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Khyber Agency: LI threatens Bara tribesmen not to shelter Tirah IDPs

Devil Soul

Jun 28, 2010
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Khyber Agency: LI threatens Bara tribesmen not to shelter Tirah IDPs – The Express Tribune
BARA: Militants of Lashkar-e-Islam (LI) banned outfit pasted and distributed pamphlets in Bara tehsil of Khyber Agency not to shelter the Ansarul Islam, a banned outfit, families in their houses on Saturday.

The pamphlets were distributed in the tehsil and pasted on the main squares, mosques and important building in the tehsil.

According to the details the LI militants distributed the pamphlets stating and warning the tribesmen of Bara not to shelter any family that has fled from Tirah Valley.

LI and TTP have controlled the Tirah valley from Artificial Intelligence (AI) fighters during clashes in March 19 after which hundreds of AI supported families fled from their houses in the valley and shifted to Orakzai and Peshawar, while many registered themselves as internally displaced person (IDP) sin Jalozai Camp at Nowshera.

It was also mentioned in the pamphlet that instead of providing shelters to the people of Tirah they should be expelled from the Bara. The pamphlet alse said that if any of the tribesman was found providing shelter or any kind of assistance, the LI militants would take action against that family by torching their houses.

Most of the families that evacuated the Tirah Valley were given shelter in Bara by their relatives. However, after the distribution of the pamphlets in the tehsil, fear has gripped the tribesmen as they have no option left; either they have to evacuate the displaced people of Tirah or prepare themselves for the dire consequences from LI militants.

The political administration officials of Bara refused to comment on the issue.
First they evict local tribesmen from their homes, then they tell people not to shelter them in their homes. Lashkar E Islam and the Pakistani Taliban are some of the most horrible, worst militant groups present in the world. They have no honour, they can kill anyone for any sadistic reason possible, they can do anything in their madness.

We Pakistanis haven't been willing to face off against the Taliban with our full might as yet. Only God can tell us the reason but no real action has been seen in Waziristan particularly since operation Rah E Nijat.
I wish I could be of more help on this topic; but I'll say what comes to my mind.

they have no honour and in fact if they keep killing eachother and burning eachother's homes then the military will have less work and less animals to deal with

it's difficult for me to answer the question posed by Armstrong simply b/c there are so many other internal and external variables at hand....if we broke the Geneva Conventions and used land mines on nearly the entire perimimter of the border -- things would be slightly easier. Though we still have to quantify exactly to what extent the internal threat exists. There is a sizeable internal threat and they are spreading their tentacles to Karachi while the government did little to check this following the IDP crisis, in which many TTP also blended in and created sleeper cells

there are sleeper cells in Karachi as we speak.....it's a nightmare scenario but if the authorities are vigilant and if there is massive police reform and training then it makes the life easier for everyone

Tirah Valley is particularly challenging because of the dynamics of the region and its proximity to Afghanistan. You have a situation where you have pro govt and anti govt militant groups (such as the Ansar ul Islam and Lashker e Islam respectively); former allies can become enemies if they feel cornered or alienated. You have to play a fine game of supporting those groups loyal to the State while at same time building close relationships with them. We need them to act as peacekeepers in the region while also acting as bulwarks against the enemies; and at the same time you cant arm them to the point where they become vigilantes and use the largess for purposes OTHER THAN fighting the insurgents. There are cases where you arm a pro-govt militia but then when the rival tribe and their tribe get bogged down by water dispute or land dispute - those arms are misused and then the aggrieved tribe says "look, govt is arming them to finish us off" etc. etc. Do you know how many times Army has to waste its time acting as mediators with tribal elders to oversee and mediate/resolve tribal conflicts??

This isn't my idea - this is something repeated over and over and over again during an informal meeting where I got to chat with the Peshawar Corps Commander Lt.Gen. A. Yasin Malik (XI Corp) before his retirement from the service. He is the best person to talk to about this and I hope he can have an advisory role given his encyclopedia like knowledge.

it's almost like a damned if you do and damned if you dont....

as a reply to your last line --- we Pakistanis haven't been willing to face to a lot of things.....but that's because we dont think linearly as one nation. When the indians misbehave, we unite and are ready to pounce. But until mid 2008, a section of society saw these terrorists as noble people fighting for Islam. I genuinely believe this is changing; but even then there are still pawns willing to be indoctrinated by rabid mullahs who misguided and misteach Islam

the Army is fighting a different kind of jihad now; the jihad is against those who are killing Muslims peoples dividing them, destroying our holy places of worship, destroying girl schools, and those promoting fitna -- acting as judge jury and executioner. Doesnt matter which region we are talking about.

