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Malik invokes Islam in offer to Taliban



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Sep 4, 2012
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ISLAMABAD: Like his other colleagues who spoke in the National Assembly on Saturday, the usually tough-talking interior minister, Rehman Malik, took the role of a preacher to make a holy, though ambiguous, offer to Taliban militants: “Return to the fold of Islam” to end bloodshed.

Lawmakers from both sides of aisle, including some non-Muslims, invoked Islamic teachings for the sake of peace in the country as the house suspended its normal agenda to hold a rare debate to mark the birthday of the Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) on a move from Khursheed Ahmed Shah, Religious Affairs Minister and chief whip of the ruling Pakistan People’s Party (PPP).

But there were not many listeners for more than 20 lawmakers who spoke to a poorly attended house, which met a day after Eid Miladun Nabi (PBUH), which was a national holiday.

The sitting, chaired by PPP member Yasmeen Rehman, started with only 18 members present and the attendance never reached even 30 at any time, although the quorum for the 342-seat house requires the presence of 86 members.

After some of his usual bluster, such as “munafiqeen” (hypocrites) misusing a religious platform for violence, like throats of Muslims cut in Swat valley during the 2009 Taliban revolt there, and appealing to ulema to bring perceived deviators to the right path, the interior minister, addressing the Taliban, said: “I invite you to give up terrorism.”

Then asking them at whose behest they were fighting, he said: “I invite all Taliban to come into the fold of Islam and stop ‘qatl-o-gharat’ (murder and pillage).”

But the minister’s remarks remained ambiguous as he did not say if a halt of violence by the Taliban could lead to a dialogue, which the government has said in the past could be held only with those militants who laid down their weapons.

Mr Khursheed Shah, who wound up the debate, did not pick up the interior minister’s theme as he spoke of the need for ulema to use the pulpit to preach unity among Muslims rather than sectarianism, though he said “there is a mentality that promotes murders and we have to fight against this mentality”.

While most lawmakers avoided speaking of politics in general, before the house was adjourned until 5pm on Tuesday, the Jamiat Ulema-i-Islam of Maulana Fazlur Rehman, the only religious party in the house, struck a discordant note after speeches by a couple of its members by staging a fifth walkout in as many days to protest against the imposition of governor’s rule in Balochistan where it was a partner in the dismissed PPP-led provincial cabinet.

Malik invokes Islam in offer to Taliban | Newspaper | DAWN.COM
yeah Rehman Malik can say that, He knows all about Hypocrisy more then anyone else..
This is one of the good things he has done... to each person you talk in his own language-to luffy in his, to a patriot in his and to an MQM thug in his. Invoking Islam in talking to TTP is useful because it is the only language they understand.
Logically speaking, Rahman Malik and Islam should never appear in the same sentence.

However , this guy is the ultimate Hypocrite so no one should be surprised.
This is one of the good things he has done... to each person you talk in his own language-to luffy in his, to a patriot in his and to an MQM thug in his. Invoking Islam in talking to TTP is useful because it is the only language they understand.

This is useless Rant By R.Malik he knows nothing will happen no matter what he says, taliban dont listen to this guy anymore nor they want any dialogue, Any talks with them end without any result, So why waste time?
This is useless Rant By R.Malik he knows nothing will happen no matter what he says, taliban dont listen to this guy anymore nor they want any dialogue, Any talks with them end without any result, So why waste time?

He is pretty much an attention-seeker. Fun little guy. :D

But basically I was referring to the fact that it is easier to convince these guys by referring to Quran and having a sound knowledge of Islam. In the Swat center run by Pakistan army to bring back people to the right way of thinking after their capture. There low level ex-terrorists are being taught skills in religion classes their doubts are cleared as to what is allowed and what is not and how suicide bombing, murder and terror are a crime against humanity. For example despite not being very spiritual (was more spiritual when i did write this) I wrote this:

Refuting the Taliban's ideology with the Quran & Hadith

Doing 'Jihad' or destroying Islam itself?

Before his Death the Prophet (Peace Be Upon Him) gathered the Muslims and warned them about a Fitnah (A trial or Test). He very strictly warned Muslims against a number of hypocrites who would use Islam for their own benefits and lust for power and wealth. The Prophet specifically warned that these people would try to justify their Anti Islamic activities by inventing and introducing laws that had been unheard of and unseen in Islam. The Prophet further cautioned that these Munafiqeen would be a challenge to the Muslim Ummah and that they would make Muslims fight amongst themselves and would massacre fellow Muslims in the name of Jihad but in reality would be helping the enemies of Islam by their actions. He further went on to say that they would justify their activities which included murder torture and rape by posing as Pious Muslims claiming they only wanted what was best for Islam but in truth they would be hypocrites working for the interests of Islam’s enemies. The Prophet called these people a “trial” or “curse” and described them as a major challenge to Muslims as their entire purpose would be to spread fasad in Muslim lands making them weaker and weaker.

