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Mullah Nooruddin Torabi rejects reports by The Daily Beast and Newsweek mag


Apr 26, 2012
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United States
Mullah Nooruddin Torabi rejects reports by The Daily Beast and Newsweek magazines

Respected Mullah Nooruddin Torabi, the Justice Minister of Islamic Emirate at that time, has sent the following letter to news outlets which we want to publish without any editing

In the name of Allah, the Beneficent, the Merciful

I, Mullah Nooruddin Torabi, reject reports by the Daily Beast and Newsweek magazines published on 25.10.1391 which cited me as a source. I have not given an interview to any newspaper to this point and have neither said what was reported by these outlets. I am currently ill and am busy with my treatment. We, the prisoners freed by Pakistan, have decided amongst ourselves that we will only decide on our future course of action when the rest of the prisoners are freed and after consultation with them. I request all news outlets to not associate fabricated reports to us. I also request administrators of The Daily Beast and Newsweek magazines to investigate their workers who have published this fabricated and false report and question their professional integrity.

That I and my associates have been freed from prisons and are living with our families then this is a generous step. I thank all those sides which have struggled for our release and hope that the rest of our associates will also be freed. In hopes of even more help from all the involved sides.

Mullah Nooruddin Torabi

Justice Minister during rule the of Islamic Emirate
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