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Mar 17, 2008
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United States
By Shafiq Khan

Thursday, 29 May 2008.

Ahmed Quraishi-Pakistan/Middle East politics, Iraq war, lebanon war, India Pakistan relations

ONTARIO, Canada—In last 100 days, after 18th February elections, the leaders of Nawaz League, Peoples Party, lawyers, judges, civil society, ex-servicemen and leaders of the parties who didn't take part in the general elections, like Qazi Hussain Ahmed and Imran Khan have literally taken the country to a bankruptcy and height of frustration.

Top of that, American leaders, press & media, Congressmen, Senators, Think Tanks, NGOs and other civil organizations in the United States have played with the Pakistani politics like a prostitute. There is not a day, when some a****** from the United States lands in Islamabad uninvited, struts around on the streets of Pakistan as if he’s in a nightclub, meets government, opposition leaders, personalities of their choice and freely woof and yap like a rabid dog and flies back to Washington.

The interesting part of all this is, the same Nawaz leaders, lawyers, civil society, ex-servicemen, the same Hamid Mir, Geo, Jang, anti-Musharraf commentators and analysts, who curse the United States day and night for supporting President Musharraf, now publicize and quote their statements just because now these are against President Musharraf.

World knows that the United States has only one agenda for Pakistan, "to destroy Pakistan as soon as possible by a bloodbath through a civil war".

The limit is that Pakistan has been hostage through the hands of lawyers, retired and deposed Judges and wasted interests in the country for the last 15 months (after 9th March 2007) and President Musharraf did everything opposition demanded from him but they come out with one point or the other. It is 110% correct that every single one of the people mentioned above is practicing the hypocritical politics of personal agendas, personal vendettas and selfish goals.

The most hypocritical, mean, selfish and ugly politics are being practiced by Asif Ali Zardari and Nawaz Sharif. While Nawaz Sharif has put the country at stake because of his animosity with President Musharraf, Mr. Zardari is avenging the dead bodies of Z.A Bhutto and Benazir Bhutto. Plus, he has no interest whatsoever in Pakistan as he has pocketed hundreds of millions of dollars and cleared all of his criminal cases through the National Reconciliation Ordinance (NRO).

Yusuf Raza Gilani is a ‘Yes-Sir’ prime minister. He is worse than Rafiq Tarar and Phajja Chaudhry. He did nothing in last three months except raise hands for prayers, perform inauguration ceremonies and act as a "Statement Issuing Machine". The real power sits with Asif Zardari and Nawaz Sharif.

The country is not only in confusion, turmoil and uncertainty but is quickly heading towards poverty, hunger, lawlessness and disintegration.

The point is, if everyone is working to cut Presidential powers but is saying nothing about the prime ministerial powers, since they want the Prime Minister o be a 'jackass' and Nawaz Sharif and Asif Zardari would hold the all the prime ministerial powers by remote control.

Question is: In case of both these fail, who would bring the balance when the President is castrated and Army is not taking part in politics? The ultimate result would be that people on the streets would rule their neighborhoods by looting, robbing, burning people alive, killing and ambushing others.

The bottom line, if the destiny of this country is Martial Law, "why to bring it when nothing is left, why not today"? President Musharraf may not hold the office of the Chief of the Army Staff, but he is still the Supreme Commander of the Arm forces. The entire 3 forces are under his control. To hell with 52-B,C.D,E,F,G,H…Use Martial Law and save the country!


Mirza Aslam Baig

Is A fired Cartridge

Politics for retired and old farts in Pakistan is a hobby, entertainment and passing time in a Recreation Club. Issuing statements in newspapers, taking part in talk shows on TV channels, attending conferences and meeting dinners everyday for these retired bureaucrats and generals is a pleasure occasion. These people are passing their leisurely time that way.

