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Mahatma Gandhi speeches amidst the communal strife on the eve of parition


Jul 23, 2017
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Today is 2nd October, Gandhi's birth day and celebrated as Gandhi Jayanti in India.

The day is the time to rememer Gandhi and his life.

Here is speech of his on on 6th April, 1947 when Hindu-Muslim communal violence had engulfed british India on eve of partition and creation of Pakistan.

In his post prayer speech on 6th April, 1947, Gandhi said that “We should with a cool mind reflect when we are being swept away. Hindus should never be angry against the Muslims even if the latter might make up their minds to undo even their existence.

If they put all of us to the sword, we should court death bravely, may they, even rule the world, we shall inhabit the world. At least we should never fear death. We are destined to be born and die; then why need we feel gloom over it ? If all of us die with a smile on our lips, we shall enter a new life. We shall originate a new Hindustan.

On 23rd September, 1947, he said “The few gentlemen from Rawalpindi who called upon me today. . .They asked me what about those who still remain in Pakistan. I asked them why all they came here (in Delhi). Why they did not die there?

I still hold on to the belief one should stick to the place where we happen to live even if we are cruelly treated and even killed. Let us die if the people kill us; but we should die bravely with the name of God on our tongue.

Even if our men are killed, why should we feel
angry with anybody, you should realise that even if they are killed they have had a good and proper end. May the heaven make us all so. May God send us the same way. This is what we should pray heartily for.

I will advise you (and issue) as I did to the residents of Rawalpindi that they should go there and meet the Sikhs and Hindu refugees, tell them politely to return to their places in Pakistan unaided either by Police or the Military.

He also said that “Not one of those who have died in Punjab is going to return. In the end we too have to go
here. It is true that they were murdered but then some others die of cholera or due to other causes. He who is born must die. If those killed have died bravely they have not lost anything but earned something

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