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Keep away from Afghan quagmire


Aug 23, 2006
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By Neena Gopal, Special to Gulf News

A Nato summit this coming Tuesday in the Latvian capital Riga is expected to focus on the two conflicts that have stretched the resources of the United States to the outside limit - Iraq and Afghanistan.

Will it also raise high the roof beams on an idea that is being whispered anew in the Indian capital Delhi - sending Indian soldiers to a foreign field?

Is Nato seeking to anoint this key South Asian nation, with whom the US has conducted several joint exercises, in the role of peace-keeper for Washington? Will this be the grand Indian outreach, on the lines of an ill-starred expeditionary force that the British called on to fight their battles in Imperial India under the Crown?

A repeat of the Second World War, except that instead of Iraq, India is being asked whether its induction into the Nato hall of fame can envisage a greater role in that graveyard of empires - Afghanistan.

Except this time it will be a volunteer force, not commandeered against its will. The previous ultra-nationalist Atal Bihari Vajpayee administration, egged on by a national security adviser taken with the idea of warming ties with Washington, was extremely keen in 2002-2003 to deploy Indian forces in the northern Iraqi Kurdish town of Kirkuk.

A public outcry, calibrated by outraged diplomats and historians who cited the graveyards in city after Iraqi city where the names of hundreds of dead Indian soldiers are chiselled on stony plaques, and a constitutional proviso that prevents the repeat of such an eventuality, ensured that no Indian soldier was sent to Iraq to fight somebody else's war.

The political party sitting on the opposition benches then was the Sonia Gandhi-led Congress. Now in government, under Prime Minister Manmohan Singh, there is intense debate on its Middle East policy.

In a region riddled with conspiracy theories, complicated this week by the assassination of Lebanese politician Pierre Gemayel, that raised the prospect of a quid pro quo - a greater role for Syria and Iran in Lebanon in return for securing a dismembered, ethnically divided Iraq's western and eastern flanks - Indian troops are already deployed as blue berets in southern Lebanon.

India cannot do more. Singh must refuse to be drawn into the Afghanistan pottage, where Nato is facing its first challenge in a Central Asian nation.

Arriving to get rid of the bases where the Al Qaida were headquartered with the help of the Taliban, US forces have lingered too long, overstaying their welcome.

With its unhappy knack of turning everything it touches to dust, Afghanistan is sucking in more soldiers than the seemingly overwhelming forces with their superior firepower had originally envisaged.

Greater role

During a recent visit to India by Afghan President Hamid Karzai, Delhi was approached to play a greater role. But it must keep a distance for various reasons. Far more unstable after American intervention, a new and deadlier strain of the Taliban has emerged from the dusty hinterland to challenge it.

A Taliban that Afghan government officials have repeatedly said has its genesis across the border in the Pakistani cities of Peshawar and Quetta, where the ethnic Pashtuns share a common gene pool as well as an implacable hostility to all things outside their conservative ken.

The perception of India as a Hindu nation - despite its 150 million Muslim population - will only make Indian soldiers fair game.

A second and far more dangerous perception may well be what brought the Taliban back into play. Indian consulates that opened in western Mazar-e-Sharif, and the eastern towns of Kandahar and Jalalabad raised hackles in Islamabad over the US opening the way to a greater Indian role in Afghanistan, long seen by Pakistan's strategic planners as their putative client state.

India's presence in the two eastern Afghan towns - even if it was only one lonely counsellor - has added to Islamabad's fears of a move by Delhi to outmanoeuvre it in its own backyard, perhaps by covertly backing the Baloch insurgency.

India has strenuously denied any such role but its old links with the former Northern Alliance now add up to two red rags to the Pakistani bull.

Since late September as they deploy outside the Afghan capital Kabul for the first time, Nato countries like Britain, in particular, are getting a taste of Afghan battlefields where there is no distinguishing between enemy and friend.

Despite a great fascination for India's film icons even in these remote villages, an Indian expeditionary force will find the hostile terrain and populace equally daunting.