Army has made some mistakes too I believe though largely I think they've been on track and despite roadblocks and inattention by the civilian government they've managed to help bring slightly more security. . .

Realities change. Military cleans up Orakzai, then issues in Mohmand mount. They clear up most of Mohmand and secure the roadways leading in and out but by then infiltratrions made to Khyber Agency. Khyber Agency and Mohmand have been serious trouble areas.

plans are underway to go after TTP in Tirah valley at present....when, I dont know. But I look forward to discussing it on PDF when it happens

it will be another great revenge for our fallen shaheeds
1)Heavy increase of Intelligence activity.
2)Target Killing.
3)Resources to the local population
4) Increase patriotic activities.

Fear Fears Fear Only!!!

1)Heavy increase of Intelligence activity.
2)Target Killing.
3)Resources to the local population
4) Increase patriotic activities.

Fear Fears Fear Only!!!
Jihadism is very popular and prevalent among Afridis of Khyber agency. Army can not exterminate these religous militants without the cooperation of locals. Afridis have to throw out Laskhar e islam, ansar ul islam and TTP by themeselves, they have to rise up against them. If they are unable to do so or are not willing to go against them. Then army and governament have to intervene to help them. They need to be disinfected from disease of jihadism and religous bigotry..if their society is not reformed, this story would repeat itself again.

I wish I could be of more help on this topic; but I'll say what comes to my mind.

they have no honour and in fact if they keep killing eachother and burning eachother's homes then the military will have less work and less animals to deal with

it's difficult for me to answer the question posed by Armstrong simply b/c there are so many other internal and external variables at hand....if we broke the Geneva Conventions and used land mines on nearly the entire perimimter of the border -- things would be slightly easier. Though we still have to quantify exactly to what extent the internal threat exists. There is a sizeable internal threat and they are spreading their tentacles to Karachi while the government did little to check this following the IDP crisis, in which many TTP also blended in and created sleeper cells

there are sleeper cells in Karachi as we speak.....it's a nightmare scenario but if the authorities are vigilant and if there is massive police reform and training then it makes the life easier for everyone

Tirah Valley is particularly challenging because of the dynamics of the region and its proximity to Afghanistan. You have a situation where you have pro govt and anti govt militant groups (such as the Ansar ul Islam and Lashker e Islam respectively); former allies can become enemies if they feel cornered or alienated. You have to play a fine game of supporting those groups loyal to the State while at same time building close relationships with them. We need them to act as peacekeepers in the region while also acting as bulwarks against the enemies; and at the same time you cant arm them to the point where they become vigilantes and use the largess for purposes OTHER THAN fighting the insurgents. There are cases where you arm a pro-govt militia but then when the rival tribe and their tribe get bogged down by water dispute or land dispute - those arms are misused and then the aggrieved tribe says "look, govt is arming them to finish us off" etc. etc. Do you know how many times Army has to waste its time acting as mediators with tribal elders to oversee and mediate/resolve tribal conflicts??

This isn't my idea - this is something repeated over and over and over again during an informal meeting where I got to chat with the Peshawar Corps Commander Lt.Gen. A. Yasin Malik (XI Corp) before his retirement from the service. He is the best person to talk to about this and I hope he can have an advisory role given his encyclopedia like knowledge.

it's almost like a damned if you do and damned if you dont....

as a reply to your last line --- we Pakistanis haven't been willing to face to a lot of things.....but that's because we dont think linearly as one nation. When the indians misbehave, we unite and are ready to pounce. But until mid 2008, a section of society saw these terrorists as noble people fighting for Islam. I genuinely believe this is changing; but even then there are still pawns willing to be indoctrinated by rabid mullahs who misguided and misteach Islam

the Army is fighting a different kind of jihad now; the jihad is against those who are killing Muslims peoples dividing them, destroying our holy places of worship, destroying girl schools, and those promoting fitna -- acting as judge jury and executioner. Doesnt matter which region we are talking about.

Army has made some mistakes too I believe though largely I think they've been on track and despite roadblocks and inattention by the civilian government they've managed to help bring slightly more security. . .