Today it seems that this Prophecy has been fulfilled and the Pakistani people have come face to face with this Fitna that lies in the form of criminals and bloodthirsty thugs calling themselves the “Tehreek E Taliban Pakistan.” As the Prophet warned these thugs justify themselves by claiming to fight for Islam and the enforcement of Islamic Law in their areas however the murderers have let loose a reign of terror in the Swat and the Federally Administered Tribal Areas of Pakistan where they continually massacre innocent Muslims and hapless civilians and even the very soldiers of Pakistan whose very purpose is to safeguard Islam and Pakistani citizens.

Most recently the proof of the devious intentions of the TTP have emerged as their demands for Shariah law were met and the Nizam E Adl regulation was finally introduced! Despite this they did not stop in their War against the people of Swat murdering, raping and torturing innocent Muslims.

Often people have suggested the Taliban are operating on foreign support claiming no Muslim can commit such horrible acts which the Prophet clearly despised and claim to be fighting for Islam while ignoring or purposely breaching entire sections of the Quran and Hadith. Foreign sponsored or not the Taliban have become a threat to the very foundations of Islam.

However what is most surprising is how they have waged war against Pakistanis and Islam itself by simply justifying their Anti Islamic activities by claiming to fight for Islam. In their attempt to 'safeguard' Islam the Taliban have gone against the teachings of the Holy Prophet and the words of the Quran itself!

The question is why has it taken so long for the Ulema and all sections of society in Pakistan to raise their voice against the Taliban and condemn their Anti Islamic behaviour and expose to the World that their work is not that of the Mujahideen? Let us take a look at what the Quran and Hadith say about these Enemies of Islam.

Terrorism and challenging the Rulers by creating havoc in the land

The Quran States clearly that Fasadi elements such as the Taliban who massacre Muslims in the name of Islam and create mischief in the land are punishable by death clearly. It also explains that the local law enforcement agencies, the police and the army, people the militants particularly target, are upholders of law and are supposed to stop mischief in the land:

"...if any one slew a person - unless it be for murder or for spreading mischief in the land - it would be as if he slew the whole people: and if any one saved a life, it would be as if he saved the life of the whole people...(Quran 5:32)"

This Quranic verse goes even further and specially applies for hypocrites of the Tehreek E Taliban who attack and slaughter Muslims with impunity and then claim they only want peace and what is best for Islam and Muslims:

When it is said to them: "Make not mischief on the earth," they say: "Why, we only want to make peace!" Of a surety, they are the ones who make mischief, but they realise (it) not. (Quran 2.11-12)

Suicide bombing

Perhaps the one action that has revealed to the Pakistanis that the Taliban are in no way “Mujahids” or Warriors of Islam is the Suicide bombing campaigns that have gripped the country which clearly are under the patronage “Pakistani Taliban” leaders which of course has been blamed for receiving foreign support. These bombings have resulted in the death of over thousands of innocent civilians and have turned the tide against them with Pakistanis realising their true faces. Innocent women and children have fallen victim to this Genocide of Muslims at the hands of so called “Warriors of Islam” and have proven them to be amongst the ranks of the Munafiqeen.

The Hadith in this regard says clearly:

Allah's Messenger (may peace be upon him) observed: He who killed himself with steel (weapon) would be the eternal denizen of the Fire of Hell and he would have that weapon in his hand and would be thrusting it in his stomach for ever and ever; he who drank poison and killed himself would sip that in the Fire of Hell where he is doomed for ever and ever; and he who killed himself by throwing himself from (the top of) a mountain would constantly fall in the Fire of Hell and would live there for ever and ever. (Sahih Muslim [Arabic only]: 158)

To further make the point clear:

He who killed himself with a thing would be tormented on the Day of Resurrection with that very thing. One is not obliged to make a vow to offer a thing which is not in his possession. (Sahih Muslim: 159)

Therefore there is no room for suicide bombing in Islam as it is not permissible to take ones own life as Life and Death are in the hands of Allah.

Therefore according to the Words of Prophet those responsible for these horrible acts can expect to be blowing themselves up in hellfire where they will live forever. Other than this they also red their hands with the blood of the many innocent people they massacre as the responsibility for the Murder lies with them. Allah’s Messenger said:

The first thing that shall be judged among people on the day of judgement will be crimes involving bloodshed (Sahih Muslim 3178)

Clearly Suicide bombing is a huge crime against Islam where the person also kills himself and many innocents at the same time. The person therefore condemns himself to hellfire rather than going to heaven which is unfortunately what the illiterate people who join the ranks of the Taliban get for their brutality.

