development, and combating infectious diseases to meet the Millennium Development Goals. Under the new Signature Health Program, the US will undertake three projects for the renovation and construction of medical facilities:

Karachi Jinnah Post Graduate Medical Centre: The US will finance the design and construction of a 60-bed obstetrics and gynaecology surgical and fistula ward and a training institute for up to 150 under- and post-graduate medical students. The hospital handles more than 18,000 inpatients, 31,000 outpatients, more than 5,000 operations and 17,000 annual deliveries.

Lahore Lady Willingdon Hospital: This facility, which is the largest maternity hospital in Pakistan, is currently operating well over capacity with on average roughly three women to a bed. The renovated facilities will include new wards, a midwifery school and doctor/nursing hostels.

Jacobabad Civil Hospital: The US will provide technical management assistance and renovations to the Jacobabad Civil Hospital, a 162-bed facility which serves a population of approximately 1 million people in Northern Sindh and Balochistan. The hospital serves about 700 outpatients per day with about 4500 surgeries and more than 2000 deliveries per year.

PHASE II OF THE SIGNATURE ENERGY PROGRAM FOR PAKISTAN: Phase II of the US Signature Energy Program for Pakistan will provide an additional $60 million for seven projects to be implemented by USAID, the US Trade & Development Agency (USTDA), the US Geological Survey (USGS), and the US Department of Commerce.

Gomal Zam Dam: The US will finish a new dam, power house, and transmission components in South Waziristan to provide an additional 17.4 MW of generation capacity to the national grid and electrify 25,000 households serving 200,000 people and have flood control, irrigation and water supply benefits.

Satpara Dam: The US will finish a new dam and power house in Skardu, Gilgit-Baltistan territory, to provide 17.36 MW of new power and energy to the local grid. The project will also have drinking water benefits.

Natural Gas Assistance: US agencies will assist in identifying and furthering the development of Pakistan's natural gas resources in order to provide long-term supply security for its electric power plants. US assistance will help Pakistan improve its legal, regulatory, policy and fiscal regime in order to attract greater investment to develop those resources. The US will also invite Pakistan to join the US Global Shale Gas Initiative.

Smart Grid and Distribution Modernisation Feasibility Study: Working with the Karachi Electric Supply Company, the US will conduct a study to determine the viability of an integrated Smart Grid system in Karachi. The project includes the potential for a large Smart Grid pilot project that could help reduce the utility's electricity losses estimated to reach as high as 40 percent.

Biomass-Fuelled Boiler Feasibility Study for Bulleh Shah Paper Mill: The US will conduct a feasibility study to determine the best option to convert paper and agriculture waste to energy at Packages Limited's Bulleh Shah paper mill in Kasur, Punjab.

Gharo Corridor 50MW Wind Farm feasibility study: The US will conduct a feasibility study to determine the technical, economic, and financial viability of a 50 MW wind power pilot project on behalf of Engro Power. The effort includes preparations for an international competitive tender for wind power engineering, procurement, and construction.

Beaconhouse Schools Solar PV Power Supply feasibility Study: The US will conduct a study to assess the technical, economic, and financial feasibility of installing solar photovoltaic (PV) power systems at hundreds of private schools administered by the Beaconhouse Group and owned by Educational Services Limited, the largest private educational services company in Pakistan.

NEW SUPPORT FOR PAKISTAN'S PRIVATE SECTOR: Secretary Clinton announced a series of programs to promote broad-based and private sector-led economic growth and job creation for the people of Pakistan in support of the government's economic reform program. The programs will be administered by the US Agency for International Development (USAID), the Overseas Private Investment Corporation (OPIC), the Department of Commerce, and the US Trade & Development Agency (USTDA).

JSPE Private Equity Fund II: To support a private equity investment fund designed to invest in companies in Pakistan that could benefit from technological upgrades OPIC will provide $50 million toward the JS Private Equity Fund II LLC, which has a target capitalisation of $150 million. The fund will invest in companies which have unrealised growth potential that either have technology at the core of their business, or can improve efficiency and profitability by upgrading existing technologies.

Small and Medium Enterprise Access to Finance Program: To expand the ability of small and medium sized enterprises to access credit through local commercial banks, with the facilitation of the State Bank of Pakistan, USAID will provide $100 million over five years. This program will improve the availability of financing for private sector entrepreneurs and create jobs throughout Pakistan, with a focus on less economically advanced regions of the country.

Trade Mission to Pakistan: The US will organise and sponsor a visit by American business leaders to Pakistan. The Trade Mission will be aimed at facilitating new business ties between American and Pakistani firms with the objective of creating new economic opportunities in both countries.

Trade Information Gateway Real-Time Exchange for the Port of Karachi: To track the movement of cargo between ships, port operators, truckers, rail systems, and customers at the Karachi port, USTDA will establish a study and pilot project to assess the viability and application of Trade Information Gateway Real-Time Exchange (TIGRE) software.

HUMANITARIAN AND POST-CONFLICT ASSISTANCE: Secretary of State Hillary Clinton announced $120 million for four programs to assist Pakistanis affected by conflict to re-establish their lives in their home areas.

Malakand Housing: An estimated 23,000 housing units have been damaged or destroyed by fighting in the Federally Administered Tribal Area and Khyber-Pukhtoonkhwa. The US will provide $65 million to the Government of Pakistan's cash transfer program to assist families whose homes have been fully or partially damaged.

Multi-Donor Trust Fund for the Northwest Border Region: To support local and provincial government reconstruction efforts in FATA, Khyber-Pukhtoonkhwa, and conflict-affected parts of Balochistan, the US will provide $25 million to the World Bank-administered Multi-Donor Trust Fund for the Northwest Border Region. The Fund was created following the Friends of Democratic Pakistan Summit last September. The US contribution brings the total pledges or contributions to $130 million from nine countries.

World Food Program (WFP): To provide food rations for 75,000 newly displaced families or about 450,000 individual beneficiaries between August and December 2010, the US will provide $20 million in additional funding to the WFP, bringing total US contributions to WFP, Pakistan to just under $100 million this year.

United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees (UNHCR): To assist the UNHCR in providing emergency shelter and non-food items, camp co-ordination, management and protection activities, the US will provide $10 million. These supplies will help support the 1.4 million Pakistanis who remain displaced due to the on-going conflict, host families who have supported displaced Pakistanis during the course of the conflict, and the 1.95 million Pakistanis who have returned home. The new US support for UNHCR will provide non-food items including tents for some 10,000 families. This new contribution will bring total US support for UNHCR in Pakistani to $35 million this year.

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