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Making sense of China’s currency use demand

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Making sense of China’s currency use demand
By Jazib Nelson
Published: November 27, 2017

A China yuan note is seen in this illustration photo. PHOTO: REUTERS

ISLAMABAD: China is turning out to be a very demanding business partner for Pakistan. This is evident from the ever evolving nature of the China-Pakistan Economic Corridor (CPEC).

According to recent reports, China now wants Pakistan to allow the usage of Renminbi (RMB) – the official name of its currency – in the Gwadar Free Zone in order to avoid exchange rate risks associated with the US dollar and the Pakistani rupee.

This reasoning seems a little out of place given the stability of the rupee exchange rate vis-à-vis dollar in recent years.

The matter seems settled for now as Pakistan has turned down the Chinese demand during the senior officials’ meeting that was conducted last Monday. The government of Pakistan has argued that such a move will impede its economic sovereignty.

Pakistan rejects use of Chinese currency

However, we can expect that China may repackage its currency demand in the future. Rather than highlighting the USD-PKR exchange rate risks, it may propose this as a way to promote investment and commerce between the two countries.

Reasons behind the Chinese demand

It is no secret that China wishes to internationalise RMB by promoting it for trade settlement, foreign direct investment (FDI) and most importantly, as an international reserve currency. Currently, the US dollar is carrying out all of these functions. A currency that performs these functions must belong to a country with strong economic fundamentals and a stable government. Given the spectacular surge of the Chinese economy, RMB can easily lay claim to a dominant position in the international financial system.

China, however, isn’t taking the fastest route to achieve this objective. It has always been wary of negative ramifications associated with full integration of its financial system with the rest of the world. For a better part of its history, China has maintained strict capital controls. As it slowly internationalises its currency, China has still kept its capital account under controls. Efforts to promote RMB are mainly concentrated outside China which includes creation of RMB-denominated bonds called Dim Sum bonds and currency swaps with different countries.

However, RMB still isn’t fully convertible inside China. But it is fully convertible in the international foreign exchange market. As a result, RMB trades in two markets. One is the offshore RMB market where the People’s Bank of China (PBC) has no control and the other is the onshore market within China, which is regulated by the PBC. Hence, RMB has two types of exchange rates. While offshore rate moves freely, the onshore rate floats within a narrow band allowed by the PBC.

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As per the original Long-term plan (LTP) under CPEC framework, Pakistan has committed to only “explore the RMB offshore business in Gwadar Free Zone”. China’s currency demand is also part of its plan to internationalise RMB. It also seems that China wants to do with Gwadar Free Zone what it is doing in its own Shanghai Free Trade Zone.

Back in 2013, the Chinese government announced market-oriented currency reforms, which included wider convertibility of its currency for investors inside Shanghai Free Trade Zone. The arrangement was more like a pilot project to evaluate the impact of foreign exchange liberalisation on capital account before initiating country-wide currency reforms.

If RMB becomes operational in Gwadar Free Zone, China has two major advantages. First, it will be able to monitor the impact of RMB on Gwadar Free Zone and draw lessons for its currency reforms within China. Second, it can promote RMB internationally without any effect on its capital account whatsoever.

Chinese demand and Pakistan’s forex market

Pakistan’s current financial arrangement with China is governed by Currency Swap Agreement. Under this agreement, the State Bank of Pakistan can purchase Chinese currency with PKR. Similarly, PBC can also purchase PKR against its currency. On the specified date, SBP re-purchases PKR with the same Chinese currency on a pre-determined exchange rate. This facility can only be utilised for bilateral trade that is denominated in local currencies or financing of foreign direct investment.

The ongoing agreement is about to expire next month and both countries have agreed to extend it. The swap limit will be increased to $500 million.

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If RMB is allowed in Gwadar Free Zone, it effectively turns the free zone into an offshore market of the currency. We can expect that RMB may appreciate against PKR in the open-market and the gap between open-market and interbank exchange rate of RMB vis-à-vis PKR may widen. Exchange rate of RMB with dollar is usually high in the offshore RMB market of Hong Kong as compare to that in mainland China.

Pakistani exporters can accept payments in RMB from Chinese importers and then exchange the cash into PKR at a high open-market rate, which will increase their returns in PKR terms. This means that speculation between the two currencies will increase. Additionally, having multiple layers of exchange rates along with a currency swap agreement can prove to be quite disruptive for private businesses.

The writer is a researcher and works in the development sector of Gilgit

Published in The Express Tribune, November 27th, 2017.

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Read more: Analysis , China , Chinese currency
Some of the news papers in Pakistan get money from USA to write rubbish or they copy paste articles sent from abroad.

Only dependable source is the official CPEC site or Government of Pakistan or China's official statements or Pakistan Military

  • Jung Group
  • Khabrain Group
  • Nawai Waqat
  • GEO group (well known connection to RAW, they are quite interested in India all time)

All have a sense of writing material for highest bidder as they also seem to still think Nawaz Sharif is still Prime Minister of Pakistan based on the amount of time is family members appear on front page of these corrupt news papers

While Supreme Court of Pakistan has disqualified Nawaz Sharif , however the local news paper's front pages continue to showcase the corrupt family as still credible news (Paid for advertisement is called News)

Pakistan needs to introduce Ethical laws related to Journalism in which the news paper must be asked to declare of the article is sponsored from outside or copy pasted from another source.

The Operation of these so called "News" papers has to be controlled by audit so properly investigated news is published and not garbage reporting

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So u r suggesting that the voice of the press be muzzled. Is pakistan a banana republic or what? Please reign in ur undemocratic tendencies. If u dont agree with them, then u r free to put forward ur alternative veiwpoint and let the public decide. Other option is to be patient and let the literacy rates rise. Sabr is the keyword.

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Anybody in Pakistan who dares to criticize CPEC, China, its currency, whatever, is automatically assumed to be either a paid agent or a traitor. :lol:
The Express Tribune, a subsidiary of the New York Times...
Some of the news papers in Pakistan get money from USA -

This isn't really a "USA" thing: China's failure to establish the renminbi as a reserve currency is, as the article explicitly points out, due to its leaders being "wary of negative ramifications associated with full integration of its financial system with the rest of the world."

Otherwise, IMO, China could have established the renminbi as a reserve currency by 2004. Either its leaders don't understand currency macroeconomics, or they're still scared of 1998, or they're just really conservative and resistant to change. Or maybe a mix of the three?

Anyway, I don't see the U.S. opposing such a move because China is such a big player on the world trading scene that the renminbi's lack of long-term instruments is becoming a drag on long-term investment, both foreign and domestic, and thus a kind of drag on both economies; too much seignorage is not a good thing. That's why little Switzerland works hard (though with only partial success) to keep its franc from being widely used as a reserve currency.
I do believe the NEWWS organizations should be penalized for FALSE reporting

For example saying something that never happened...
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