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Malabar’ naval exercises trilaterally without including the Australian Navy


Apr 8, 2014
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A file photo of the recently held naval exercise ‘Malabar-2017.’


The government has decided to go ahead with this year’s ‘Malabar’ naval exercises trilaterally without including the Australian Navy

In a setback for the India-U.S.-Australia-Japan “Quad” in the Indo-Pacific, the government has decided to go ahead with this year’s ‘Malabar’ naval exercises trilaterally without including the Australian Navy, The Hindu has learnt.

Confirming that the 22nd edition would be held off Guam between June 7 and 15, Navy spokesperson Captain D.K. Sharma said: “India, U.S. and Japan are participating in it. We are sending a stealth frigate, a corvette and a tanker, which will be supported by the Long Range Maritime Patrol Aircraft Boeing P-8I.”However, the spokesperson declined to comment on why Australia’s request to join the exercises wasn’t accepted.

The move, which was first reported by the Australian media this week, is being seen there as a “snub” to the Malcolm Turnbull government, which has unsuccessfully requested to join Malabar for three years. It is also being seen as a signal of accommodation sent to China ahead of the Wuhan Summit between PM Modi and President Xi Jinping that concluded on Saturday.

In December 2017, Australian Secretary of the Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade Frances Adamson had told journalists in Delhi that Australia stood “very willing” to join the Malabar exercise and had discussed it during the “2+2” dialogue. In January 2018, PM Turnbull said the talks to join Malabar were “progressing well”. Both the US and Japan are understood to have supported the move, and diplomats indicated it was India that vetoed it.

The decision to decline Australia’s request comes along with a slew of decisions by the Modi government, including the cancellation of public rallies by the Dalai Lama in Delhi, putting off a parliamentarian’s conference on Tibet, and advising government officials to stay away from such events in a memo in February 2018 from the Prime Minister’s Office (PMO). The memo, that cited a “sensitive time” in relations with China, appeared to have been referring to PM Modi’s “informal summit” with President Xi in Wuhan on April 27-28.

A senior MOD source said the decision to include anyone outside of the three (US, Japan, India) would be taken by the Prime Minister’s Office and Ministry of External Affairs in consultation with the Ministry of Defence. “The Navy has no role in deciding who all should participate in it,” he said.

When asked whether the decision was a gesture to China’s concerns of a “containment policy” by the four Indo-Pacific powers, another senior government official said that India “doesn’t see military exercises as political messages”, and pointed out that India has stepped up bilateral naval exercises with Australia in the past two years, with the Indian Air Force will be taking part in the “Pitch Black” Air exercises in Australia for the first time in August 2018.

However, the official also said that the Quadrilateral process between India-US-Japan-Australia, which was launched in November 2017, was in incipient stages and any military cooperation between its members “was not quite there yet”.

Australia’s Minister for Foreign Affairs on the Quadrilateral Security Dialogue and on deepening the strategic and economic relationship with India
As Minister for Foreign Affairs, Julie Bishop was the lead player in the development of the Australian Foreign Policy White Paper. Released in 2017, it sets out a course for Australia to navigate a world in which the international order is being reshaped and power balances altered with the rise of China. It regards the Indo-Pacific as critical to Australia’s interests and a deepening partnership with India as vital in securing peace and prosperity in the region. Ms. Bishop, who is also Deputy Leader of the Liberal Party and tipped by many commentators as a future Prime Minister, fields questions on Australia’s place in what it sees as an increasingly “complex and contested” region. Excerpts:

Does the main challenge to Australia’s strategic and economic future lie in what one of your international security scholars described as the “end of the Vasco da Gama era”, that is, the end of Western ascendancy in Asia?

Well, I think our primary foreign policy objective is to achieve an open, inclusive and prosperous Indo-Pacific, in which the rights of all states are respected. This Indo-Pacific embraces India and the nations of the Asia Pacific. Not just as geographic description, but [one that reflects] the strategic and economic dynamics of our broader region and its changing balance of power and influence. So, our foreign policy debate is where Australia is positioned and where our interests lie — that’s how I describe the current scenario.