Mirza Aslam Baig is just one of the members of that RETARDED CLUB called the Ex-Servicemen Association. While on duty for over 30 years, that OLD FART did not do a single thing to be remembered and just served for his pay checks. These retired a******s are yapping regarding President Musharraf's exit for the last 15 months but nothing happened. Everyday, these old farts along with a bunch of journalists like Nazir Naji, Sethi, Hamid Mir, Qasmi and many more come out with a new lie on TVs and newspapers but on the same old pattern. The Chief Minister of Punjab Khosa, a political ‘puppy’, came out with a new idea that President Musharraf's name should be put on the Exit Control List. I cannot believe how a couple of hundred thousand people in Pakistan are behaving but I wouldn’t be surprised if they meet their end one by one taking the dream of President Musharraf's resignation in their chests.




The naïve and innocent people of Pakistan are helplessly watching crooks and thugs of politics, press, media and judiciary twisting facts and realities of political game for their personal designs.

Asif Zardari, an ordinary man of Sindh won two lotteries in his life, first when Benazir Bhutto came in his life and second when Benazir Bhutto went out of his life.

People close to Asif Zardari would verify my statement that before marrying Benazir Bhutto, Asif Zardari's life was confined to wine and women and chased wealth his whole life. He was an average, mediocre punk from Sindh and part of a bunch of people who gather together every night for drinking and debauchery. Asif has no education, no training and no grooming of being a political leader, statesman, patriotic Pakistani with nationalistic approach etcetera. If my statement is not correct, why Benazir Bhutto kept him away out of her political career and family life for most of her married life specially, last 10 years? Asif was just a MAN in Benazir's life and nothing more.

Peoples Party leaders basically come from opportunist agriculturists, industrialists, student leaders, Bus Adda men, Ghunda Tax Collectors and people from mediocrity who rose from earth to sky just because common masses are easily to fool. If Z.A Bhutto was a sincere leader and had there been honesty in his leadership and intentions, he would not have been thrown out after 5 years of his rule.

My statement could be honestly judged and tested that, "if Bhuttos were sincere, they would have been a real political force in Pakistan instead of following each other to the grave one by one.

What Asif Zardari and Peoples Party men call "four sacrifices" in fact was the revenge of the 'Mother Nature' which took away everything from Bhuttos. No matter how hard Peoples Party claim and try to make world understand that all FOURS were killed by conspiracies and are martyred but if they were honest, they would be living to serve the people gracefully. I mean, "this is not a time of Prophet Muhammad or Khulfa-i-Rashdeen that God wanted to take some religious work from Bhuttos through shooting on the road (Murtaza Bhutto), hanging in a murder case (Z.A Bhutto) and an accidental car lever hit (Benazir Bhutto)!

I am a firm believer that Asif Zardari's jugglery would not last longer and the Mother Nature would strike soon.

I don't know what is agreed between Mr. Altaf Hussain of MQM and Asif Ali Zardari but I can foresee Asif fooling many people on many times. Calling MQM backed Sindh Governor to Manzoor Watto's gathering in Punjab is nothing but to avert the risk of any mishap while Ishrat-ul-Ibad is present. Coalition in Sindh with MQM is again just a piece of pie to the people who could risk the entire pie for the Peoples Party. Mr. Altaf Hussain must keep in mind that Asif Zardari has many enemies and does not want to fight with all of them ( President Musharraf, Army, Intelligence Agencies, Establishment, MQM, Sindhi Nationalists, Sindhi population, Nawaz Sharif, poverty, hunger, sky rocketing prices, Stocks etc.) by opening many fronts. His strategy is to fight one at a time.

One day MQM’s turn will come on Asif’s list, if he survives many of his opponents!

Asif must me a happy camper with the disguised support by the press and media. But remember, the hypocrites and crooks always need an opposition group to play their roles. What will happen when Musharraf is gone. Today, no one remembers Shaukat Aziz. Same way, one day, might be after months and years, when Musharraf is gone, the same cannons of Geo and Jang would be pointed at Asif Ali Zardari (not at Nawaz Sharif because of ethnic reasons, unfortunately).


In the above game of 'Hide & Seek', the main role is of Uncle Sam. He is closely watching to wind up the table.

I warn wasted interests: you might survive Musharraf, Army or the Establishment but when the White Elephant would be loose, Pakistan might lose its frontiers and the destiny of 160 million people would be ocean of bloods.



