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"Long Live The Descendants Of Apes And Pigs"


Dec 12, 2008
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Tuesday, April 09, 2013


"Long Live The Descendants Of Apes And Pigs"

MEMRI translated this amazing piece from Khalid Muntasir writing in Egypt's El Watan.

When the Jewish internet and social network magnates get together, put aside their competition and unite to declare a $33-million grant for medical research on incurable diseases that prolongs human life[3] – I cannot help but cry out 'long live the descendants of apes and pigs,' as they were described by [Egyptian President] Dr. [Muhammad] Mursi and his [Muslim Brotherhood] movement.[4] On the other hand, those who detonate bombs in the midst of the innocent, murder tourists and eviscerate them, assassinate politicians, thinkers and intellectuals, and accuse others of being infidels can go to hell, where they can continue indulging their sick taste for violence and blood.

The founders of Facebook and Google and the Russian billionaire [Yuri Milner] are the ones who truly love life, change it for the better, and have passion for freedom and creativity. They respect [true] scholars, as opposed to those whom we call scholars merely because they memorized 100 old books and can recite them without interpreting or even understanding them – scholars that could be replaced by a single DVD containing these books, which can be read at the stroke of a key on a keyboard costing less than $1. These emperors of the internet founded an organization that awards the world's biggest prize without any preconditions of age, faith or gender, and with no limit on the number of times you can win. Any scientist who achieves a major breakthrough in medicine and treatment by means of genetic engineering and brain cells will receive $3 million. This prize will surely influence the advancement of medical research, accelerate change, and push universities and labs to ramp up their efforts to discover new treatments for diseases that still cause death and confound doctors.


Khalid Muntasir

As I read the article on this organization, I also happened to watch a video sent to me by one of my friends, in which an important [Muslim] speaker lectured on the benefits of having a beard in treating impotence, and [explained] how the beard gives the man virility and strength. I closed the article, shut off the computer, sighed and said: It's no use. Free us [of your discussions] on whether it is permissible to eat the flesh of demons, whether a woman can disrobe in front of a male dog, and on treatments using camel urine, fennel flower, bee stings, etc. The voice of the sheikh in the neighboring mosque rose and echoed as he cursed the Jews, the descendants of apes and pigs, [wishing] that they would scatter in every direction and that their wives become widows and their children orphans, while the worshipers rejoiced in the mighty victory...

[As I said,] the podium at the award [ceremony] happened to feature three Jews. The first was Facebook founder Mark Zuckerberg, who predicted that in three years, Facebook would be the most populous 'state' in the world, overtaking China and India. Zuckerberg is one of the richest and most influential men in the world – a genius who shocked the world at 20 years old with this amazing invention called Facebook. The second was Google cofounder of Sergey Brin, of Russian origin, who owns the internet's largest and most famous search engine, which has not been surpassed thus far. The third was Russian billionaire Yuri Milner, who abandoned his PhD in physics to become an internet tycoon, but never forgot his love of physics despite his estimated fortune of over $1 billion – so much so that he gave prominent physicist Stephen Hawking a $3 million prize late last year [2012].

By God! Who is more conscionable, moral, and loves life and his fellow man – is it these three Jews who contribute to science, health, happiness and the improvement of life, or [Al-Qaeda leaders] bin Laden, Al-Zawahiri and Al-Zarqawi, [Taliban leader] Mullah 'Omar, and those who display their pictures, kiss them, memorize their ideas and adopt them? Who does more good to humanity and the world, and even to Muslims –those who fly the flag of science, or [extremist Egyptian Sheikh] Abu Islam[5] and [the religious television show] Hatoli Ragel,[6] who hold up shoes [in a gesture of contempt for their enemies]?

The original article is here. (h/t Ian)

I agree 100% that Zuckerbergs or Bloombergs are helluva lot more productive and will leave a "healthier" legacy than these cave dwellers like zawahiris or bin ladens (your former ally) of the world

But the intellectually lazy author forgot about the several pages worth of Muslims who've accomplished great feats and contributed a helluva lot to humanity

Thanks for sharing! Anything else?
I agree 100% that Zuckerbergs or Bloombergs are helluva lot more productive and will leave a "healthier" legacy than these cave dwellers like zawahiris or bin ladens (your former ally) of the world

But the intellectually lazy author forgot about the several pages worth of Muslims who've accomplished great feats and contributed a helluva lot to humanity

Thanks for sharing! Anything else?

:lol: funny he is comparing a group fo militants Al-Qaeda (whom these same Jews donate for toppling rulers in Syria and other ME regions ) with Jewish community. generalisation of the stupidest kind.

he also forgot to mention what are these wealthy jews doing by donating money to kill palistenians.

if he wants to compare the social welfare system/acts of both communities then he should compare two apples not one apple and one mango.
But the intellectually lazy author forgot about the several pages worth of Muslims who've accomplished great feats and contributed a helluva lot to humanity
Thanks for sharing! Anything else?
You seem to have missed this author's point. I did bold it, you know. Why not discuss specific examples of "Muslims who've accomplished great feats and contributed a helluva lot to humanity" to support him, rather than make lazy and empty general statements?

:lol: funny he is comparing a group fo militants Al-Qaeda (whom these same Jews donate...wealthy jews doing by donating money to kill -
Troll bait, eh? We'll see if the mods stand for it.
You seem to have missed this author's point. I did bold it, you know. Why not discuss specific examples of "Muslims who've accomplished great feats and contributed a helluva lot to humanity" to support him, rather than make lazy and empty general statements?

the author is comparing Al-Qaeda with Jewish community. thats stupidity.

if he compared Muslim welafre activities with Jewish welafre activities then there could have been healthy debate.

the bottom line is he is a monkey

Troll bait, eh? We'll see if the mods stand for it.

Prove it.
Please post something reasonable for once as every time you open a thread it always has to show some israeli/jewish superiority and to show a bad side of muslims.

Al Qaeda and Taliban are not the only muslims alive in this world so get your head out of your arse for once.
I don't think it is a superiority article.

It is just an answer to the people who hate Jews. And people who hate Jews are not just normal muslims but extremists.
That then it can be considered to an answer to these extremists .
What I said to AZ applies even more to several other posters, yes?

i saw in my notifications that you reported Spring Onion's post :laugh:

what you "said" is really just regurgicating the garble that your author wrote; and i already pointed out the intellectual laziness and cherry-picking approach this author resorted to

(an author none of us have ever even heard of)

it's a nice day outside and you're posting Islamophobic banter on a Pakistani defence ---what's your malfunction today nigga?
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