Murder and unrelenting brutality

"Nor take life - which Allah has made sacred - except for just cause..." (Quran 17:33).

The Taliban in their illiteracy and evil intentions against Pakistan and Islam have even overlooked several paragraphs in the Quran and Hadith clearly saying that the bloodshed they create is Haram. This has further proven that they bear only malice against the Religion of Islam and seek to defame it with their activities. The cowardice of militants along with their lack of faith in Islam is shown as they flee the field of battle after committing horrible acts such as rape, torture and murder on the local population. The way they flee the field is even more surprising as it proves how brave these “phoney mujahidin” are. The Taliban are currently fleeing the field of battle after shaving off their beards in the face of Operation Rah E Haq II which the Armed Forces of Pakistan are undertaking to eliminate the bloodthirsty thugs.

In any case the Quran expresses very clearly:

Whoever kills a human being, it is as if he had killed all mankind. Whoever saves the life of one, it is as if he had saved the life of all. (Quran 5:32)

Furthermore the Prophet wanted to make it clear to Muslims after his time not to fight amongst each other as it would lead to our destruction:

Allah's Messenger (may peace be upon him) said: It is not permissible to take the life of a Muslim who bears testimony (to the fact) that there is no god but Allah, and I am the Messenger of Allah (Sahih Muslim 3175)

However it is completely understandable how these Anti Islamic elements calling themselves the Taliban ignore such verses of the Quran and the very Words of the Prophet himself. The Taliban are overlooking this as they are there simply to spread havoc in the land. Their Commanders use religion as an excuse to gain power and influence amongst illiterate followers. The excuses the Taliban make for murder are equally pathetic and they punish the entire family or tribe for a crime of one:

“Former mujahideen Amjad Islam, who was working as a teacher in a private school in Swat, was gunned down yesterday for not hiking his salwar above his ankles. The militants then went to Islam’s house and gunned down his father, Ghani Akbar, a lawyer by profession.”

The above excerpt from an article shows the idiocy of the Taliban. The Taliban not only killed a person for something as simple as not hiking up his Shalwar but also killed his father who had nothing to do with the incident!

They not only slaughter anyone who dares to explain to the people what really Islam means and say clearly that the TTP is wrong in its actions against Pakistan but do not even respect those who have died. This excerpt from an article shows clearly the sheer cruelty they can commit on those who stand for Islam and try to stop them:

“Pir Samiullah, a rival tribal and religious leader opposing Mullah Fazlullah's forces in the Matta region of Swat, and eight of his followers were killed in a Taliban assault on Dec. 16. Two of his aides were subsequently beheaded in public, while an estimated 40 of his followers have been captured. "The Taliban also torched the houses of Samiullah and 15 elders of his group," Daily Times reported.

After Samiullah was buried, the Taliban returned, dug up his body and hanged it in public. The Taliban made an example of Samiullah and those who oppose Fazlullah's rule.”


These activities are carried out despite the fact Prophet made it understood that it was not permissible to murder innocents and said that the Muslims greatest challenge would be infighting:

The Messenger of Allah (may peace and blessings be upon him) asked me on the occasion of the Farewell Pilgrimage to make the people silent and then said: Do not return to disbelief after me by striking the necks of one another.

Oppression of people of Swat FATA and Minorities in the areas

“Let there be no compulsion in religion: Truth stands out clear from Error: whoever rejects evil and believes in God hath grasped the most trustworthy hand-hold, that never breaks. And God heareth and knoweth all things.” (Al- Quran 2:256)

Perhaps the most painful fact about the terrorists is their oppression and relentless brutality against the minority community in Pakistan which is one of the greatest humiliation and shame for any Muslim who was ordered specifically by the Prophet to treat minorities, especially people of the book well.

However with traitors in our own land this becomes increasingly difficult. Recently the Tehreek E Taliban attacked minority Hindus and Sikhs in Pakistan burning hundreds of houses belonging to their communities in blatant disregard for the words of the Quran and of the Prophet that taught Muslims tolerance:

“Pakistani channel Geo TV reported that Taliban militants had taken over the shops and homes of the 35 Sikh families and arrested community leaders Kalank Singh and Sewa Singh in the Ferozkhel area of Lower Orakzai Agency.

Following this, a local jirga ruled that the Sikh community should annually pay Rs.15 million ($187,000) as jaziya or protection money. Earlier reports had said the Taliban had demanded Rs50 million but that this had been reduced.”

