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Joint - Sino-Russian war games start

Devil Soul

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India panics as China, Russia start war games
Home / Today's Paper / Top Story / India panics as China, Russia start war games
September 13, 2016

BEIJING: China and Russia started war games in the South China Sea on Monday, Beijing’s defence ministry said, in a show of force after an international tribunal invalidated the Asian giant’s extensive claims in the area.

The war games have become a big headache for India that sees the Chinese naval build-up as a huge source of concern.

Authorities in New Delhi said they were devising a strategy to neutralise the threat.

The eight-day joint drills will include exercises on “seizing and controlling” islands and shoals, Chinese navy spokesman Liang Yang said in a statement.

“They will involve surface ships, submarines, fixed-wing aircraft, ship-borne helicopters, Marine Corps and amphibious armoured equipment from both navies,” he said.

“Compared with the previous joint drills, these exercises are deeper and more extensive in terms of organisation, tasks and command,” he said in the statement.

China claims almost all of the South China Sea and has sought to bolster its case by building a series of artificial islands capable of supporting military facilities.

But a UN-backed tribunal ruled in July — in a case brought by the Philippines — that any extensive claims to the sea had no legal basis and that China’s construction of artificial islands in disputed waters was illegal.

Beijing reacted furiously, with foreign ministry spokesman Lu Kang threatening a “decisive response” if anyone took “any provocative action against China’s security interests based on the award”.

Beijing’s land reclamations have prompted criticism from other claimant countries and the US, and Washington has regularly sent warships into the strategically vital area to assert the right to freedom of navigation.

This week’s drills will be carried out off the coast of Zhanjiang city in the southern province of Guangdong.

Their precise location was not announced, but they do not appear to be taking place in disputed parts of the sea.

They were aimed at “strengthening the capabilities of the Chinese and Russian Navies in jointly handling security threats on the sea”, navy spokesman Liang said.

China and Russia have close military and diplomatic ties, often in opposition to the West, particularly the United States, and their leaders Xi Jinping and Vladimir Putin enjoy a tight relationship.

Last August, the two powers held military exercises in the waters and airspace of the Peter the Great Gulf, south of the Russian Pacific city of Vladivostok, involving 22 vessels, up to 20 aircraft and more than 500 marines.

In May last year, they conducted their first joint naval exercises in European waters in the Black Sea and Mediterranean, China’s farthest-ever drills from its home waters.

Chinese military officials have said this week’s exercises were “routine” and the official Xinhua news agency said Monday that Western media reports on them had sought to deliver a “sensational impression”.

Suggestions that they were meant as a “sabre-rattling” warning to other countries were “ill-informed” and driven by “prejudice about China and Russia”, it said.

“It may be true that growing military ties between Russia and China have irritated someone’s sensitive nerves,” Xinhua added.

“The defensive nature of these manoeuvres is in line with China’s defence policy, which makes it clear that China will not be the first to strike.”

Apart from the Philippines, Vietnam, Malaysia, Brunei and Taiwan also have partial claims to the sea, through which over $5 trillion in annual trade passes.
Authorities in New Delhi said they were devising a strategy to neutralise the threat. = PANIC

Maybe only for the religious school educated barring any logic and intelligence.
Lol. These exercises have been before too. Even India -Russia has done before and still are doing. Why should India panic?? :hitwall:
An old news article but still a refreshment for the op and the news.com.pk guys -

Russia, India to hold three large joint drills in 2016

28 April 2016 SPUTNIK
Russian troops will participate in three large exercises with their Indian colleagues this year: Indra-Neva-2016, AviaIndra-2016 and Indra-2016.




Russia and India have been close partners in military and technical cooperation for decades. Source:mil.ru

Russia and India have agreed to hold the Indra-2016 joint military exercises and will decide on their dates in May, the head of the Russian Defence Ministry’s Eastern Military District’s press service said Thursday.

“A joint protocol was signed in Vladivostok on the first planned conference of the Indra-2016 joint exercises,” Capt. 1st Rank Roman Martov said.

He said consultations would be held in May in India where the dates of the exerciseswould be specified.

Avia Indra-2014 teaches pilots tactics and precision

“This year troops from the Eastern Military District plan to participate in three large exercises with the Indian Armed Forces, which include the Indra-Neva-2016 with the Pacific Fleet, AviaIndra-2016 with the participation of the Air Force and air defense systems, and Indra-2016,” Martov added.

