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NASA lashed out India over ASAT aka "Mission Shakti" Missile Test

Let's see if some of the debris really damages the ISS.

Yeah, meanwhile ISS was perfectly safe when US, Russia & China did their A-SAT tests.

NASA is forgetting this:


They can go fck themselves where the sun doesn't shine.
You're wrong. Russia and USA did much before ISS while China did at much higher altitude so did not affect ISS but still the whole world cried against China at that time while what India did is at 300km and the ISS is at 400 km and 100 km in space is nothing for high speed debris.
I am sorry but how dumb do you have to be to accept CGIs on someones computers as real?? This is nothing but propaganda and there is no chance of India doing any of this stuff that is being claimed on the media.
Let's see if some of the debris really damages the ISS.

You're wrong. Russia and USA did much before ISS while China did at much higher altitude so did not affect ISS but still the whole world cried against China at that time while what India did is at 300 km and the ISS is at 400 km and 100 km in space is nothing for high speed debris.

Well, it had to be done. Every day, our planet is 'barely missed' by some passing asteroids as well.

I understand that 100 Km space is nothing at that magnitude, but we had to do what we had to do. Everytime US conducted its megaton-class nuclear tests, it endangered the earth so many times; France did the same when testing in Bikini Atoll in Pacific.

If their disregard can be passed off, we really don't care about what they think.

ISS can be rebuilt; earth cannot.
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