When Asif Zardari can marry Benazir and in a snap hijack the Peoples Party and declare himself a co-chairman, then nothing is wrong in Husain Haqqani becoming our ambassador to the U.S. This all is a part of U.S. game. Everyone is in the line of a slaughterhouse. It depends, who is next?

Few points to remember:

1. Musharraf could use 52-B.
2. An absolute Martial Law could come in the next few months. I wish, at least 50,000 are killed.
3. Some well known leader/personality could be killed to derail the system or as a Trump Card.
4. That jerk Iftikhar Chaudhry would die with the wish in his heart to be Chief Justice again.
5. If I was President Musharraf, 100 days were enough to test the present government where they have done nothing and I would have kicked it out.
6. This is God's wrath on Pakistan that the nation is trapped in the middle of an ocean of problems.
7. America is well on target to bring bloodshed and civil war in Pakistan.
8. Asif Zardari is posing himself as the most intelligent person in Pakistan. But he is not.

9. Why do people forget a TRUTH of Mother Nature where it makes the best judgment? Look for a second on Z.A. Bhutto, Indira Gandhi, Shaikh Mujib-ur-Rehman who literally lost their patriarchs and were left with leftover women.
10. Asif, Nawazoo, you are not smarter than Bhuttos, Indiras and Mujeebs. If they lost everything, you are simply a pawn of chess and whatever wealth you have collected of Bhuttos, you would not be able to use.

Mr. Khan is a Pakistani commentator based in Canada. The views expressed here are his own. He can be reached at shafiqkhansindhi@gmail.com

One more analyst recommending the Gulag.

Give democracy some loving and caring. More than that; give it some time.

Pakistan's problems are complex; they'll take years to iron out. They cannot be solved, and I'll repeat this again, cannot be solved by one man/committee/group.

One more analyst recommending the Gulag.

Give democracy some loving and caring. More than that; give it some time.

Pakistan's problems are complex; they'll take years to iron out. They cannot be solved, and I'll repeat this again, cannot be solved by one man/committee/group.

With GeoTV,Nawaz,Zadari and Retarded judges still around no thanks we dont want democracy! In Pakistan its only meant for the crooks..
With GeoTV,Nawaz,Zadari and Retarded judges still around no thanks we dont want democracy! In Pakistan its only meant for the crooks..

Dude, come to India. We got our own share of jokers.

<<<<For your eyes only>>>>
Martial law has never helped Pakistan, why do you forget that?

The absence of democracy has been particularly disastrous for Pakistan.
<<<<For your eyes only>>>>
Dude, come to India. We got our own share of jokers.

<<<<For your eyes only>>>>
Martial law has never helped Pakistan, why do you forget that?

The absence of democracy has been particularly disastrous for Pakistan.
<<<<For your eyes only>>>>

ohh really.. then please answer my question.. was pakistan better off in last 6 years or the demcrapy we had in the 90s the lost "decade"..?
ohh really.. then please answer my question.. was pakistan better off in last 6 years or the demcrapy we had in the 90s the lost "decade"..?

The primary reason why Pakistan was better off in the last six years was 9/11 which resulted in Pakistan becoming a major non-NATO ally, the benefits of which are eroding due to multiple factors.

If you really want to compare, compare Pakistan's situation under Musharraff prior to 9/11.

Just one question, is development only economical and not political?
With GeoTV,Nawaz,Zadari and Retarded judges still around no thanks we dont want democracy! In Pakistan its only meant for the crooks..

Democracy needs time to mature and develop.

The media as an institution needs the same.

As far as I know, we do not have even one University of Journalism, though one was proposed last year.

A martial law will be the worst thing to happen to Pakistan right now - sanctions, domestic unrest, a hatred of the military - it will be almost guaranteed that we will become another Burma.

All of the problems the country is facing right now did not miraculously appear with the new democratic government - they have been in the making since last year, and before, when Musharraf and the PML-Q were in charge.
Democracy needs time to mature and develop.

The media as an institution needs the same.

As far as I know, we do not have even one University of Journalism, though one was proposed last year.

A martial law will be the worst thing to happen to Pakistan right now - sanctions, domestic unrest, a hatred of the military - it will be almost guaranteed that we will become another Burma.

