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Kerry promises more drones attacks

third eye

Aug 24, 2008
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Kerry promises more drones attacks

The visit of US Secretary of State John Kerry has not raised the hopes of seasoned politicians and analysts in Pakistan; least of all of those at the Ministry for Foreign Affairs in Islamabad.
And while, John Kerry gives us the hope of his country's willingness to start talks on strategic relations with Pakistan, most of us have a sense that in this regard it is the strategy of the superpower to keep our hopes permanently alive for becoming a strategic partner of John Kerry's country.

To be fair to him, he is not the first US official who has made pledges to us which will not be fulfilled. Like the famous Seventh US fleet which was sailing towards the then East Pakistan to save us from Indian aggression and which, nevertheless, never arrived, much of what the US administration vowed to us in selfless aid never happened.

Going even back in time when Pakistan became the member of SEATO to and CENTO on the promise that these would form the cornerstones of Pakistan defence needs; when we were faced with Indian aggression, US help was nowhere to be seen.

Another example was President John F Kennedy's phone call to President General Ayub Khan pressing him not to advance Pakistan's forces into Kashmir while there was a full-scale war going on between China and India. In return President Kennedy promised to settle the Kashmir issue according to the resolution of the United Nations. Pakistan kept its part of the bargain, it never attacked or tried to free Kashmir from Indian occupation; US however never kept its vows, it never even symbolically pressed India to hold plebiscite in Kashmir.

It is but just very recent that President Bush Junior promised us Reconstruction Opportunity Zone (ROZ) scheme. Under the scheme, US was to help set up industries in our tribal areas bordering the Khyber Pakhtunkhwa province and as an incentives for the tribesmen, the US president promised, pledged, vowed or whatever, to allow duty free imports to US of the goods manufactured by these industries. Almost a decade later, not even a blacksmith workshop was set up under ROZ scheme.

Than came John Kerry's predecessor Hillary Rodham Clinton to Pakistan. She argued that while US has invested a lot in this country, there is not one major project to show for it as symbol of US friendship and investment. She promised, she will overcome this deficiency. Pakistani's being resiliently optimistic as well as incurably and persistently hopeful of someone else solving their problems, believed Hillary and her promises and hoped for huge US investment in the power sector. Hillary came, Hillary promised, Hillary went back; the investment never came. Half a decade after Hillary's visit the US still has no project in Pakistan, not even a tiny 50mw power generation project which can be viewed as the symbol of US friendship and investment in Pakistan.

Even the US Secretary of State John Kerry is not on his first visit to Pakistan. He had visited this country when he was a Senator and had co-authored the Kerry-Lugar Bill regarding financial assistance to Pakistan. The bill was only for $1.5 billion dollars per annum but Pakistan had to subordinate its army to US interests to get it; still John Kerry could not help informing us, time and again, what a great favour the superpower was doing to Pakistan.

Like his predecessor, Hillary Clinton, and many other senior US officials, John Kerry is also promising us, among many other good things, assistance in the power sector. Though none believe him, but he still is our guest who has his bull in our china shop.

We have to be polite and nod our heads believingly to whatever he promises and secretly hope that the bulls gets out of our shop and and leaves us alone. We know that if the US had any sense of friendship towards us, it would have helped us rebuild and repair our infrastructure destroyed in the US's war against terrorism and of which we stupidly took ownership.

In spite of our past experience of promises unfulfilled with US secretaries of State, there still is something believable about John Kerry, we believe him when he promises more drone attacks.
There seems to be conflicting reports coming out from Pakistan. This piece from BBC sounds quite optimistic...

