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Littoral Combat Ship: The US Navy’s ‘Alleged Warship’

Complaining about (Sea)RAM is silly given that these ships are to operate under cover of DDGs equipped with Standard SM-2 and SM-6

The RIM-156A Standard SM-2ER Block IV with the Mk 72 booster was developed to compensate for the lack of a long range SAM for the Ticonderoga class of Aegis cruisers. The Mk72 booster allows the RIM-156A to fit into the Mk41 guided missile launch system. This configuration can also be used for Terminal phase Ballistic Missile Defense. Operational range is 65–100 nmi (120–185 km)

SM-6 Operational range: The SM-6 offers extended range over previous SM-2 series missiles, primarily being able to intercept very high altitude or sea-skimming anti-ship missiles, and is also capable of performing terminal phase ballistic missile defense. Estimates of the SM-6's range vary. Its official published range is 150 mi (130 nmi; 240 km), but it could be anywhere from 200 nautical miles (230 mi; 370 km) to as much as 250 nmi (290 mi; 460 km).

Since range for RIM-156A (VL SM-2ER Block IV) is up to 185km, it is more than likely that SM-6 range is well over 150km (has to be if it is to provide extended range over previous SM-2 series).

Note that both SM-2 and SM-6 can also be used in (supersonic) anti-ship role, at ranges that are similar or greater than that of the most common RGM-84 Harpoon versions in USN service. So, the DDGs not only pack a significant number of SAMs for AAW, but these also add to ASuW capability (over and above the 8 Harpoon typically carried)

By comparison, the HQ-16 of a Type 054A has a maximum range against aircraft of 40 km (it can engage cruise missiles at a range of 3.5 to 18 km). It could probably also engage surface targets, but range would not be much greater e.g. 60-80km at best. An extended range version apparently exists, of which sources say increase the missile's range to 70 km, up from the 40 km credited to the basic HQ-16. Anti-surface range would still probably be not more than 100km. Plus 8x YJ-82/C-802 (120-180km, depending on version)
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LCS can easily carry canisterlaunched Harpoon and NSM.

The Bofors 57mm Mk3 fires 3P (Pre-fragmented, Programmable, Proximity-fuzed) ammunition at 220 rounds per minute cyclic. The all-target programmable ammunition allows 3 proximity fuzing options as well as settings for time, impact, and armor piercing functions. AA ceiling is 7.6km, max range at 45 degree is 13.8km-17km, depending on munition variant. It is capable of killing anti-ship missiles.

RIM-116 RAM is a missile based CIWS, that in addition to intercepting anti-ship missile can also be used to engage surface targets. Effrective intercept range of the original Block 1 is 9 km/ 5.6 mi. RAM Block 2 is an upgraded version of the RAM missile aimed at more effectively countering more maneuverable anti-ship missiles.

Mk 49 Guided Missile Launching System (GMLS)


The new RAM Block 2 has a more powerful rocket motor and improved control surfaces, which make it faster and more maneuverable than its predecessor. The added power not only makes the RAM Block 2 faster, but also allows the missile to maintain its speed during energy-sapping high-G turns needed to intercept targets. The Block 2 has two and a half times the range of the Block 1 RAM, i.e 22.5km / 14 mi. This is greater than the 12mi (19 km) of e.g. the older and far larger RIM-7 Sea Sparrow missile (just like ESSM has greater range than e.g. the SM-1MR originally arming the FFG-7 Perry class frigate). The latest RAM also has an improved seeker package with greater sensitivity, allowing it to detect anti-ship missiles that employ low probability-of-intercept receivers. It can be quad-packed into Mk41 cells using Extensible Launch System.




See also http://www.navyrecognition.com/inde...dom-variant-lcs-frigate-model-in-details.html

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