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Nawaz Sharif warns that Taliban talks could be scrapped


Feb 2, 2007
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Pakistan prime minister Nawaz Sharif has warned he may abandon plans to hold peace talks with Taliban after Islamic militants claimed responsibility for the suicide bombing of a Peshawar church, where the death toll increased to 85.

Enraged Christian protesters accused the government of failing to protect their community after two suicide bombers from the Jundullah group, part of the Tehrik-e-Taliban Pakistan (TTP) alliance, detonated their explosive vests as more than 350 worshippers were leaving All Saints Church in Peshawar after Sunday Mass. More than half the victims were women and children in the worst atrocity committed on Pakistan’s Christian minority since the country’s creation in 1947.

The attack was carried out barely two weeks after Mr Sharif won all-party support to open fresh negotiations with the TTP, an umbrella organisation comprised of 30 militant groups, in a bid to end the country’s Taliban insurgency. The bombing unleashed an outpouring of anger from Christians throughout Pakistan, who claimed Mr Sharif’s government, and Imran Khan, the former cricketer whose PTI party controls the provincial government, had been 'soft’ on the Taliban.

Several hundred demonstrators smashed windows at the Lady Reading Hospital in the city where many of the 100 injured were treated, 600 protestors blocked a main highway in Islamabad, and demonstrations were also held in Lahore and Karachi, calling for greater security for Pakistan’s minorities.

An estimated 100 Christians gathered in front of All Saints Church where the suicide bombers struck on Sunday and chanted “Imran is a dog”. Mr Sharif was bound for the United States, where he is expected to meet Barack Obama and explain his earlier decisions to release the Afghan Taliban’s former deputy leader Mullah Baradar and hold talks with Taliban militants in Pakistan. Speaking during a stop in London, he said the attack had sabotaged the immediate prospects for discussions. “We had proposed the process of dialogue with good intentions and this enjoyed the backing of all the political parties,” he said. But following the attack on All Saints, “the government will be unable to proceed as it intended”, the prime minister declared.

Peshawar church attack: Nawaz Sharif warns that Taliban talks could be scrapped - Telegraph
America will lecture and pressure him to give up talks!
Damn this TTP has many wings and is widely spread. i wonder why the army actions have not been able to weaken them
Dont talk to them just bomb these cave monkeys to hell...

[Bregs];4804629 said:
Damn this TTP has many wings and is widely spread. i wonder why the army actions have not been able to weaken them

They are pretty weak now...
And no wings... Just factions which have different seperate ideological groups
Talks worked to split Punjabi Taliban and other little fractions. Now its time for Pak Military to bomb the big fish
There are a few fairy tail confusions in our educated youth about the talibans
1- Are Talibans really the cave monkeys?
Answer: They are clearly not. They have shown that they a) Can make excellent strategies b) Are highly trained millitants c) Sabotage the civilian/military institutions and infrastructures d) Live among us all across Pakistan. So Talibans are not cave monkeys.
2- Does TTP consist of Idiot Mullahs?
Answer: Clearly no, while the majority of their operatives may belong to the breed of Madrissahs but the brains of the organization are certainly evil geniouses.
Cases in Point.
A) Talibans attack the GHQ, occupy the place for hours and effectively shackle the morale of forces by sending a signal that There is no safe place in the country.
B) Talibans then again attack the Naval Base and destroy not only the key assets (P3-C) and officers, again reminding the forces that they can penetrate "anywhere they want".
C) Talibans again attack the PAF Kamra destroy/damage key recon assets in a bid to weaken armed forces's ability to gather intelligence. (While it was argued that Erieyes had little relevance to operation against TTP but it is still pertinent to note that erieye can track movements along the ground as well aside from movements in the air. Stationed near FATA, Erieye was always a good choice for recon on the movements of TTP.)
D) A splinter group Jundul Hifza penetrates the military guarded area of Nanga Purbat and kill 13 foreigners and then disappears in the jungle. Subsequently the group execute a perfect plan to eliminate the investigation team of key security agencies by an ambush.
E) A group of young people is arrested from Bahara Koh who are educated, clean shaved, wean jeans and shirts yet are working on Taliban agenda.
and I can go so forth.
So TTP is by no means a bunch of lunatics, they have grown smart and cunning in pursuit of their objectives.Looking at the perception of TTP held by our members and general society, it seems that both the society and Talibans have moved in opposite direction. TTP have gone smart whereas the smart masses have gone dumb.
Because there are enough anti national sympathizers in Pakistan just as they are in India. :azn:
[Bregs];4804629 said:
Damn this TTP has many wings and is widely spread. i wonder why the army actions have not been able to weaken them
This patwari is a looser & truly corrupt, incompetent & spineless.
There are a few fairy tail confusions in our educated youth about the talibans
1- Are Talibans really the cave monkeys?
Answer: They are clearly not. They have shown that they a) Can make excellent strategies b) Are highly trained millitants c) Sabotage the civilian/military institutions and infrastructures d) Live among us all across Pakistan. So Talibans are not cave monkeys.
2- Does TTP consist of Idiot Mullahs?
Answer: Clearly no, while the majority of their operatives may belong to the breed of Madrissahs but the brains of the organization are certainly evil geniouses.
Cases in Point.
A) Talibans attack the GHQ, occupy the place for hours and effectively shackle the morale of forces by sending a signal that There is no safe place in the country.
B) Talibans then again attack the Naval Base and destroy not only the key assets (P3-C) and officers, again reminding the forces that they can penetrate "anywhere they want".
C) Talibans again attack the PAF Kamra destroy/damage key recon assets in a bid to weaken armed forces's ability to gather intelligence. (While it was argued that Erieyes had little relevance to operation against TTP but it is still pertinent to note that erieye can track movements along the ground as well aside from movements in the air. Stationed near FATA, Erieye was always a good choice for recon on the movements of TTP.)
D) A splinter group Jundul Hifza penetrates the military guarded area of Nanga Purbat and kill 13 foreigners and then disappears in the jungle. Subsequently the group execute a perfect plan to eliminate the investigation team of key security agencies by an ambush.
E) A group of young people is arrested from Bahara Koh who are educated, clean shaved, wean jeans and shirts yet are working on Taliban agenda.
and I can go so forth.
So TTP is by no means a bunch of lunatics, they have grown smart and cunning in pursuit of their objectives.Looking at the perception of TTP held by our members and general society, it seems that both the society and Talibans have moved in opposite direction. TTP have gone smart whereas the smart masses have gone dumb.

