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New Engine for Russia’s T-50 Fighter Jet Expected by 2020


Jun 24, 2012
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New Engine for Russia’s T-50 Fighter Jet Expected by 2020


The final version of the engine for Russia’s first fifth-generation T-50 fighter jet will be available by the end of the current decade, the United Engine Making Corporation said Monday.

T-50 prototypes are currently using a preliminary, “Stage 1” engine, while the “Stage 2” engine will make the jet’s capabilities “even more impressive,” a corporation spokesman told RIA Novosti, without providing any technical details.

The final version of the engine is now in development, which should be completed by mid-2015, he said.

The Russian Air Force will take delivery of its first T-50 fighter jet “in the third quarter of this year” for final test flights starting in the fourth quarter, the service’s commander, Lt. Gen. Viktor Bondarev, said Tuesday.

In late April, President Vladimir Putin said the T-50 would enter service with the country’s armed forces in 2016, not 2015 as had been previously announced. United Aircraft Corporation’s president, Mikhail Pogosyan, said T-50 test flights would begin in 2014.

The T-50, which will make up the core of Russia’s future fighter fleet, is a multirole warplane featuring “stealth” technology,” super-maneuverability, super-cruise capability, and advanced avionics including an active electronically scanned array radar, according to its designer Sukhoi.

India also plans to buy a fighter aircraft based on the T-50, known as the FGFA (fifth-generation fighter aircraft).

United Aircraft Corporation is the state holding company uniting Russia’s aircraft-building industry including Sukhoi, a military and civil aircraft manufacturer.

Link - New Engine for Russia
New Engine for Russia’s T-50 Fighter Jet Expected by 2020


The final version of the engine for Russia’s first fifth-generation T-50 fighter jet will be available by the end of the current decade, the United Engine Making Corporation said Monday.

T-50 prototypes are currently using a preliminary, “Stage 1” engine, while the “Stage 2” engine will make the jet’s capabilities “even more impressive,” a corporation spokesman told RIA Novosti, without providing any technical details.

The final version of the engine is now in development, which should be completed by mid-2015, he said.

The Russian Air Force will take delivery of its first T-50 fighter jet “in the third quarter of this year” for final test flights starting in the fourth quarter, the service’s commander, Lt. Gen. Viktor Bondarev, said Tuesday.

In late April, President Vladimir Putin said the T-50 would enter service with the country’s armed forces in 2016, not 2015 as had been previously announced. United Aircraft Corporation’s president, Mikhail Pogosyan, said T-50 test flights would begin in 2014.

The T-50, which will make up the core of Russia’s future fighter fleet, is a multirole warplane featuring “stealth” technology,” super-maneuverability, super-cruise capability, and advanced avionics including an active electronically scanned array radar, according to its designer Sukhoi.

India also plans to buy a fighter aircraft based on the T-50, known as the FGFA (fifth-generation fighter aircraft).

United Aircraft Corporation is the state holding company uniting Russia’s aircraft-building industry including Sukhoi, a military and civil aircraft manufacturer.

Link - New Engine for Russia

F22 is having it for a decade now! We need it ASAP!
Talk about announcing it really late. :rolleyes:
Isn't 2020 a bit too late..

Does PAF have any plans for a 5th GEN other than crappy 3.5 GEN JF17? China a real 5th gen fighter not just internal bays and a underpowered AL 31F? If no, buzz off.

This quote is unwarented.
If you didn't agree to his views ignore.
And by the way Oscar is one of the few respected members of the PDF.
Isn't 2020 a bit too late..

This quote is unwarented.
If you didn't agree to his views ignore.
And by the way Oscar is one of the few respected members of the PDF.

Truth is truth man, no hard feelings but the Russians are working real hard. A 176KN engine is damn difficult to make. Only USA has bragging rights to 220KN F35 and 360KN (176KN X 2) F22. Even J20 uses a 123 KN AL 31F.
Does PAF have any plans for a 5th GEN other than crappy 3.5 GEN JF17? China a real 5th gen fighter not just internal bays and a underpowered AL 31F? If no, buzz off.

And how did you arrive at the conclusion that jf17 is 3.5 generation(what ever that means), And China is also ahead of India in making fighter jets, once they master jet engine making then they are totally self dependent on defence, while India is just started making baby steps with licence production, joint ventures , tech transfers,foreign consultancy etc.
Does PAF have any plans for a 5th GEN other than crappy 3.5 GEN JF17? China a real 5th gen fighter not just internal bays and a underpowered AL 31F? If no, buzz off.

Do you see PAF here? Or are you someone who just dropped out of college and has self-esteem issues.

My post is reflected by the post below. 2020 sounds late for a fighter.

As for you, I am watching you now and if you make even the tiniest slip up.. Ill throw you out.
AL 41 was supposed to power T-50, the report doesnot mention which engine is proposed for the plane.


second, it mentions new engine to be ready by 2015-16, so even taking a couple of years of testing, 2020 doesnot seem correct date. Finally what is going to power FGFA when it finally arrives in 2017-18.
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