Even though the Sikhs later paid RS 15 Million the Sikh and Hindu community was attacked and the agreement was breached by the Taliban just like the Swat Taliban had breached their agreement to lay down arms when Pakistan accepted the demands of Swats people and imposed Shariah. Not only had they breached that agreement but also started attacking people in Buner.

The Prophet explicitly warned those elements who tried to harm minorities as such:

“Beware! Whoever is cruel and hard on a non-Muslim minority, or curtails their rights, or burdens them with more than they can bear, or takes anything from them against their free will; I (Prophet Muhammad) will complain against the person on the Day of Judgment.” (Hadith Abu Dawud)

The Quran too states:

Let each person believe (or disbelieve) whatever he or she wishes. (Quran 109:1,6)

This applies to the forcible conversion of the Sikhs, Christians and Hindus that has taken place on some occasions. However to expect the Taliban not to tarnish the image of Pakistan and Islam and not wish to tear Pakistan apart is futile as they will only do what serves them best as their actions have proven well beyond doubt that they have nothing to do with Islam and are simply there to create havoc in a Nuclear Armed Islamic State which is a vital part of the Muslim Ummah.


The coming of the Tehreek E Taliban Pakistan it seems indeed is the fulfillment of the Prophets warning and anyone who sides with them has failed to grasp the teachings of the Quran and Hadith and is unsure about his beliefs as he or she cannot fall into such a trap if he is a true Muslim. If the Taliban are not dealt with immediately the religion of Islam itself will be under threat with Anarchists changing the rules of Islam as they see fit to pillage and murder at ease while simply justifying their actions by claiming to be working for the best interests of Muslims.

It is more than time to start respecting those who wage war against elements such as the Tehreek E Taliban Pakistan that pose as Muslims to gain power and influence. If anyone is a true savior of Islam it is the Pakistani soldiers who are draining their blood for our future. They are the ones who are actually fighting to protect Islam and Pakistanis from anarchy and bloodshed.[/URL]

Refuting the Taliban's ideology with the Quran & Hadith

It got many views and is more powerful a tool against them. To argue or debate with an Islamist you need a sound knowledge of Islam. To do so with a Pakistani nationalist the same is needed about Pakistan and nationalism, to do so with a ethnic nationalist a sound knowledge of ethnicity is required. We understand their mindset we can break them from within.

Sorry just corrected my post @A.Rafay. Looked like I was sympathizing with those mass murderers. I want them dead but when I see Asmatullah Shaheen Tariq Afridi, Tufaan, Faqir Muhammed, Fazlullah, Hakeemulah and Wali ur rehman and not one of them dead-the taliban still carrying out deadly attacks I wonder if its worth it. I am not as optimisitic as many others because of things I have heard of from my contacts and even seen.
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He is pretty much an attention-seeker. Fun little guy. :D

But basically I was referring to the fact that it is easier to convince these guys by referring to Quran and having a sound knowledge of Islam. In the Swat center where low level terrorists are being taught skills in religion classes their doubts are cleared as to what is allowed and what is not and how suicide bombing, murder and terror are a crime against humanity. For example despite not being very spiritual (was more spiritual when i did write this) I wrote this:

Refuting the Taliban's ideology with the Quran & Hadith

I have heard Mualana Fazlurrehman have offered him self to do Talks with taliban the Islamic WAY! Even if they do engage in talks, all they want is Sharia LAW in pakistan and present system removed! And they wont listen any thing else except this, So how this gonna Work??
I have heard Mualana Fazlurrehman have offered him self to do Talks with taliban the Islamic WAY! Even if they do engage in talks, all they want is Sharia LAW in pakistan and present system removed! And they wont listen any thing else except this, So how this gonna Work??

I have no clue... but as a journo or more rather a researcher I get access to a lot of stuff. We are failing in this war actually. Last year there were more civilians and security forces killed than militants. I don't know what will happen and I want to see their leaders like Hakimullah and all others dead including the Taliban movement destroyed-both Afghan and Pakistani Taliban but I wonder if we can with not one top TTP commander killed.
I have no clue... but as a journo or more rather a researcher I get access to a lot of stuff. We are failing in this war actually. Last year there were more civilians and security forces killed than militants. I don't know what will happen and I want to see their leaders like Hakimullah and all others dead including the Taliban movement destroyed-both Afghan and Pakistani Taliban but I wonder if we can with not one top TTP commander killed.

You know what we need Predator drones with full command to take these goons out! Risk no pilots or soldiers, PAK Army can destroy taliban hideouts by drones with less civilian casualties Than Americans, Our guys know the areas well and have access to good intelligence about their hideouts!
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