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kill one guy, you are called murderer, kill 50,000 govt bows its knees for negotiations


Jan 20, 2011
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kill one guy, you are called murderer, kill 50,000, government bows its knees to you for negotiations

nawaz shareef said, that, one condition for peace talks is terrorism will have to stop by talibans

what if there is another terror attack after the formation of the peace committee?

will the negotiations still continue?

whats the time frame of the peace negotiations?

whats are the conditions of peace talks?

will the peace talks be done with sectarian outfits which are the branches of TTP?

what if there are certain groups of taliban who are not ready for negotiations

what if we have to hand over the territory to talibans?

what if talibans demand protection is mega city of karachi?

what if there are more drone attacks?

talibans are expensionists, will the peace deal stop taliban from expanding to other areas?

what if taliban refuse to lay down their weapons for peace?

who has the upper hand, govt or the talibans?
to kill the monster you need to severe its head which lies in tribal areas, will this monster be let live and thrive? very dangerous for pakistan in the long run

will the peace deal be considered the unofficial surrender of pakistan infront of the thugs, and doing so will the terrorists win?

if talibans has the upper hand which is most likely for the deal to succeed, are we ready to deal with the repercussions later in the future? those who don't accept pakistan constitution in the first place

why after mullah omer already disowned taliban takfiris, who we don't treat TTP as a separate group from talibans?

do we think that TTP constitutes and represents the pashtun people, or they are someone which are the killers of pashtuns themselves?

are we targeting the pashtun race by targeting the TTP or helping pashtuns to live peacefulling by eliminating talibans

why we are so hesitant to operate again the vermon which was made by our own agencies which we are not willing to accept and move one

till when we will remi=ain confused about this?

please see this video how TTP's shariya is just a means to gain more power

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There would be more attacks to come
So called negotiations will continue
no time frame...its being too optimistic
peace talk are being done for political mileage
they don't know whom they will talk to
the talibans will not give away anything
the question is how will we take back our territory?
question is how will gov restore order or its "writ" in khi?
there would be more drones
that will give them more leverage
that wont happen, those who think are day dreaming
the talibs are currently in commanding position,

therefore these "talks" will not be able to bring peace... or in other words will fail.... and the army then must take action if it really wants to rescue the state..... otherwise there will be disastrous consequences and one should also keep in mind that this is the last year of war in afg....so apparently if by end of next month the security pact is not extended, US will also have to exit completely, and therefore this is the last chance for Pakistan to restore peace through talks.....
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