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Kashmir: After Delhi meet, separatists repose faith in Nawaz


Feb 2, 2007
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Srinagar, April 12: Their recent interaction at Pakistani High Commission in New Delhi has revived hope among the separatist leaders regarding the intent of Nawaz Sharif government to resolve Kashmir issue.
In comparison to previous Pakistani governments, separatists expect Sharif to play vital role in settling the intractable dispute. JKLF chief Yasin Malik said after the response of Pakistani High Commission, he expects a lot from the Nawaz Sharif government.

“Nawaz has a Kashmiri origin so we are expecting that he will try and help in resolving Kashmir issue in future,” Malik told Rising Kashmir.

He further said that any engagements between India and Pakistan should be focused on Kashmir issue.Referring to the Lok Sabha elections and the prospects of engagement with the new government in New Delhi, Malik said it would be wise to wait and watch.

Senior Hurriyat (M) leader Moulvi Abass Ansari also expressed optimism about the Nawaz led-government.Talking to Rising Kashmir, Ansari said: “We are really hopeful after seeing the warm response during our recent meeting in Pakistani High Commission. We expect India and Pakistan to hold talks and frame a policy that will benefit people of Jammu and Kashmir.”

Seconding Malik, he said it would be wise to adopt ‘wait and watch’ policy regarding the government that comes to power after parliamentary elections in Delhi.

Praising the Pakistani prime minister, Hurriyat Conference JK (HCJK) chairman, Shabir Shah said he understands Kashmir problem very well and can play a major role in the resolution of Kashmir issue.

“Nawaz is knowledgeable and his statements have been very encouraging,” Shah said.
He said the Pakistani premier has also sought intervention of international community to facilitate talks between India and Pakistan.

Shah said Pakistan’s stand regarding Kashmir issue has always been same since the beginning and expressed hope that it would stick to the same position in future too.

However, Hurriyat (G) chairman, Syed Ali Geelani sounded guarded in its response. He said Pakistan should address its internal disputes first before expecting any headway on Kashmir.

Geelani criticized Musharraf’s four-point formula on Kashmir issue, asserting that Pakistan’s stand on Kashmir issue should never change.

“Pakistan has been created with a mission and has a responsibility to become a peaceful and strong country so that it can help people of Jammu and Kashmir who are under oppression,” he said.

“Pakistan should work hard to address its internal disputes so that it emerges as a powerful country where people of all shades will be under protection.”

Geelani said the Pakistani government, religious scholars and intellectuals should prepare a strategy to tackle the current situation in the country.

Terming the dialogue process between India and Pakistan as futile, Geelani said any solution within the constitution of India will be rejected.

“We hope Pakistan will focus on United Nations resolutions instead of any out-of-box solution and will stay away from every such agreement with India which will harm Kashmir cause,” Hurriyat (G) chief said.

“Disputes and issues are at last resolved through dialogue but until India will not accept the disputed nature of Kashmir till then dialogues are meaningless exercises and they will not yield any result,” he added.

After Delhi meet, separatists repose faith in Nawaz - Rising Kashmir. Latest News, Breaking News From Kashmir`s very own English Daily.
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