The Quadrilateral Security Dialogue, this strategic grouping of the U.S., India, Japan and Australia, has been resurrected. But what progress exactly has been made since the last meeting some months ago and do we know when the next one is going to be held?
I understand that our officials are scheduling a second Quad meeting soon. But the Quad is one of many subgroupings in the Indo-Pacific. Australia already has a trilateral strategic dialogue with the U.S. and Japan, while the U.S., Japan and India have their established meeting. I think the Quad is a natural extension of these mini-lateral relationships. It’s just one of the many ways in which Australia will seek to engage with partners that help shape our region at a time of geostrategic and technological and economic change. So, like many other groupings in the region, if the Quad is established at a higher level, it will allow our four nations to discuss all matters of common interest, as we do in other regional groupings. It’s obviously something to which Australia is committed, and I believe it’s a bipartisan approach towards the Quadrilateral.

What has changed since Australia pulled out of the Quad a few years ago? It was the Labour government that pulled out because of apprehensions over how this might play out with Australia’s economic relationship with China. But doesn’t the same apply today?

Well, it certainly wasn’t a decision of my side of politics to pull out of the Quad. We were exceedingly disappointed when the Labour government made a decision to withdraw from the Quad. We think that India’s importance is not to be understated; it’s a significant strategic partner for Australia and I think we share converging interests, particularly in the Indian Ocean. And India is the world’s largest democracy and will soon be the world’s most populous nation and so its economy is integrating, with technology and global know-how. It’s becoming increasingly integrated with the economies of East Asia and North Asia.

We see our relationship with India growing, based on the key pillars of security cooperation, economic engagement and, obviously, people-to-people links. I think the security and defence relationship has expanded greatly in the past few years. We’ve now got joint exercises across all three services and we’ve most certainly got a shared interest in maritime security, upholding international law, regional stability and countering violent extremism.

Is India as invested in the Quad as Australia is? I ask this in the context of the annual Malabar naval exercises. Are you a little disappointed that you are not a part of it this year?

Well, Malabar is a bilateral exercise between India and the U.S., and Japan was invited. Australia wasn’t invited to join. We are interested in joining Exercise Malabar but we are giving priority to the deepening of our bilateral exercises for now. As Indian Ocean nations with democratic values and an interest in regional security, I think Australia and India are natural defence partners. We conducted the second iteration of the bilateral navy exercise AUSINDEX in June 2017, so we’ll continue down that path.

Do you have the sense that your participation in Malabar will resume a little later, or do you have a sense that India’s hesitation has to do with China?

That’s something obviously you’ll have to ask India about. I know that AUSINDEX is a tangible demonstration of strengthening defence cooperation between Australia and India and that was envisaged in the framework for security cooperation that the Australian and Indian Prime Ministers announced in 2014. And Australia and India also maintain a regular programme of dialogue and reciprocal ship visits and the like. Obviously, we remain interested in participating in the exercise and we just haven’t received an invitation from India to take part. So that’s really a matter for India.

Is there any truth in the view that a full-fledged Quad arrangement will be seen as a kind of security threat in Beijing, an attempt to contain its rise? Is that a factor that the government has considered? Has it done anything to allay Chinese…

We’re committed to our engagement with Asia. We’re committed to ASEAN’s centrality to regional architecture. We have a very strong relationship and comprehensive strategic partnership with China. But all countries in the region have different groupings. They are members of different groups reflecting shared interests, common values, strategic issues and the like. China is a member of a number of groupings to which Australia is not a part and I think the Quad is just a natural extension of the two trilaterals that are currently in existence – Australia, Japan and the U.S., and India, Japan and the U.S. We are robust democracies, we do share a common world view and we are increasingly close and strategic partners.

How do you respond to the view that there has been a weakening in the U.S.’s resolve in staying engaged with Asia, particularly South East Asia? And that this has only got worse with the advent of Donald Trump?

The U.S. has been the dominant power in our region throughout post-Second World War history. And today, the relative strategic weight of China and other regional powers, including India, is growing. Like all significant powers, China will seek to influence the region to suit its own interests. As will India, and as other nations will do. It will be a complex and contested region. The U.S. has indicated a keenness to remain deeply engaged in the region. The national security statement of recent times speaks about the Indo-Pacific as an area of significant priority for U.S. foreign policy.

