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Karachi mangroves


Oct 4, 2010
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United Kingdom
some ecological gym from Pakistani coast








Lovely! These ecological assets must be protected at any cost. I saw something really interesting in FL where a bunch of locals took it upon themselves to introduce and integrate mangrove clusters in their backyards and public spaces, which I thought was a great idea.
Lovely! These ecological assets must be protected at any cost. I saw something really interesting in FL where a bunch of locals took it upon themselves to introduce and integrate mangrove clusters in their backyards and public spaces, which I thought was a great idea.

yes i think its a great idea, in america people are very educated about these matters, in pakistan there is no law enforcement on illegal forest cutting and locals trying to conserve these assets is very far fetched idea
yes i think its a great idea, in america people are very educated about these matters, in pakistan there is no law enforcement on illegal forest cutting and locals trying to conserve these assets is very far fetched idea

Are you sure about that? Even thought this is South Asia, there's got to be a law against the hacking of mangroves? Our coastal cities are only going to witness more flooding and devastation in the years to come, and of course, it's the poor who will suffer the most.
Are you sure about that? Even thought this is South Asia, there's got to be a law against the hacking of mangroves? Our coastal cities are only going to witness more flooding and devastation in the years to come, and of course, it's the poor who will suffer the most.

no, there are laws but there is a lot of illegal mangrove cutting in our coast and no law enforcement on these matters
gos should take actions against illegal cutting of these ecological assets
no, there are laws but there is a lot of illegal mangrove cutting in our coast and no law enforcement on these matters

But last time i heard a week ago about a world record of planting 700,000 trees on the coastal areas in sindh in a single day...Wern't they mangroves...
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