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Musharraf on Devil's Advocate CNN-IBN

Let this ba$tard come to Pakistan,,, so many of us r desperately waiting to make it even with him...


"Sab Say Pehlay Pakistan >>> say Mai Bhaagooon Gaaa", (كسى نوں دسيں ناں)

"i am not that type of commander, I have led from the "FRONT" & bolted with my "BEHIND" "

"Uptil now I am committed,,, what u mean uptill now???".. "Remember what I meant when I said 'sab say pehlay pak'.. get my drift" ....

"My well wishers keep advising me otherwise,,, & I might listen to them at the last moment..."

Your useless rant = utter BS.

This is further proof of his selfless devotion to the cause of Pakistan. For him Pakistan and the welfare of it's people is above any personal gain. His homecoming is further proof of this.
Your useless rant = utter BS.

This is further proof of his selfless devotion to the cause of Pakistan. For him Pakistan and the welfare of it's people is above any personal gain. His homecoming is further proof of this.

I agree...cause i do not know of any other reason for which he would like to come back to his nation where people are waiting to kill him..
If Musharaf does come back into power he will have to under-go a radical over-haul of his former foreign policy blunders to regain the public's respect.

And then there is answering for Lal Masjid, which crippled his image completely. I am interested to see how he handles these issues.
If Musharaf does come back into power he will have to under-go a radical over-haul of his former foreign policy blunders to regain the public's respect.

And then there is answering for Lal Masjid, which crippled his image completely. I am interested to see how he handles these issues.

Is that the only think u could remember...!!! What about beloved Ghadari & Co., all the criminals that this traitor IMPOSED on us thru NRO,,,

What about hundreds of ppl disappeared by him just coz they were against him,,,

What about free hand he gave to CIA to work inside tribal areas & stopped ISI from interfering ,,, & as a result we have this TTP like scum created by CIA,,, & thousands of innocent civilians killed by so-called TTP etc...

& what was prosperity during his time...!!! Fake hyped rise in stock-exchange index,,, brought about by his team thru fake hyped up news to make more money for them,,,!!! OR Pakistani assets sold for pennies in exchange for commissions,,, OR land prices hyped up again coz he & his team members had stake in such schemes ... OR sprouting of TV channels which he intended to idol ppl & divert them from gruesome realities he was committing ...

Where is the REAL prosperity, that would have lasted after was was KING for 8+ years,,, Like any roads??? Any dams??? Any addition to infrastructure??? Any new hospitals??? that he had done above the rate these things would have developed even if was not born,,,
He did a lot bad, but you cannot forget that his policies on governance is what made the world respect Pakistan for quite a while. He may have indirectly helped Zardari and his goons come into power with implementing the NRO; however he has money and a good life outside of Pakistan. The reason he is coming back is to face his wrong-doings and seeking redemption. He wants to help Pakistan, and instead of running like all the others, he has enough character to come back and own up to his mistakes.
Is that the only think u could remember...!!! What about beloved Ghadari & Co., all the criminals that this traitor IMPOSED,,, on us,,,

He repeatedly has mentioned NRO was his mistake. A true leader accepts his mistake. Nonetheless, NRO did NOT elect PPP and PML-N into office. NRO was NOT the reason Ghadari became President. He became President by default without any opposition in parliament!

Further more, NRO became irrelevant following his resignation. Plus, you should equally blame other parties who boycotted the election. They let them come in to power.

What about hundreds of ppl disappeared by him just coz they were against him,,,
What about free hand he gave to CIA to work inside tribal areas & stopped ISI from interfering ,,, & as a result we have this TTP like scum created by CIA,,, & thousands of innocent civilians killed by so-called TTP etc...

Oh come on! it was Hussain Haqqani who issued 7000+ visas to CIA and others NOT Musharraf. During his tenure everything was in check.

& what was prosperity during his time...!!! Fake hyped rise in stock-exchange index,,, brought about by his team thru fake hyped up news to make more money for them,,,!!! OR Pakistani assets sold for pennies in exchange for commissions,,, OR land prices hyped up again coz he & his team members had stake in such schemes ... OR sprouting of TV channels which he intended to idol ppl & divert them from gruesome realities he was committing ...

Where is the REAL prosperity, that would have lasted after was was KING for 8+ years,,, Like any roads??? Any dams??? Any addition to infrastructure??? Any new hospitals??? that he had done above the rate these things would have developed even if was not born,,,

Fake? do you think UN, IMF, WB, ADB, IDB and other institutions are wrong?

prove it!
what he did to the lal masjid i totally support it to the core and its exactly the way it should have been. Perhaps the causality might have been avoided but then again as it goes

He did a lot bad, but you cannot forget that his policies on governance is what made the world respect Pakistan for quite a while. He may have indirectly helped Zardari and his goons come into power with implementing the NRO; however he has money and a good life outside of Pakistan. The reason he is coming back is to face his wrong-doings and seeking redemption. He wants to help Pakistan, and instead of running like all the others, he has enough character to come back and own up to his mistakes.

That respect did NOT keep our poor from sleeping empty stomach ,,, & "THEY" respected ONLY coz traitor was working for "THEIR" interests, hurting Pakistan ...

Like Hamid Gul said traitor was "TOLD" to keep harping slogans like "Sab Say Pehlay Pak" ... This voice wasn't comming from his heart , it was to DECEIVE us, & he was good at that, most of us DID get tricked by his sweet speeches,,, but many of us realized sooner or later ,,,, but some r still delusioned by his spells ...
If Musharaf does come back into power he will have to under-go a radical over-haul of his former foreign policy blunders to regain the public's respect.

And then there is answering for Lal Masjid, which crippled his image completely. I am interested to see how he handles these issues.

Lal Masjid Operation was the need of that time, the terrorists had turned that holy place into recruitment centre for terrorists, don't you see how that dumb mulla was escaping in burka leaving behind brainwashed students, kids & womens to fight? those terrorist were trying to spread chaos in capital city to make country hostage.

I see Musharraf era as a massive developing era, Rupee value was stable at 57-58/$, economy jumped from 80billion$ in 99 to 168billion$ in 2007, huge developments all over the country(even Balochistan was getting a massive city Gawadar), no such terrorism issue, Kashmir policy was not defensive. Also he progressed the military to new heights.
i don't see he can come in power dears his party cant get 5 seats so please be realistic and forget him .
Bharti's will not grant him visa but are obsessed with him. They want to know all what he's going to do and what he feel.

Overall very disrespectful way to question and Musharraf even mentioned it.

Stupid questions, stupid way of interview.... quoting Pakistani news papers, which are already paid by foreign states.

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