Two Indians, one an engineer, the other a driver have already lost their lives at the hands of the Taliban, anxious as India's goodwill hunting seemed to be paying off as it built roads, schools and hospitals in the interior.

But with every Indian gang of construction labourers needing security, even troops to protect Indian interests will open it to harm's way.

Delhi must decide whether it wants to play cat's paw to US interests in a nation fast emerging as the point where the interests of "three empires" are again set to collide or use soft power as smarter neighbour China does to secure its strategic interests.

Neena Gopal is an analyst on Asia.
It is hardly possible for Indian peace keeping forces in Afghanistan or Iraq. We can not afford such a luxury at the moment. Afghanistan has historical ties with India and we know about Afghanistan more than these NATO jokers.
Well NATO better stay in their and finish the job, or else it is back to 1992. This time however, we have a stronger presence in Afghanistan, Tajikistan and Iran. :)
Afghanistan is now officially in South Asia.
So we'r in the wrong section :P
So like isn't everyone forgetting that little factor... PAKISTAN. Pak won't let Indian troops into Afghanistan.
why would India send its troops to Afghanistan? We have refusesd the US govt many times. Unless there is UN, there would not be Indian soldiers there.

Asim, its not Pakistan's power to stop any countries forces from going into Afghanistan as long as US agrees or wants it to.
No, but they don't have to support the efforts of the forces based in Afghan.
Cross border incursions would increase and Indian casualties would be quite high.

Hence Pak could make it untenable for Indian forces to remain. Its all about regional influence.
yeah, but say if the Indian forces are deployed in the safest areas. With more so as to relieve US troops pressure of patrolling all areas. So that US and NATO troops can focus on troublesome areas.

Also remember, that the Indian forces are not like NATO or US troops. They have VAST experience in dealing with these kinds of situations. They also know the kind of tactics that will be used, and they are more...on the ground so to speak. Trained for these things extensively. With high experience in teh same climate, etc, etc. They are on teh ground, hardnened soldiers. That is the reason US wanted Indian troops deployed there. Indian troops will not suffer like US or NATO troops and will be most effective in countering insurgency problems in Afghanistan.

That being said, they will only be deployed with UN, as GoI has already specified. It has no intention of going in Afghanistan and hamper its burgeoning relations with Afghanistan.

I like President Karzai. He realises the problems with his country and as asked help for it. He is also responsible for the warm relations b/w India and Afghanistan.
With all due respect. VAST experience doesn't stop roadside bombs.......And so far the IA hasn't quashed it's own insurgencies. So to claim local knowledge is a bit spurious.

The simple fact is that no matter how you try to paint it. Indian forces will be outsiders of a different religion (mostly) The U.S. wants ANYONE to come along and take the burden off of them.

As for Karzai he is screwed.....the moment outside forces leave, his days are numbered.....
oh i agree with you totally mate. Any amry that goes in Afghanistan is screwed !!
All im saying is that with respect to NATO armies, IA would perform a far better job. There are other aspects . A certain degree of language understanding of each other too, i forgot to mention this in the above post. Knowledge does not 'stop' the roadside bombs. But experience tells you that something might be going on., basic precautions, experience with the ways of terrorists helps is not allowing them to plant bomb at all. But again, all this is relative to teh NATO armies as on the ground experience with terorists counts for a lot. The US army has been sending its troops to India to train for such things that India has lot of experience in. Like i said, its foolish for any army to go there.
oh i agree with you totally mate. Any amry that goes in Afghanistan is screwed !!
All im saying is that with respect to NATO armies, IA would perform a far better job. There are other aspects . A certain degree of language understanding of each other too, i forgot to mention this in the above post. Knowledge does not 'stop' the roadside bombs. But experience tells you that something might be going on., basic precautions, experience with the ways of terrorists helps is not allowing them to plant bomb at all. But again, all this is relative to teh NATO armies as on the ground experience with terorists counts for a lot. The US army has been sending its troops to India to train for such things that India has lot of experience in. Like i said, its foolish for any army to go there.

