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Mod Needed to Turkish Section.


Feb 22, 2013
Reaction score
We are in need of a mod in Turkish Section to enforce Forum Rules.

Lots of swearing, off-topic posts, use of non-english language happening right now.
PM @Deno

Its another thing that Deno seems to have lost interest..
Last activity was on 17th of May...
Hasnt been online here for the last 17 days.
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We are in need of a mod in Turkish Section to enforce Forum Rules.

Lots of swearing, off-topic posts, use of non-english language happening right now.
@TurAr ... :police:


Soheil will be a great mod for the Turkish section.:help:

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I was looking for info regarding Taksim square rioting and there was lot of abusive words used there. If mod for Turkish thread isn't there, its badly needed.
@Deno is Turkish mod,she's away for some personal reasons,will be back soon.
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Situation in Turkish Section is worsening day by day. What do we have to do for mods to hear us, a riot similar in Turkey which is going on right now ?
Now for over a month, we still don't have a mod. Now all kinds of trolls began to Register in PDF and troll in Turkish section.

Admins - Mods please hear us.
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