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Make the May 2 report public

Should the May 2 commission report be made public ?

  • YES

    Votes: 7 77.8%
  • NO

    Votes: 2 22.2%

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May 3, 2009
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Make the May 2 report public


The commission that was tasked with investigating the events leading up to the May 2 Abbottabad raid in which Osama bin Laden was killed, has decided not to make its report public. Instead, it will only release a summary of its findings. If it does keep the report secret, the commission will be guilty of shirking its duty. The point of setting up the commission was to make public the security and intelligence lapses that led to the Navy SEALS raid, not to cover them up. Citizens have a right to know how their government failed. Rather, it seems, the commission’s mere existence was meant to be enough to placate the public. Getting a chance to read through its findings was likely never a priority for a military that has, of late, employed a practice of keeping secrets from the very citizens it is meant to serve. Perhaps, one reason for the secrecy is that the OBL commission lost sight of its original mandate. Press reports suggest that it was far more interested in scapegoating civilians like former ambassador to the US, Husain Haqqani, than investigating any wrongdoing on part of the establishment. It also showed little or no curiosity about trying to investigate how Osama bin Laden was able to come to Pakistan and find safe refuge here for so many years.

Then again, we shouldn’t be surprised that the commission’s report is being kept secret. In Pakistan, the point of commissions seems to be to ensure that nothing damaging is ever uncovered or revealed to the public. The Hamoodur Rehman commission report gathered dust for decades (till it was published by one newspaper after being leaked in India) while, more recently, the commission tasked with finding the killers of journalist Saleem Shahzad seemed more interested in exonerating the ISI than in pursuing the perpetrators. When the OBL commission missed its deadline of early May for wrapping up its work and the end of May for making its report public, one hoped that the delay meant it was still busy putting together all the pieces of Bin Laden’s presence in the country. Now, it is clear that the commission was only buying time in the hope that the people would forget why it existed in the first place. We urge to make public the report so we can try and learn from our mistakes.
Published in The Express Tribune, July 4th, 2012


Members please share your thoughts , should the commission report be made public ?
Any discussion on OBL raid will result in ALICE IN WONDERLAND like episode.

Any way it should be made public, Pakistan public has to know about the facts of the Raid.
Everyone would like to know how OBL stayed in Pakistan & who helped him in getting shelter and other facts tooo:smokin:
they should reveal whole lot of infos on OBL,not just infos related to raid.how come a terrorist like OBL lived a safe house so near of an army base for so long???thats too a priority question.helping a mass murderer shouldn't go unpunished.what say?? :azn:
Intelligence and security lapses are never made public.

They are made knows inside the military circles, but never public.

Similarly, the operations and all the SOP's are never made public.

how come a terrorist like OBL lived a safe house so near of an army base for so long???

You want me to slap you on your backside?

PMA is not a military base, and Abbotabad is not a military garrison town!
Intelligence and security lapses are never made public.

They are made knows inside the military circles, but never public.

Similarly, the operations and all the SOP's are never made public.

You want me to slap you on your backside?

PMA is not a military base, and Abbotabad is not a military garrison town!

Intelligence and security lapses "OBL" stayed for more than 5 years": This is Fishy..Pakistani's are best at denying, so they'll never ever acknowledge that they were the one who welcomed OBL in Pakistan. May be in coming years Uncle Sam will reveal the real truth....:usflag:
You want me to slap you on your backside?

PMA is not a military base, and Abbotabad is not a military garrison town!

its a military academy with strength of 3 battalions...i know that.but the question is..why a dreaded terrorist will hide so close(1.3 km) of an military base/academy???
The reason I said that is because when you give out your Intelligence lapses in public reports, and your SOP's in public reports, then the TTP and other outfits have a better idea of what they will be up against.

The report should be made public, but some parts should be censored and blocked out. Those parts which are classified or a bit secret.

generally, security reports like these are always written classified/internal use only.
Everyone would like to know how OBL stayed in Pakistan & who helped him in getting shelter and other facts tooo:smokin:

Everyone would like to know how 9/11 preparators evaded CIA and FBI might despite the fact they were under observation of CIA and managed to pull the most spectacular terrorist attack?

Intelligence and security lapses "OBL" stayed for more than 5 years": This is Fishy..Pakistani's are best at denying, so they'll never ever acknowledge that they were the one who welcomed OBL in Pakistan. May be in coming years Uncle Sam will reveal the real truth....:usflag:

Go read intelligence lapses of 9/11. British Bombers who were under observation of MI-5 yet they manage to attack and your very own Mumbai attacks, how attackers manage to travel from karachi to mumbai without being detected!
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