All of the problems the country is facing right now did not miraculously appear with the new democratic government - they have been in the making since last year, and before, when Musharraf and the PML-Q were in charge.

Please sir can you give me your opinion regarding current situation? How can we give time to democracy when "GeoTV,Nawaz,Zadari and retarded judges are still around"..? and also... the more time we give to media the more they will abuse freedom of speech and misguide the awam in thinking that the real enemy of pakistan is its army!
Martial Law is definitely not the solution. You can never ramrod your views, whether religious or political, down peoples throats and hope that they will swallow.

As Hon Agnostic Muslim says, democarcy must be allowed to follow its course. If a military action needs to be taken, let an elected govt do it. Do we ever want to get out of this Martial Law/Electiions and same again cycle?
The primary reason why Pakistan was better off in the last six years was 9/11 which resulted in Pakistan becoming a major non-NATO ally, the benefits of which are eroding due to multiple factors.
If you really want to compare, compare Pakistan's situation under Musharraff prior to 9/11.

Pakistan already started observing very good economic growth before 9/11. I can show that if you want.
So saying that "Pakistan was better off in the last six years beacuse of 9/11", is completely wrong and false. Yes, it did help in certain matters, but that is surely not the factor which allowed Pakistan's economy to flourish like the way it did.

Just one question, is development only economical and not political?

National Assembly completed its full 5-year tenure for the first time in Pakistan's history.
Local Government system introduced.
The seats for minorities and women in parliament increased
Media freedom in Pakistan has been introduced.
Fight with extremism and terrorism which is a root cause of trouble in Pakistan, and which previous leaders were afraid of doing, due to their own self-interests.

In Pakistan we neither had economic development nor political development ever in the history. In the last 7 years we have seen both.
Pakistan already started observing very good economic growth before 9/11. I can show that if you want.
So saying that "Pakistan was better off in the last six years beacuse of 9/11", is completely wrong and false. Yes, it did help in certain matters, but that is surely not the factor which allowed Pakistan's economy to flourish like the way it did.

9/11 did have a role to play in your country's economic performance. I'm not going to contest your assertion that Pakistan's economy started looking up before 9/11 for I believe you, being a Pakistani, would know more than me. I would just like one clarification, did Pakistan's economy gather steam during NS or did this phenomenon take place after the coup?

National Assembly completed its full 5-year tenure for the first time in Pakistan's history.
Local Government system introduced.
The seats for minorities and women in parliament increased
Media freedom in Pakistan has been introduced.
Fight with extremism and terrorism which is a root cause of trouble in Pakistan, and which previous leaders were afraid of doing, due to their own self-interests.

And yes one more thing, without economic development, political development does not exist.
In Pakistan we neither had economic development nor political development ever in the history. In the last 7 years we have seen both.

The National Assembly that you are reffering to was nothing more than a rubber-stamped parliament with the country's most popular leaders (BB and NS) in exile.

Local government system was introduced, but did it really empower people?

If the seats for women and minorities have been increased and media freedom has been increased, then it is indeed good news. I would like a link for this.

The fight against extremism and terrorism was always on through both military and non-military means; it was after 9/11 that the scope of this fight really widened.

A dictator abuses his powers to out a legally elected PM: enough for political development.
To all the forum colleagues contributing to this thread - i can understand your anger, frustration and your sentiments because of the current political and economic situation in the country - (there is no electricity in my flat as i write this post). my feelings and sentiments are exactly the same but martial law is not the answer.

We have to give them a chance (even though they dont have a clue of what to do). if ZAB could not provide roti, kapra aur makan, how do you expect these idiots to!. ZAB was 100 times smarter than them. let the people who gave them the mandate decide how much time to give them to put things right before they vent their anger on the streets.

let there be umpteenth elections. let the people weed them out.

Dont involve the armed forces in all this crap. let the armed forces clean their house (if required). let them concentrate on their operational prepardness. believe me they will be watching closely from the sidelines.

Patience is the key!
In support of relent

=vish;162657]9/11 did have a role to play in your country's economic performance. I'm not going to contest your assertion that Pakistan's economy started looking up before 9/11 for I believe you, being a Pakistani, would know more than me.

