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Karzai castigates Pakistan for providing refuge to terrorists


Jan 3, 2010
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Karzai castigates Pakistan for providing refuge to terrorists

Islamabad, Sept 16: At a press conference with Asif Ali Zardari, Afghanistan President Hamid Karzai has criticised Pakistan for harbouring sanctuaries and training camps of the terrorists within its territorial limits.

"There are sanctuaries and training camps in our countries. Militants are not coming from Ivory Coast, they are coming from our lands," the Dawn quoted Karzai, as saying.

He has been accusing Pakistan of taking no action against terrorists' sanctuaries and training camps for several years.

However, at the press conference, the two presidents, underlining the need for concerted and coordinated efforts to eliminate extremism from their soils, pledged to work together against terrorism.

Commenting on reports that Indian consulates in Afghanistan were being used for destabilising Balochistan, Karzai said his government would never allow anyone to use its territory against any other country, adding that he was ready to help normalise relations between Pakistan and India.

Replying to a question on his offer of talks to Taliban leader Mullah Omar, Karzai clarified his offer, saying, "We have made talks offer to those Taliban who are not part of Al Qaeda and are ready to obey the Afghan constitution."

A delegation-level meeting to discuss issues of mutual concern and explore the possibility of enhancing the existing cooperation between the two countries followed the one-to-one meeting between the two presidents.

Foreign Affairs Minister Dr Zalmai Rassoul, Defence Minister General Abdul Rahim Wardak and National Security Adviser Dr Rangeen Dadfar Wardak represented the Afghan delegation, while Foreign Minister Shah Mehmood Qureshi, Defence Minister Chaudhry Ahmed Mukhtar, Commerce Minister Amin Fahim and Interior Minister Rehman Malik represented Pakistan.
Karzai cant be trusted. I do not know whose side is he on? But definitely not Afghanistan's side thats for sure...
Karzai cant be trusted. I do not know whose side is he on? But definitely not Afghanistan's side thats for sure...

Good Answer

But if he call same thing for India so i think he is most trusted person for you :lol:
Anti Pakistan terrorist are getting help from Afghanistan govt and ANA ( Northern Alliance) ..............

What Afghan Govt did about that.....???? Its not us its you Afghanistan....You are harboring the terrorists........
Anti Pakistan terrorist are getting help from Afghanistan govt and ANA ( Northern Alliance) ..............

What Afghan Govt did about that.....???? Its not us its you Afghanistan....You are harboring the terrorists........

Buddy i think you forgate that Pakistan is creates of Taliban not Afghanistan

Well i know you never want to accept the reality.
Its really easy to hide your mistake........ blame others

Now Afgan government in American stooge but if they say any thing about India instead of Pakistan they may be they are most trusted person for you .. right ????
^ Actually Pakistan did not create Taliban. More importantly, you're using diversion tactics and not replying to the point. Did Pakistan create ANA? Did Pakistan create TTP? ******* morons. Typical Bharti diversion - "Afghanistan is helping TTP", "But you created Taliban!!!".

Also, don't refer to your version of the reality and the reality.
^ Actually Pakistan did not create Taliban. More importantly, you're using diversion tactics and not replying to the point.

Also, don't refer to your version of the reality and the reality.

I was not sure whether to come in or let Foxbat continue the discussion, but its all back to what drives behaviour? Its always your perception of reality. While I will not go as far as foxbat to say that reality does not matter, but after all, the same reality can be percieved differently by different people depending on their reference point. Something on the lines of theory of relativity..

And Pakistan was the place of origin of Taliban. Wasnt it?
But I never refer to my version of reality as THE reality. You'll never see me do that, unless my version has been unambiguously proven to be true. There is only one 'THE reality', but there are millions of 'my version of the reality'. You see what I am getting at? It just pisses me off to no end when some of these guys refer to what they believe is the reality (i.e. their opinion) as the reality - and especially when their version of reality has not been proven.

As far as perception is concerned, as long as the perception has not been proven, I couldn't care less what it is.

And finally, as far as Taliban are concerned, well Pakistan didn't create them. It was the Mujhaideen after the Soviet invasion that decided to create the Taliban.
And finally, as far as Taliban are concerned, well Pakistan didn't create them. It was the Mujhaideen after the Soviet invasion that decided to create the Taliban.

Allow me to correct sir, Taliban were part of the Mujahideen. They have always been a part of Afghan society just as they are a part of Pakistani society especially in the KP. After the Jihad, most of these Taliban went back to their original workplaces i.e; seminaries, mosques. But when warlords emerged out of the Mujahideen and civil war ensued leading into loot and plunder, the Taliban met and decided to form a militia of their own. It started as a small group with the help of locals in the South to fight looters, war lords and to clear the roads of tax mafia with the support of transporters and traders. Even Hamid Karzai's father donated huge sums of money and helped them buy arms. Gradually it attracted numbers and groups of war lords pledges their allegience. The support from Pakistan came much later.
Thanks for the correction. But yes, it still stands that Pakistan did not "create" Taliban per se. They merely supported them.
Karzai never ceases to amaze me.. Pakistan has given refuge to about 2 million Afghan refugees in the last decade. Karzai never ever acknowledges that, constantly critical of a few dozen Taliban guys who come through. If we weren't so nice we should have just put them back in Kabul. Let Karzai have 2 million more mouths to feed.
Come on now, you've got to give it to a guy in charge of nothing, but can still get outwit both Pakistan and the US.
Come on now, you've got to give it to a guy in charge of nothing, but can still get outwit both Pakistan and the US.

Outwitting the US isn't all its cracked up to be. ISI has been doing it for the last 9 years.
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