Shifting to the India Economic Strategy, we learn that it’s already been drafted. What is the next step? Does it get discussed in government, and when does it get unveiled formally? Can you give us a sense of this?

Sure. I have met with the author, Peter Varghese. Our economic interests are focussed on ensuring India as a priority economic partner. India is already our seventh largest trading partner in terms of two-way trade. Two-way trade and investment are growing but I think we should aspire for much more. I have high ambitions for our India Economic Strategy. It’s about identifying practical measures, deepening trade and investment ties, building on similarities between our economies and providing a roadmap to cement Australia as a priority economic partner for India out to 2035. What I anticipate is that we’ll launch the strategy later this year.

You’ll note that last week we announced we will be opening a consulate general in Kolkata. That will be our fourth post in India alongside New Delhi, Mumbai and Chennai and it is a recognition of India’s importance to Australia as a key economic partner. The consulate general in Kolkata in particular will be helping Australian businesses work with India to grow your mining sector.

But what is the process now? Does the India Economic Strategy document get accepted as it is? Does it go to Cabinet?

It was commissioned by the Prime Minister, so presumably the Prime Minister will then determine how broadly he will debate it and discuss it. It could be with the National Security Committee, a subcommittee of Cabinet, it could be with the broader Cabinet. But I would think the Prime Minister would be looking for input from many government ministers.

Moving to education, Australia has emerged as something of a big magnet for foreign students, many of them from India. But a vast majority of Indian students who arrive here have at least one eye on getting employed here after they finish their course. At one level, this is a reflection of the employment opportunities that Australia has to offer. But it also suggests that the education system here would do well to attract more students only for the academic programme.

Well, India is a large source of skilled migrants and the second largest source of international students — I think something like 68,000. So, we clearly welcome Indian students to study in Australia. But we also welcome skilled migrants. So, I think it’s a question of ensuring that we both get the balance right. That there are opportunities in Australia, we certainly want to see skilled migrants here, but we also see our international education sector as a significant part of the Australian economy. I think we’re managing to balance these competing interests. In the education sector, actually our flagship New Colombo Plan is supporting more Australian students to study abroad, so there is much more two-way exchange than there has been in the past. This year we are expecting about 1,500 Australian undergraduates to study in India. And our universities support other fellowships at the postgraduate level, Australia Awards scholarships are available for Indian students…

So how much money has been earmarked for this scholarship scheme? How does Australia hope to benefit from this?

The New Colombo Plan is about providing opportunities for Australian undergraduates to undertake part of their study in a country in our region. Forty locations have partnered with us on the New Colombo Plan and so Australian students have this opportunity to live, study and undertake internships. It will give them an unparalleled opportunity to understand the region in which we live, become more aware of the culture, political, economic, social side of the countries in the Indo-Pacific. And most certainly it will enable them to create networks and connections that hopefully will last a lifetime.

It’s been a couple of years since the India-Australia nuclear agreement was inked and we still don’t have a commercial contract on the table. Do you have any idea if there are any holdups on this account?

I understand that commercial negotiations for the supply of uranium to India are ongoing between Australia uranium exporters and Indian uranium customers. I know the first shipment of a sample for testing purposes took place in July 2017. We put in place the framework for Australian uranium producers to engage with Indian uranium customers. The timelines, details and negotiations for future bulk exports of Australian uranium to India are commercial matters. But most certainly the Australian government remains prepared to support commercial shipment to India.

Australia was really quick to make a statement on the U.S. pull out from the Iran deal. Is that significant that you came out against an ally so quickly and in such a clear and forthright manner?

No. It’s consistent with what we’ve been saying ever since the JCPOA [Joint Comprehensive Plan of Action] was finalised. Australia has recognised that it’s by no means a perfect agreement but in the absence of a viable alternative, we supported the JCPOA. I have never been accused of being quick, off the mark on commenting on foreign matters before [laughs], but it’s just consistent with the approach we have taken. I had spoken to the U.S. National Security Adviser and the U.S. Secretary of State. They were well aware of the position that we would take. So, having informed our U.S. partner privately, we responded to requests for public comment.

