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Need prayers from all members, really in trouble I'm desperate as hell :'((


Oct 30, 2011
Reaction score
United Arab Emirates
Tomorrow is results day and I didn't even apply to enough places so I need all A* to get in :(((
Please please pray for me and all the other poor kids out there getting their results tomorrow(or today in some countries)
13 August - Never forget
May Allah award success to all who worked hard and did not cheat, and may Allah forgive all who cheated and give them courage to work hard and make them successful next time. Ameen.
All the best, don't worry you will come out with flying colours. :tup:
Tomorrow is results day and I didn't even apply to enough places so I need all A* to get in :(((
Please please pray for me and all the other poor kids out there getting their results tomorrow(or today in some countries)
13 August - Never forget

Wishing you all the best.
I called my expert Pir Baba, and he said chittar is in your future.

You are just starting your life. If there's anything I have learned through out my academic and professional career, its that there always are opportunities around. Opportunities that don't seem as good first but are like stairs to the desired one. Prayers alone wont help you, you have to try hard and show why you are better than the rest of book worms.

My adviser said to me once,

When one door closes, two more open. Hard part is finding that door.
You didn't study properly and now you want us to pray for you?
It doesn't work this way brother. Study hard and don't be mohtaaz of any prayer.
All the best
Dude, you are going to be ostracized by your entire family if you fail, and you will dishonor your father who worked so hard to provide you an education.

WTF is wrong with you??:angry:
You didn't study properly and now you want us to pray for you?
It doesn't work this way brother. Study hard and don't be mohtaaz of any prayer.
All the best

Prayer isn't exactly the idea here its hope and moral support since not everyone believes in God/ gods/ prayers. Studying hard alone doesn't get you everywhere, I have friends who had 3.8+/ 4 GPA without jobs and friends with 2.6/ 4 GPA working in Microsoft.

One day, when you look out for support, a laughing face :-)lol:) by someone laughing at your situation will remain with you for nights to come. Be a little courteous.
May Allah bless you man!

I actually thought that koi bht serious masla hogaya hai :P ...Bhai kch nahi hota, these results don't define anything...You'll learn that soon in life...
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