Realities change. Military cleans up Orakzai, then issues in Mohmand mount. They clear up most of Mohmand and secure the roadways leading in and out but by then infiltratrions made to Khyber Agency. Khyber Agency and Mohmand have been serious trouble areas.

plans are underway to go after TTP in Tirah valley at present....when, I dont know. But I look forward to discussing it on PDF when it happens

it will be another great revenge for our fallen shaheeds

A very long meaningless post. The only highlighted parts were your compliments for core commander peshawer and your tribute at the end for fallen shaheeds of Pak army..
Jihadism is very popular and prevalent among Afridis of Khyber agency. Army can not exterminate these religous militants without the cooperation of locals. Afridis have to throw out Laskhar e islam, ansar ul islam and TTP by themeselves, they have to rise up against them. If they are unable to do so or are not willing to go against them. Then army and governament have to intervene to help them. They need to be disinfected from disease of jihadism and religous bigotry..if their society is not reformed, this story would repeat itself again

there are 4 tribes in the Khyber Agency it isn't homogeneous containing just Afridi , you also have Shalimani, Mullagary, Shnwari, etc.

there've been elements of Afridi tribe for example who were pro TTP and/or the other militant outfits fighting against the state forces....and then elements of the tribes have also been ardently opposed to these terrorist groups -- which is why they form lashkars following the tribal committees that issue decree against warring tribal factions. In the absence of central govts writ of state, this vigilante type approach takes place; the militarized policing system would be better replaced by a reformed police force in the long run

as for the bold-faced part, that's something i've already said -- oh about 20,000 times here on this forum and in fact I am happy that many tribes are cooperating with the security forces because nothing is worse than these animals who abuse Pakhtun hospitality and traditions; they've killed more Pashtuns than anyone else -- and these groups are criminals. They arent Muslims doing Jehad - they are just mafia gangsters with beards and suicide bomb vests taking advantage of a power vacuum

A very long meaningless post. The only highlighted parts were your compliments for core commander peshawer and your tribute at the end for fallen shaheeds of Pak army..

yeah, I should have tailored my post to people like you who don't have the intellectual capacity or ability to think clearly or come up with proper counter-arguments (someone who hasn't even lived in or been to the tribal areas) -- rather you copy others' ideas and then regurgitate parts of what they said in their posts while also playing down what the original poster said as "meaningless"

you're brilliant


p.s. it's "Corps" Commander not Core.....cant even get that right :laugh:
there are 4 tribes in the Khyber Agency it isn't homogeneous containing just Afridi , you also have Shalimani, Mullagary, Shnwari, etc.

there've been elements of Afridi tribe for example who were pro TTP and/or the other militant outfits fighting against the state forces....and then elements of the tribes have also been ardently opposed to these terrorist groups -- which is why they form lashkars following the tribal committees that issue decree against warring tribal factions. In the absence of central govts writ of state, this vigilante type approach takes place; the militarized policing system would be better replaced by a reformed police force in the long run

as for the bold-faced part, that's something i've already said -- oh about 20,000 times here on this forum and in fact I am happy that many tribes are cooperating with the security forces because nothing is worse than these animals who abuse Pakhtun hospitality and traditions; they've killed more Pashtuns than anyone else -- and these groups are criminals. They arent Muslims doing Jehad - they are just mafia gangsters with beards and suicide bomb vests taking advantage of a power vacuum

yeah, I should have tailored my post to people like you who don't have the intellectual capacity or ability to think clearly or come up with proper counter-arguments (someone who hasn't even lived in or been to the tribal areas) -- rather you copy others' ideas and then regurgitate parts of what they said in their posts while also playing down what the original poster said as "meaningless"

you're brilliant


p.s. it's "Corps" Commander not Core.....cant even get that right :laugh:

You dont need to tell me about other tribes of Khyber agency, i knew about them. Shilmani, mullagori and shinwari are on landi kotel side while the sectarian war between LI and AI is going on in Afridi dominatet areas of Tira and bara...Mullagoris even formed their own lashkar against talibans despite being relatively a small tribe...so our focus should be afridi tribe...kuch samaj aaya?
You dont need to tell me about other tribes of Khyber agency, i knew about them. Shilmani, mullagori and shinwari are on landi kotel side while the sectarian war between LI and AI is going on in Afridi dominatet areas of Tira and bara...Mullagoris even formed their own lashkar against talibans despite being relatively a small tribe...so our focus should be afridi tribe...kuch samaj aaya?

Wow for once you come up with something accurate

Agha, laas wachawa :cheesy:

P.s. no war against any tribe. Just the bastards supporting those who are terrorists and terrorists themselves
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