French President Emmanuel Macron talked about a Paris-Delhi-Canberra axis, as a regional structure. Is it something that this Australian government has ever put its mind to as a possibility?

President Macron most certainly spoke of the complementarities, if I could put it that way, between France, India and Australia, in our part of the world. France, of course, has interests in both the Indian Ocean and the Pacific Ocean. Australia and India have complementary interests in the Indian Ocean.

We have considered these levels of cooperation through the Indian Ocean Rim Association, where Australia and India are members and France is a dialogue partner. So France’s involvement in the Indian Ocean is not new but perhaps it is the first time we have heard a French President articulate the idea of a three-way partnership between Australia, India and France in relation to the Indian Ocean.
New Delhi, May 24, 2018 01:03 IST
Updated: May 24, 2018 01:03 IST

Navy chief Admiral Sunil Lanba on Wednesday termed Maldives a “challenge” as the island nation grew closer to China during its domestic political crisis over the last few months.

“Maldives is a challenge at the moment. The present government is inclined towards China,” said Admiral Lanba while speaking at the Vivekananda International Foundation on the Navy’s changing role in the current security environment.

On February 5, 2018, the current President of Maldives, Abdulla Yameen Abdul Gayoom Yameen declared emergency after refusing the Supreme Court order to release some political prisoners which plunged the country into a political crisis. While former Maldivian President Mohammed Nasheed repeatedly called India to intervene militarily, President Yemeen grew closer to China which caused discomfort in New Delhi.

Talking of the Quad consisting of India, Australia, Japan and the U.S., Admiral Lanba ruled out any military angle to it.

“We are not going down the route,” he stated.

He cautioned that India is the only country among the Quad which has a land border with China and questioned if anyone would come to assist in case of a conflict.

Admiral Lanba also acknowledged the rapid progress made by China in advancing its aircraft carrier programme.

Ministry of Defence
18-September, 2018 17:05 IST
Admiral Sunil Lanba, Chairman Chiefs of Staff Committee and the chief of the Naval Staff to visit United States of America

Admiral Sunil Lanba, Chairman Chiefs of Staff Committee and the Chief of the Naval Staff is visiting Rhode Island, USA on a bilateral visit from 18 to 22 September 2018 for attending the 23rd edition of the International Seapower Symposium (ISS) organised by the US Navy.

The Chairman Chiefs of Staff Committee and Chief of the Naval Staff is scheduled to present his views on the topic ‘Defending the Maritime Commons: Safeguarding the Free and International Order’ and participate in panel discussion during the symposium.

During his visit, the Chairman Chiefs of Staff Committee and the Chief of the Naval Staff is scheduled to hold bilateral discussions with Admiral John M Richardson, Chief of Naval Operations (CNO), Admiral Philip S Davidson, Commander, Indo-Pacific Command (INDO-PACOM), Admiral John C Aquilino, Commander, Pacific Fleet (PACFLT), Admiral James G Foggo, Commander Naval Forces, Europe and Vice Admiral Scott Stearney, Commander NAVCENT and Commander 5th Fleet of the US Navy. In addition, he would be interacting with Chiefs of Navies of Japan, France, Australia, UK, Malaysia and Sweden as well as several other senior dignitaries.

India and USA have traditionally maintained close and friendly relations. The Defence relationship between the two countries has been one of mutual trust and confidence, which translated into the US according major Defence partner status to India in June 2016. In addition, both countries have concluded certain major agreements, which include the Defence Framework Agreement, signed in 2015, which lays a blue print for collaboration between the defence establishments of both countries, the Logistics Exchange Memorandum of Agreement (LEMOA) signed in 2016, which is a foundational agreement, facilitating reciprocal logistics support between the Armed Forces of both countries and the more recent Communications Compatibility and Security Agreement (COMCASA) signed on 06 September 2018, that will facilitate information-sharing between the Armed Forces of both nations.

The Indian Navy engages with the US Navy on numerous issues, which include operational interactions such as the MALABAR and RIMPAC series of exercises, training exchanges, exchange of White Shipping Information and Subject Matter Expert exchanges in various fields, all of which are coordinated through the medium of Executive Steering Group (ESG) meetings conducted annually. In addition, warships from both navies regularly make port calls at each other’s ports.


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