In that SHORT span of 2 years BEFORE 9/11,
1-Pakistan’s revenue increased from Rs.308 billion to become Rs.395 billion.
2-Exports increased from $7.5 billion to become $9.2 billion.
3-Foreign Reserves increased from $1 billion to become $3.25 billion.
4-Debt servicing as a ratio to Revenue decreased from 65% to 57%.
5-Public and external debt as a percentage to Foreign exchange earnings declined from 300% to 250%.
6-Current account deficit decreased from $2.4 billion to become $510 million. 7-Pakistan’s large-scale manufacturing grew by 11% in June 2001 against 3.5% in 1998.

I would just like one clarification, did Pakistan's economy gather steam during NS or did this phenomenon take place after the coup?

1- In 1999, Revenue generation of around Rs.308 billion could not meet the growing expenditure requirements; with only an average of Rs.80 billion being spent on Public sector development programs (PSDP) annually, and no visible project to boast about.
2- From this Rs.308 billion around 65% was being utilized for debt servicing.
3- In 1988 Pakistan’s foreign debt was $18 billion, but at the end of 1999 it had accumulated to become $38 billion. A 100% increased burden on the already crippled economy.
4- Public and external debt exceeded 300% of Foreign exchange earnings. Pakistan had become a highly indebted poor country.
5- Poverty levels also increased to become 35% according to economic survey.
6- Foreign reserves ONLY $700 million.
7- Foreign investment less than $1 billion
8- Exports stagnated at $7 billion.

The National Assembly that you are reffering to was nothing more than a rubber-stamped parliament with the country's most popular leaders (BB and NS) in exile.

National Assembly even now is rubber stamp parliement, under PPP and PML-N. Even the toilet of Zardari house is used more than Parliament currently.

1- Constitutional package is being discussed every-where BUT parliament.
2- Judges restoration is being talked every-where i.e London, Muree, Dubai, etc BUT Parliament.
3- Elections cancelled at Rehman Malik's directives. Not discussed at Parliament.
4- Attack at Bajour. No mention in Parliament.
5- Every political discussion is taking place in Zardari House - BUT parliament.
6- Zardari House is currently more important than Parliement.
7- The constitutional package will be brought in Parliament for RUBBER STAMP of decisions by Zardari & Rehman malik.

We have puppet Prime Minister with Zaradri behind.

We have puppet CM Khosa in Punjab with Shabaz Sharif behind.

Musharraf's era was much better and Shaukat Aziz was given free hand on Economic & finance. Yet, political decisions were taken by PML-Q decisions, as Shaukat Aziz was not political.

Local government system was introduced, but did it really empower people?

yes, all the constructions by City Nazims are directly benefiting the public.

1-Numerous Parks made under this system.
2-Several bridges and underpasses accomplished.
3-Civic ammneties much better.

I'll paste its accomplishments later.

If the seats for women and minorities have been increased and media freedom has been increased, then it is indeed good news. I would like a link for this.

Yes its facts that earlier there were TWO channels and now there are above 50 channels. Wikepedia has named all of them in Pakistan Media.

The fight against extremism and terrorism was always on through both military and non-military means; it was after 9/11 that the scope of this fight really widened.

We needed effective strategy after 9/11. WoT is primarily for us:

0- Army's patrolling of our borders.
1- To stop any infiltration from Afghanistan into NWFP.
2- Stop cross border terrorism into Pakistan's NWFP areas.
3- Stop refugees to cross into PAK>
4- Stop weapons and ammunitions crossing into PAK.
5- Sucide bombers have crossed alot, this patrolling has decreased this level to lowest possible.
6- Stop crossing over of Uzbeks, Afghans, Tajiks, etc into PAK.

A dictator abuses his powers to out a legally elected PM: enough for political development.

Actually, we have two types of dictators: Military Dictators & Democratic dictators!

Both abuse each other BUT the democractic dictatros also abuse Pakistan!

Musharraf era has seen many developments! :pakistan:
As a side question, how much of a possibility do you guys think there is for another coup d'etat and/or martial law being imposed at this time (Lo, medium, High)?
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