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Missed News-Combat Exoskeletons to be deployed to Afghanistan by September!


Aug 13, 2010
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United States
Army To Unveil Exoskeleton For Soldiers | WebProNews

In something straight out of scifi we get the news that the Lockheed Martin and Ekso Bionics are getting close to deploying their Human Universal Load Carrier (HULC) hydraulic exoskeleton for testing on the front line. The exoskeleton, which has been in development since 2000, is a backpack with hydraulics along the legs of the soldier, would give them the ability to carry heavier loads and walk for longer periods of time with out feeling fatigue. The system also features a pivoting arm that’s capable of holding heavy weapons, allowing the wearer to fire them with a substantially reduced recoil.

This is the newest in the line of exoskeletons and is significantly lighter and can last significantly longer. Lockheed originally rolled out HULC in 2010, but in a heavier, bulkier form that tended to run down its batteries in just an hour. The current model can go for up to eight hours “on the march,” and lasts “days and days” on a single charge if you’re just standing guard with a machine gun. Lockheed is still working on a fuel cell meant to provide 72 hours of power in even the most strenuous conditions.

On of the cooler things about the HULC is that it also has an arm that you can attach a machine gun to. The arm helps reduce the recoil to about 1/3 of normal. This means that they can use higher caliber rounds, say a .50 cal in the field.

In September, the Army will take the exoskeleton out for it’s field trials and if all goes right, a Lockheed Martin rep said that it could see combat in Afghanistan by the end of the year!

There's been talk for 2-3 years down the road... little did we know they are farther along than anyone could have ever expected!




• Range: 20 km on level terrain at 4 km per hour
• Load Carriage: Up to 200 lb; carries front and back loads
• Speed: 3 mph march; up to 10 mph burst
• Fits warfighters’ height range of 5’4” to 6’2”


• Wide variety of mission specific attachments
• Capable of serving as backbone for integrated systems such as armor, heating or
cooling systems, sensors and other custom attachments
• Long-range extended 72-hour mission model available

Looks like an initial step towards Iron Man like machines. Tools like these can significantly improve combat effectiveness of troops.
They're running out of able bodied men and need to deploy handicapped people to the front lines. Next we'll have "robotic wheelchairs" armed with machine guns :lol:
Looks like an initial step towards Iron Man like machines. Tools like these can significantly improve combat effectiveness of troops.

Indeed, Tools like these will lead to significant improvements for combat logistics and give troops the capability to carry more loads without getting tired.

eventually they will also be able to provide additional protection imo.

The possibilities as they are improved upon are legion.
these Exoskeletons will be the future..in future it will make soldiers to carry atleast 10 times weapons load they can carry for longer time period.. modern marvels.. :tup:
They're running out of able bodied men and need to deploy handicapped people to the front lines. Next we'll have "robotic wheelchairs" armed with machine guns :lol:
If we can make disabled people killers, what do you think fully physically abled people can do? :lol:
^^^ Is it just me or is SinoChallenger's name in the above post appearing as Sinus Challenged ?:rofl:
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