John Kerry pledges early end to Pakistan drone strikes

US Secretary of State John Kerry has concluded a visit to Pakistan by pledging to end drone strikes against militants "very, very soon".
Correspondents say his comments are intended as a message to ease anti-American resentment in strategically important Pakistan.
On Thursday Mr Kerry agreed to resume high-level talks over security issues.
The talks were stalled after 24 Pakistani soldiers were killed by the US on the Afghan border in 2011.
'Sovereignty violation'
CIA drone strikes have killed up to 3,460 people in Pakistan since 2004.
Most strikes take place in the troubled border region of North Waziristan, which is regarded as an al-Qaeda and Taliban stronghold.
Prime Minister Nawaz Sharif, who won elections in May, met Mr Kerry on Thursday.
Mr Sharif has consistently demanded an end to such attacks, saying they violate Pakistan's sovereignty.
His foreign affairs adviser, Sartaj Aziz, told reporters the US should stop the strikes "not just curtail them".
Correspondents say the issue is complicated by the fact that some Pakistani officials have been accused of criticising the use of drones in public while co-operating with them in private.
'Constructive and positive'
"I think the programme will end as we have eliminated most of the threat and continue to eliminate it," Mr Kerry said in a television interview.
"The president has a very real timeline and we hope it's going to be very, very soon," he said when asked whether the US had a schedule for ending the strikes.
Analysts say his comments went further than those of President Barack Obama, who said in a 23 May speech that drone strikes would decrease in "the Afghan war theatre" as US troops withdraw by the end of 2014.
The number of strikes has fallen significantly over the past 30 months - totalling 17 so far this year compared to 48 in all of 2012 and 73 in 2011, according to estimates compiled by the New America Foundation.
Speaking after meeting Mr Sharif on Thursday, Mr Kerry said their talks were "constructive" and "positive".
"We are here to speak honestly with each other, openly about any gaps that may exist that we want to try to bridge," Mr Kerry said. "Our people deserve that we talk directly."

BBC News - John Kerry pledges early end to Pakistan drone strikes
The heading surprised me as it sounds like Pakistan is expecting/happy that drones attacks are increased..... But then you need to read the article to feel the sarcasm.......
so more drones attack are gonna happen in a very,very short time?? :what:
Fool me once, shame on you. Fool me twice shame on me. Fool me forever then surely I'm a fool ? :D
Funny that "seasoned" Pakistani "Analysts & Army" surely one of which is the author of this continue to live in La La Land and not even see the facts on the ground. This "victim mentality" is surely an enigma difficult to comprehend. May be easier to blame others for all that may be wrong with Pakistan.

Kerry promises more drones attacks

The visit of US Secretary of State John Kerry has not raised the hopes of seasoned politicians and analysts in Pakistan; least of all of those at the Ministry for Foreign Affairs in Islamabad.
And while, John Kerry gives us the hope of his country's willingness to start talks on strategic relations with Pakistan, most of us have a sense that in this regard it is the strategy of the superpower to keep our hopes permanently alive for becoming a strategic partner of John Kerry's country.

To be fair to him, he is not the first US official who has made pledges to us which will not be fulfilled. Like the famous Seventh US fleet which was sailing towards the then East Pakistan to save us from Indian aggression and which, nevertheless, never arrived, much of what the US administration vowed to us in selfless aid never happened.

Maybe if there was not a butcher of Dhaka and the blood telegram, US may have been more keen to intervene! Has it ever occured to these "seasoned" analysts that it could be a touch difficult to support ethnic cleansing as part of a nation's foreign policy?

Going even back in time when Pakistan became the member of SEATO to and CENTO on the promise that these would form the cornerstones of Pakistan defence needs; when we were faced with Indian aggression, US help was nowhere to be seen.

Pakistan got plenty of military support and arms via their association with SEATO and CENTO. However, Pakistan then went on thinking that they got a license to attack India due to the "Monkey Trap" syndrome. Is it really surprising that US did not toe their line on this one? Did Pakistan consult with US before they went to war with India and airdropped their troops in J&K?

Another example was President John F Kennedy's phone call to President General Ayub Khan pressing him not to advance Pakistan's forces into Kashmir while there was a full-scale war going on between China and India. In return President Kennedy promised to settle the Kashmir issue according to the resolution of the United Nations. Pakistan kept its part of the bargain, it never attacked or tried to free Kashmir from Indian occupation; US however never kept its vows, it never even symbolically pressed India to hold plebiscite in Kashmir.

Even though Kennedy hated Indira and the Indian "Slimy" Babus, yet even in the situation of a brain attack, any US politician would know that helping China rout India would have been a disaster for Asia. So how come the Pakistanis were thinking that Kennedy would allow them the coveted opportunity to be "Brave by proxy"? And in regard to the UN resolution, that went technically void with the "Gift" to China.

It is but just very recent that President Bush Junior promised us Reconstruction Opportunity Zone (ROZ) scheme. Under the scheme, US was to help set up industries in our tribal areas bordering the Khyber Pakhtunkhwa province and as an incentives for the tribesmen, the US president promised, pledged, vowed or whatever, to allow duty free imports to US of the goods manufactured by these industries. Almost a decade later, not even a blacksmith workshop was set up under ROZ scheme.

