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Negotiations with Taliban(TTP)


Dec 5, 2012
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I have been curious to know and have a discussion so as to what kind of negotiations our Govt. is planning with Taliban. Given the fact that TTP does not believe in constitution and is responsible for majority of terrorist attacks and civilian deaths , what actually can be break even point where both the govt and TTP can agree to.

1. Negotiations-The TTP will certainly demand to stopping the drone attacks which I am not sure the Govt. is capable of. They can demand some sort of autonomy in Tribal areas with their laws which is tantamount to compromising the sovereignty of the state since TTP as suspected is being hired by foreign agencies. Moreover, after killing 50000+ of our countrymen can they be really considered for negotiations. Isn't it like setting a bad example where anybody can play around with the state rules and make it state hostage to their demands by threatening them.

3. Annihilation- If an all out war is declared against TTP to absolutely crush them, what would be its effect on our economy since waging a war against them is going to require some serious air-power to bomb their hideouts. It is going to severely affect the resident population living in the tribal areas resulting in serious collateral damage. Moreover, our eastern border has also become somewhat sensitive so how many troops are we going to dedicate to this war.

Since people on this forum are divided over the point of Negotiations vs Annihilation, I thought it would be nice to discuss both the options threadbare in a civil manner.

PS: Mods, I was looking for a thread dedicated to this topic but I could not find it.
If you have a thread running on this exact topic, please delete this thread.
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