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Lashkar Responsible for Attack at Indian Consulate in Herat: US


Jun 4, 2010
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United Kingdom
Washington: Pakistan-based terror outfit Lashkar-e-Taiba (LeT) was responsible for the terror attack at the Indian Consulate in Afghanistan's Herat province last month, the United States said today.

"LeT was responsible for the May 23, 2014, attack on the Indian Consulate in Herat, Afghanistan," the State Department said while announcing additional sanctions against LeT affiliates and leaders.

The attack on the Indian Consulate in Herat on May 23, three days before the swearing-in ceremony of Prime Minister Narendra Modi was apparently part of an effort of the LeT to derail his SAARC initiative.

Mr Modi had invited the heads of the states of the South Asian nations including Pakistan for his swearing-in ceremony in New Delhi on May 26.

On the eve of the swearing-in ceremony, Afghan President Hamid Karzai had told an Indian news channel that the LeT was responsible for the terrorist attack.

The Indian consulate in Herat was attacked on May 23 by four heavily-armed gunmen, who were subsequently killed in an encounter as India attributed the pre-dawn strike to terror elements "beyond the borders" of the war-torn country.

Since its inception the LeT has been focused on carrying out major terrorist attacks inside India.

The LeT claimed responsibility for the 2008 Mumbai terrorist attacks that killed at least 166 people.

In 2011, the LeT was responsible for multiple terror attacks, mostly in Jammu and Kashmir, and in 2012, it claimed responsibility for an attack against an Indian army convoy in Kashmir that killed one civilian and injured two others, the State Department said.

The LeT was designated as a terrorist organisation in December 2001.

Since the original designation, the LeT has repeatedly changed its name in an effort to avoid sanctions.

More specifically, the LeT created Jamaat-ud-Dawa as a front organisation, claiming that the group was an "organization for the preaching of Islam, politics, and social work", the State Department said.

Al-Anfal Trust, Tehrik-e-Hurmat-e-Rasool ('Movement for Defending the Honor of God'), and Tehrik-e-Tahafuz Qibla Awwal ('Movement for Safeguarding the First Center of Prayer') are also LeT front organizations, since at least 2011, LeT has used Al-Anfal Trust to procure goods from the Persian Gulf, it said.

Lashkar Responsible for Attack at Indian Consulate in Herat: US - NDTV
India is paying for its atrocities carried out in Kashmir, inside Afghanistan. Send your military to safeguard your assets in Afghanistan as its only going to get worse. People you kill in Kashmir, their relatives and friends find it easier to avenge their dead in Afghanistan. Whatever US thinks is only to serve its own interest not bible truth as you would try to peddle in this case.
India is paying for its atrocities carried out in Kashmir, inside Afghanistan. Send your military to safeguard your assets in Afghanistan as its only going to get worse. People you kill in Kashmir, their relatives and friends find it easier to avenge their dead in Afghanistan. Whatever US thinks is only to serve its own interest not bible truth as you would try to peddle in this case.

What kind of crock is that?

Why would the ghosts of the so called kashmiri killed, or their relatives or friends go all the way to Afghanistan (as if its easy to get there) and attack an Indian embassy in Herat with grenade launchers, rations for 3 days and proper intel of the embassy, while there are much much more easier targets just 100 yards from their homes?

What would they get from that? sympathy for the jihadi's or any strategic benefit? I mean - let's be absurd here and assume that they even attempted something that preposterous - then where is the claim for it to prove a point? no one as far as I know.

And, why would Pakistan's front line ally name a Pakistani terrorist organization?
India is paying for its atrocities carried out in Kashmir, inside Afghanistan. Send your military to safeguard your assets in Afghanistan as its only going to get worse. People you kill in Kashmir, their relatives and friends find it easier to avenge their dead in Afghanistan. Whatever US thinks is only to serve its own interest not bible truth as you would try to peddle in this case.

What that means, in effect, is a transfer of the covert war from Kashmir to Afghanistan. That can only favor India in the long run.
Looks to be a typical bogus report for consumption of a particular nation but If LET has presence inside Afghanistan then it is a welcome news. We should use them against terror camps of TTP and BLA operating against Pakistan.
India is paying for its atrocities carried out in Kashmir, inside Afghanistan. Send your military to safeguard your assets in Afghanistan as its only going to get worse. People you kill in Kashmir, their relatives and friends find it easier to avenge their dead in Afghanistan. Whatever US thinks is only to serve its own interest not bible truth as you would try to peddle in this case.
and what pakistan is paying for...
50,000 civilian dead, 10000 military personal dead....
what are they paying for.... ur country has nukes but no hospitals for treatment, ur country has army but no scool for poors..., what are they paying for.....every day a pakistanii going out can't be sure if he will return in evening or not....
what are they paying for....
and what pakistan is paying for...
50,000 civilian dead, 10000 military personal dead....
what are they paying for.... ur country has nukes but no hospitals for treatment, ur country has army but no scool for poors..., what are they paying for.....every day a pakistanii going out can't be sure if he will return in evening or not....
what are they paying for....

Coming up with figures from your Bharati a$s again?
Looks to be a typical bogus report for consumption of a particular nation but If LET has presence inside Afghanistan then it is a welcome news. We should use them against terror camps of TTP and BLA operating against Pakistan.

The US intelligence agencies psy-ops are much more advanced than the type of simple false-attribution reports that you see coming from "emerging" players on the world stage. There are enough American assets in that region to be fairly confident that the intelligence is reliable, although nothing is ever 100% accurate.
okay...if u are not satisfied....bring out the actual figure from ur pakistanii a$s ...i would like to see....:pop:

You back the figure from your as$ from some reliable source. Start.....


The US intelligence agencies psy-ops are much more advanced than the type of simple false-attribution reports that you see coming from "emerging" players on the world stage. There are enough American assets in that region to be fairly confident that the intelligence is reliable, although nothing is ever 100% accurate.

If the report is true then it is good for us.
You back the figure from your as$ from some reliable source. Start.....


If the report is true then it is good for us.
lol. ..like i am going to...if u want use google....
and what pakistan is paying for...
50,000 civilian dead, 10000 military personal dead....
what are they paying for.... ur country has nukes but no hospitals for treatment, ur country has army but no scool for poors..., what are they paying for.....every day a pakistanii going out can't be sure if he will return in evening or not....
what are they paying for....

Lol this is coming from an Indian ? where 0.5 Billion people suffers from starvation and live under poverty line :rofl::rofl:
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