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New 14 states of Middle East...Dr Shaid Massod

Fahad Khan 2

Jan 28, 2013
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For others who don't understand urdu...
*Dr Shaid Massod is saying that ISIS is 70 kilometer away from capturing Baghdad and soon they will declare Khilafat on the Sunni majority area of Syria and Iraq...
*He is also saying that one country is completely finished is Jordan and ISIS is saying that they will hang the the King of Jordan because he American Puppet... Jordan is already collapsed and King is asking help from America for his family
*Iran can also take part in war of Iraq because the don't want to let the city of Samara which is sunni majority but because of the shrines of 10th and 11th Imams and belief of 12th imam rise from there they can't let it fall in hands of ISIS....
*ISIS is more advance and cruel then Al-Quida...
*Turkey can also be involved because Kurdistan region is also near declaring the independence.....
*Those who think breaking of Saudi Arabia is not possible Dr Shaid is saying that breaking of Syria and Libya was also looking impossible 2 year back but look at now every thing is going through American plan and no power in region are powerful enough to counter it....

Sounds like bull to me. I'm not sure about Syria but Iraq and S.A are not going to 'split'.
No ragtag militia can take over Jordan, they have a kick *** military. Jordan is not Iraq, nor is Saudi Arabia and Iran is not so stupid to get directly involved in this fight. Dr Shahid Massaud is mostly trustworthy but this one seems unbelievable.
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Saudi arabia will remain so and following the route of massive industrilization and military build up.

Today after turkey,KSA is the most powerful Muslim country
Sounds like bull to me. I'm not sure about Syria but Iraq and S.A are not going to 'split'.
No ragtag militia can take over Jordan, they have a kick *** military. Jordan is not Iraq, nor is Saudi Arabia and Iran is not so stupid to get directly involved in this fight. Dr Shahid Massaud is mostly trustworthy but this one seems unbelievable.

The ISIS khilafat state does sound real to me for greater Israel.... when this radical khilafat will be form Israel with help of USA and NATO will wage war on them in defence of Israel and all the world will be behind Israel against khilafat and the puppet installed in Egypt will lose another war from Israel and there you go we have new state of Israel from River Nile to River Euphrates...
Bull$hit by American think tanks as usual.
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