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Karzai phones Kerry, levels allegations against Pakistan

Devil Soul

Jun 28, 2010
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March 31, 2014, 2:03 pm

KABUL- In a phone call with US Secretary of State John Kerry, Hamid Karzai accused Pakistan of being behind a recent series of attacks and of blocking his government from striking a peace deal with the Taliban, the Afghan president's office.

Karzai routinely makes such accusations against Islamabad, but his tone in recent days has been particularly pointed and direct. They come after three attacks in five days in the capital Kabul, the latest coming on Saturday when assailants fired machine guns and rocket-propelled grenades at the country's electoral commission ahead of next week's general election. Karzai leveled allegation that the attacks were complex in nature and stage-managed by "foreign intelligence agencies," a reference to Pakistan's Inter-Services Intelligence. US officials confirmed the phone call took place but declined to comment on the conversation.
Karzai phones Kerry, levels allegations against Pakistan
This looser just doesnt seem to quit. Have to give credit to his resilient fuucked up Asssholish mouth.
Karzai must check in some mental hospital. He is nor fit to run a country.
Karzai: Hello Kerry, Kerry Pakistan's getting scary.
Kerry: Don't disturb Karzai, I'm busy with Sherry.
Whats upp with these retard neighbours? First Singh complained to Obama and now Karzai. Diati aurat was right word used by Ganja for these retards.
Seriously, I didn't know Karzai was such a cry baby!!

He keeps running to momma USA on the slightest pretext. As if they care anyway! :P
Whats upp with these retard neighbours? First Singh complained to Obama and now Karzai. Diati aurat was right word used by Ganja for these retards.

Two neighbors leveling the same allegation against Pakistan ? Hmm
We have always emphasized the importance of cooperation and coordination between the regional partners. It is simply imperative for us to be on the same page for the sake of achieving our shared objectives. Those who are focused on destabilizing the region would love to see our nations remain tangled in our differences. We have come too far and made too many sacrifices to let our differences shift the tide in our enemies favor. We cannot over emphasize Pakistan’s and Afghanistan’s importance in the region. The truth is that we cannot have a safe and stable region without a safe and stable Afghanistan and Pakistan. We’ve seen over and over that our common enemies in the region will not waste any opportunity to take advantage of our discord and continue to push their terrorist agenda forward. Therefore, it is simply in our best interests to have a healthy working relationship for the betterment of the region.

Ali Khan
Digital Engagement Team, USCENTCOM
he is such a cry baby .. he ruled for 10 years ..he couldn't do anything for the country .. he is making Pakistan escape goat
Karzai is dead right......Pakistan is a terrorist state and is responsible for spreading terrorism in Afghanistan and India
How does these calls reach the pubic?

Do they talk in loud speakers?

Afghan sources release the details or US authorities?

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