bud u might wanna read the article again.and this time please read it carefully.its written by Neena Gopal is an analyst on Asia.iam pretty sure author has some knowledge of the topic.
you are starting to sound like george bush when in his famous speech he said bring it on.
second afghans fighting in there own country against foreign army.are not terrorist.
''The perception of India as a Hindu nation.will only make Indian soldiers fair game''.Americans need some one else to do there dirty work and body bags dont come beck to usa.so no complains at home.
Americans with there hightech equipment cant stop roadside bombs.indians will do it how.
your experience u talk about iam to asume u are talking about kashmere
Afghanistan is a different ball game.

experience with the ways of terrorists helps is not allowing them to plant bomb iam surprised americans havent used the indians in iraq yet.with all the experience and all u talk about stupid arent they.
lets just say ameircans are losing intrest in Afghanistan.most other nato members couldnt care less as soon as the americans pull out C.I.A man karzai will be found hanging just like the guy before him KGB puppet.
bud u might wanna read the article again.and this time please read it carefully.its written by Neena Gopal is an analyst on Asia.iam pretty sure author has some knowledge of the topic.
you are starting to sound like george bush when in his famous speech he said bring it on.
second afghans fighting in there own country against foreign army.are not terrorist.
''The perception of India as a Hindu nation.will only make Indian soldiers fair game''.Americans need some one else to do there dirty work and body bags dont come beck to usa.so no complains at home.
Americans with there hightech equipment cant stop roadside bombs.indians will do it how.
your experience u talk about iam to asume u are talking about kashmere
Afghanistan is a different ball game.

experience with the ways of terrorists helps is not allowing them to plant bomb iam surprised americans havent used the indians in iraq yet.with all the experience and all u talk about stupid arent they.
lets just say ameircans are losing intrest in Afghanistan.most other nato members couldnt care less as soon as the americans pull out C.I.A man karzai will be found hanging just like the guy before him KGB puppet.

as i have said before I AGREE WITH THE ARTICLE MATE.

forget bush, all im saying is that I think that IA would be doing a better job than the NATO army in Afghanistan!!!!! That is all. The reasons i mentioned above, omre experience with this kind of stuff. Now that wont help in stopping bombs explode yes, but still they would do a better job in maintaining peace there.
oh i agree with you totally mate. Any amry that goes in Afghanistan is screwed !!
All im saying is that with respect to NATO armies, IA would perform a far better job. There are other aspects . A certain degree of language understanding of each other too, i forgot to mention this in the above post. Knowledge does not 'stop' the roadside bombs. But experience tells you that something might be going on., basic precautions, experience with the ways of terrorists helps is not allowing them to plant bomb at all. But again, all this is relative to teh NATO armies as on the ground experience with terorists counts for a lot. The US army has been sending its troops to India to train for such things that India has lot of experience in. Like i said, its foolish for any army to go there.

Cultural similarities and 'understanding' is over rated. If we have just as few IA troops there as NATO troop presence, we wouldn't fair any better ourselves.

The problem in Afghanistan is the lack of troops, not the capability of troops.
bud u might wanna read the article again.and this time please read it carefully.its written by Neena Gopal is an analyst on Asia.iam pretty sure author has some knowledge of the topic.
you are starting to sound like george bush when in his famous speech he said bring it on.
second afghans fighting in there own country against foreign army.are not terrorist.
''The perception of India as a Hindu nation.will only make Indian soldiers fair game''.Americans need some one else to do there dirty work and body bags dont come beck to usa.so no complains at home.
Americans with there hightech equipment cant stop roadside bombs.indians will do it how.
your experience u talk about iam to asume u are talking about kashmere
Afghanistan is a different ball game.

experience with the ways of terrorists helps is not allowing them to plant bomb iam surprised americans havent used the indians in iraq yet.with all the experience and all u talk about stupid arent they.
lets just say ameircans are losing intrest in Afghanistan.most other nato members couldnt care less as soon as the americans pull out C.I.A man karzai will be found hanging just like the guy before him KGB puppet.

india declined the invitation to join the war in iraq, we believe it is a unjust war, the war begun on wrong reasons

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