In order to "Reconstruct" first there has to be destruction of Haqqanis!!!!!!!!!!!!

Than came John Kerry's predecessor Hillary Rodham Clinton to Pakistan. She argued that while US has invested a lot in this country, there is not one major project to show for it as symbol of US friendship and investment. She promised, she will overcome this deficiency. Pakistani's being resiliently optimistic as well as incurably and persistently hopeful of someone else solving their problems, believed Hillary and her promises and hoped for huge US investment in the power sector. Hillary came, Hillary promised, Hillary went back; the investment never came. Half a decade after Hillary's visit the US still has no project in Pakistan, not even a tiny 50mw power generation project which can be viewed as the symbol of US friendship and investment in Pakistan.

Even the US Secretary of State John Kerry is not on his first visit to Pakistan. He had visited this country when he was a Senator and had co-authored the Kerry-Lugar Bill regarding financial assistance to Pakistan. The bill was only for $1.5 billion dollars per annum but Pakistan had to subordinate its army to US interests to get it; still John Kerry could not help informing us, time and again, what a great favour the superpower was doing to Pakistan.

Like his predecessor, Hillary Clinton, and many other senior US officials, John Kerry is also promising us, among many other good things, assistance in the power sector. Though none believe him, but he still is our guest who has his bull in our china shop.

We have to be polite and nod our heads believingly to whatever he promises and secretly hope that the bulls gets out of our shop and and leaves us alone. We know that if the US had any sense of friendship towards us, it would have helped us rebuild and repair our infrastructure destroyed in the US's war against terrorism and of which we stupidly took ownership.

1.5 Billion USD is not "only". The total current account deficit of Pakistan is a little over 2.3 Billion USD. Please look the number in that context. So technically if this 1.5 Billion would come in the economy in any way, it will straightaway strengthen the PKR!

The infrastructure argument is getting so lame already. Specially the roads. Look, do your transporters (including Fauji Foundation) take the containers for Free? Is the Road tax or some other form of tax of Jijiya not included in the charges that these transporters charge the USA? If a normal Pakistani civilian gets several trucks of shipment for commerce then do you start blaming for damages to Infrastructure??

In spite of our past experience of promises unfulfilled with US secretaries of State, there still is something believable about John Kerry, we believe him when he promises more drone attacks.

What surprises is that if Pakistan does not really like this relationship, they could very well say NO. Or if they whole heartedly were friends of US as they so claim, then they would stop dreaming of ruling Afghanistan by Proxy and go after AQ and Haqqanis!

You see, to hope to have your cake - and eat it too, is extremely foolish. And that is what Pakistan has been doing all these days. That and also only lament for the mysterious victim-ness.
Pakistan kept its part of the bargain, it never attacked or tried to free Kashmir from Indian occupation; US however never kept its vows, it never even symbolically pressed India to hold plebiscite in Kashmir.
So Pakistan would have attacked and captured Kashmir just like that? :woot: :lol: Oh damn! I forgot Hindu banyas cannot fight! This according to none other than the great Gen Hasan of the FCNA!

Shows how far removed from reality people are! :fie:
Excellent epic trolling by Kerry. Thankfully Pakistan isn't falling for it.
Why does Pakistan want the drones to stop? Some one has to do something about the terrorists within Pakistan which it refuses to do something about.

It is worth noting that most senior Pak Taliban members have been killed by US drones including Hakimullah Mehsud.
This is the gift he brought for Pakistan...more drones....:D
No one can dare to dictate mighty King Nawaz Sharif, we held discussions with Kerry on our own terms: Ishaq Dar

:omghaha: :omghaha:
No one can dare to dictate mighty King Nawaz Sharif, we held discussions with Kerry on our own terms: Ishaq Dar

:omghaha: :omghaha:

Why does Pakistan want the drones to stop? Some one has to do something about the terrorists within Pakistan which it refuses to do something about.

pakistanis want it to stop, not their real rulers who is benefitting because their own people are not getting killed.

Did not kerry promise drone strikes will be reduced ...
The is an opinion piece, there are many contradicting reports Kerry promising stopping drone attacks.
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