A good summary.

The greatest mistake one can make is to underestimate an enemy who grows from strength to strength.

@ subject : The Pak PM must talk from a position of strength. As of now it appears that the Taliban can pretty much do as they please .
Pakistan prime minister Nawaz Sharif has warned he may abandon plans to hold peace talks with Taliban after Islamic militants claimed responsibility for the suicide bombing of a Peshawar church, where the death toll increased to 85.

Enraged Christian protesters accused the government of failing to protect their community after two suicide bombers from the Jundullah group, part of the Tehrik-e-Taliban Pakistan (TTP) alliance, detonated their explosive vests as more than 350 worshippers were leaving All Saints Church in Peshawar after Sunday Mass. More than half the victims were women and children in the worst atrocity committed on Pakistan’s Christian minority since the country’s creation in 1947.

The attack was carried out barely two weeks after Mr Sharif won all-party support to open fresh negotiations with the TTP, an umbrella organisation comprised of 30 militant groups, in a bid to end the country’s Taliban insurgency. The bombing unleashed an outpouring of anger from Christians throughout Pakistan, who claimed Mr Sharif’s government, and Imran Khan, the former cricketer whose PTI party controls the provincial government, had been 'soft’ on the Taliban.

Several hundred demonstrators smashed windows at the Lady Reading Hospital in the city where many of the 100 injured were treated, 600 protestors blocked a main highway in Islamabad, and demonstrations were also held in Lahore and Karachi, calling for greater security for Pakistan’s minorities.

An estimated 100 Christians gathered in front of All Saints Church where the suicide bombers struck on Sunday and chanted “Imran is a dog”. Mr Sharif was bound for the United States, where he is expected to meet Barack Obama and explain his earlier decisions to release the Afghan Taliban’s former deputy leader Mullah Baradar and hold talks with Taliban militants in Pakistan. Speaking during a stop in London, he said the attack had sabotaged the immediate prospects for discussions. “We had proposed the process of dialogue with good intentions and this enjoyed the backing of all the political parties,” he said. But following the attack on All Saints, “the government will be unable to proceed as it intended”, the prime minister declared.

Peshawar church attack: Nawaz Sharif warns that Taliban talks could be scrapped - Telegraph

how ironic that in the "islamic" republic of pakistan a bombing on a church is what gave our prime minister some balls, the same guy who was elected by conservatives. i mean the countless muslims lives didn't change this incompetent piece of shits mind but this did? are muslim lives worthless compared to christian lives? he should've never even considered talking to these terrorist thugs to begin with. it proves atleast one thing that pakistanis are tolerant people overall who care about minorities.
Nawaz sharif is playing politics on this issue
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