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Libya - Great Manmade River: Great Engineering Projects


Sep 8, 2009
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With the talk about water being the focal point of discussion in India and Pakistan -

One cannot deny how vital water is to life ....

So by chance I came across this Project "Great Manmade River"

Great Manmade River - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

It was/is the biggest irrigation project man has every tackled , by tapping into underwater supply of fresh water , this water was trapped in "last ice age" in Libya

A place where the highest every temperature recorded on earth was set at 57 Centigrade.

25 billion dollar was the cost of the project and Libya managed to complete this project with no loan or help from banks....

Now analyst predict that this underwater aquafier has the enough water for Libya for next 1000's of years .... this aquafier does not gets refilled like is the case with glashiers....

This is a miracle , as in Libya they don't get any rain last time it rained in Libya was in 1998 based on wiki

Great marvel of mother nature , and human inginuity ...

"Great Manmade River" :tup:

I hope may be instead of india and Pakistan arguing about water if we just join hands and work on something grand scale like this it would be a great project , in an ideal world
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It is a nice project. On the other hand, water was found under the koh -e- Murdar in Quetta Valley and plan was to take it out and supply it to the city. Rs 6 billion project and it all went in the pockets of (you know who)
Slight problem though the NSAS is shared by Libia, Egypt, Sudan and Chad. Already water levels are dropping increasing the depths for wells and the cost.
While technically the aquifer may have a volume that would last for a thousand years at current rates not all of that water will be economically or techincally recoverable.

The NSAS is connected with the Nile river and like many underground aquifer systems is neither fully mapped or understood. I can imagine the three other countries would have worries about massive Lybian projects to drain a shared resource, especially if river levels in those countries drop as a result. It might be interesting to hear from any Egyptian members we have.
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