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NATO delays returning Turkish coup case officers

Lankan Ranger

Aug 9, 2009
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NATO delays returning Turkish coup case officers

Three Turkish officers stationed abroad will not return home to face trial for involvement in an alleged coup plot until NATO evaluates the matter or they stand down from their positions, according to reports.

The three suspects in the “Balyoz” (Sledgehammer) case are on duty at NATO bases and have not been able to return to Turkey despite being the subject of arrest warrants, daily Vatan reported Thursday.

Gen. Hakan Akkoç, who is stationed at a NATO base in Belgium, will remain at his position until NATO evaluates the matter. Col. Mehmet Alper Şengezer and Lt. Col. Nedim Ulusan, on duty in Italy and Croatia, respectively, could return to Turkey to turn themselves in after they turn over their positions to their successors.

Sledgehammer is an alleged military coup plot against the leading Justice and Development Party, or AKP, drafted in 2003. According to the allegations, the military planned drastic measures to foment unrest in the country in order to remove the party from power.

NATO delays returning Turkish coup case officers | TRDEFENCE
NATO is clearly taking a pro-TSK stance in Turkey's Islamist AKP vs. Secular TSK clash.
NATO is clearly taking a pro-TSK stance in Turkey's Islamist AKP vs. Secular TSK clash.

There is a good chance that officers in question also hold important positions and can not be sent off and replaced quickly. Since they are under NATO command it is their call.

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