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Mangalyaan and Maven will complement each other in Mars findings


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Mangalyaan and Maven will complement each other in Mars findings
Tuesday, Nov 19, 2013, 13:38 IST | Place: Chennai | Agency: PTI


ISRO and NASA will coordinate functions of their Mars Orbiters -- Mangalyaan and Maven -- once both get into orbit of the red planet in September next year.

"If NASA's orbiter Maven and ISRO's Mars Orbiter are successful, they will complement each other in findings and help understand the red planet better. We will coordinate with NASA once both our missions get there. Right now our focus is to get the Orbiter there," ISRO sources told PTI.

Explaining the differences between both missions, they said that unlike the American NASA orbiter, MOM is a "small and modest" attempt by India.

While NASA's Maven mission is worth 671 million USD, India's Mars Orbiter mission cost only Rs 450 crore, they said, adding Maven carried eight scientific instruments, while the ISRO mission carried five.

"We are more application-specific in our approach. So we don't spend much on research. But this is one of our efforts in exploratory science... India's modest contribution to the understanding of science," they said.

ISRO chairman K Radhakrishnan had earlier told reporters that the findings of ISRO' Mars Orbiter mission and NASA's Maven would complement each other.

NASA's Mars-bound spacecraft, the Mars Atmosphere and Volatile EvolutionN (MAVEN) was launched aboard a United Launch Alliance Atlas V 401 rocket in the early hours today from Cape Canaveral in Florida, US.

MAVEN is the second mission for NASA’s Mars Scout Program and is likely to obtain critical measurements of the Martian upper atmosphere to help understand the climate change over the red planet's history.

MAVEN carries eight instruments -- Neutral Gas and Ion Mass Spectrometer, Imaging Ultraviolet Spectrograph, Magnetometer, Solar Wind Electron Analyzer, SupraThermal And Thermal Ion Composition, Langmuir Probe and Waves antenna, Solar Energetic Particles and Solar Wind Ion Analyzer.

After having successfully completed five orbit raising manoeuvres on its Mars Orbiter, ISRO is expected to perform the crucial event of trans Martian injection of the spacecraft in the early hours of December 1.

The spacecraft will reach the red planet's orbit by September 24, 2014 after an over 10 month voyage.

ISRO's PSLV-C25 successfully injected 1,350-kg Mangalyaan Orbiter (Mars craft) into orbit around Earth some 44 minutes after launch at 2.38 PM from Satish Dhawan Space Centre at Sriharikota on November 5, marking the successful completion of the first stage of the Rs 450 crore mission.

Mangalyaan and Maven will complement each other in Mars findings - Sci/Tech - DNA
But apart from studying the atmosphere of Mars, Mangalyaan will also try to detect methane which NASA's Mars orbiter Maven is not designed to do.

Methane discovery could mean life forms existing on Mars, though some rocks produce methane too but in extremely small degree.

Remember, India's Chandrayaan confirmed the presence of water on the Moon which NASA's many probes could not. So if Mangalyaan finds methane related to life on mars, it could change the course of science and exobiology! It would be sci-fi no more! It would be the real deal pointing to the fact that we as a species are not alone in this huge universe!
But apart from studying the atmosphere of Mars, Mangalyaan will also try to detect methane which NASA's Mars orbiter Maven is not designed to do.

Methane discovery could mean life forms existing on Mars, though some rocks produce methane too but in extremely small degree.

Remember, India's Chandrayaan confirmed the presence of water on the Moon which NASA's many probes could not. So if Mangalyaan finds methane related to life on mars, it could change the course of science and exobiology! It would be sci-fi no more! It would be the real deal pointing to the fact that we as a species are not alone in this huge universe!

So India is trying to discover life on Mars by measure if the Martians fart?

This statement is certainly is piece of crap

"Remember, India's Chandrayaan confirmed the presence of water on the Moon which NASA's many probes could not"

India need to stop taking credit for other's works.
So India is trying to discover life on Mars by measure if the Martians fart?

This statement is certainly is piece of crap

"Remember, India's Chandrayaan confirmed the presence of water on the Moon which NASA's many probes could not"

India need to stop taking credit for other's works.
The trouble with people like you is that you keep shooting from the hip with gay abandon. I have studied all these Mars and Moon probes in detail. I have even been quoted on many websites with my research. And there are almost a million views on my You Tube presentations.

So please don't spew baloney when you know little or nothing about the subject.

And for your info, you don't need two-legged 'Martians' to fart methane. Mangalyaan will be looking for biosignatures of organic life of Martian origin. The existence of life in the form of microorganisms such as methanogens is possible, but as yet unproven, and that is what Mangalyaan would try to find out.
So India is trying to discover life on Mars by measure if the Martians fart?

This statement is certainly is piece of crap

"Remember, India's Chandrayaan confirmed the presence of water on the Moon which NASA's many probes could not"

India need to stop taking credit for other's works.
dont get jealous taiwanese..taiwan will send the rocket to moon soon in some centuries!!
nice... they can have a party together up in Mars orbit! :enjoy:
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