Russia and India have been close partners in military and technical cooperation for decades. The countries collaborate in science and medicine, as well as infrastructure construction and nuclear energy.

The countries carried out the Indra Navy-2015 naval exercises in Russia’s Vladivostok in June.

In July 2014, the Russian Pacific Fleet and the Indian Navy conducted naval exercise Indra-2014 in the Sea of Japan, to train and improve joint naval actions and boost the countries' capability to counter maritime security threats.

The drills are conducted alternately in Russia and India.
We are really panicked:sarcastic:
Authorities in New Delhi said they were devising a strategy to neutralise the threat. = PANIC

Maybe only for the religious school educated barring any logic and intelligence.

Which authorities are you talking about ?? Any official source for this claim ??
India panics as China, Russia start war games
Home / Today's Paper / Top Story / India panics as China, Russia start war games
September 13, 2016

BEIJING: China and Russia started war games in the South China Sea on Monday, Beijing’s defence ministry said, in a show of force after an international tribunal invalidated the Asian giant’s extensive claims in the area.

The war games have become a big headache for India that sees the Chinese naval build-up as a huge source of concern.

Authorities in New Delhi said they were devising a strategy to neutralise the threat.

The eight-day joint drills will include exercises on “seizing and controlling” islands and shoals, Chinese navy spokesman Liang Yang said in a statement.

“They will involve surface ships, submarines, fixed-wing aircraft, ship-borne helicopters, Marine Corps and amphibious armoured equipment from both navies,” he said.

“Compared with the previous joint drills, these exercises are deeper and more extensive in terms of organisation, tasks and command,” he said in the statement.

China claims almost all of the South China Sea and has sought to bolster its case by building a series of artificial islands capable of supporting military facilities.

But a UN-backed tribunal ruled in July — in a case brought by the Philippines — that any extensive claims to the sea had no legal basis and that China’s construction of artificial islands in disputed waters was illegal.

Beijing reacted furiously, with foreign ministry spokesman Lu Kang threatening a “decisive response” if anyone took “any provocative action against China’s security interests based on the award”.

Beijing’s land reclamations have prompted criticism from other claimant countries and the US, and Washington has regularly sent warships into the strategically vital area to assert the right to freedom of navigation.

This week’s drills will be carried out off the coast of Zhanjiang city in the southern province of Guangdong.

Their precise location was not announced, but they do not appear to be taking place in disputed parts of the sea.

They were aimed at “strengthening the capabilities of the Chinese and Russian Navies in jointly handling security threats on the sea”, navy spokesman Liang said.

China and Russia have close military and diplomatic ties, often in opposition to the West, particularly the United States, and their leaders Xi Jinping and Vladimir Putin enjoy a tight relationship.

Last August, the two powers held military exercises in the waters and airspace of the Peter the Great Gulf, south of the Russian Pacific city of Vladivostok, involving 22 vessels, up to 20 aircraft and more than 500 marines.

In May last year, they conducted their first joint naval exercises in European waters in the Black Sea and Mediterranean, China’s farthest-ever drills from its home waters.

Chinese military officials have said this week’s exercises were “routine” and the official Xinhua news agency said Monday that Western media reports on them had sought to deliver a “sensational impression”.

Suggestions that they were meant as a “sabre-rattling” warning to other countries were “ill-informed” and driven by “prejudice about China and Russia”, it said.

“It may be true that growing military ties between Russia and China have irritated someone’s sensitive nerves,” Xinhua added.

“The defensive nature of these manoeuvres is in line with China’s defence policy, which makes it clear that China will not be the first to strike.”

Apart from the Philippines, Vietnam, Malaysia, Brunei and Taiwan also have partial claims to the sea, through which over $5 trillion in annual trade passes.

There is nothing for India to panic. The only folks in panic about Russia reside in Pakistan
Not a single statement from Indian side and the so called "thenews.com.pk", btw very renowned news channel has reported an epic fail of cheerleader ..:rofl::rofl::rofl:

How many time do we have to correct that the PCA tribunal is NOT backed by UN. "The United Nations said on Wednesday it has nothing to do with the Permanent Court of Arbitration (PCA), which set up a tribunal that handled the South China Sea arbitration case the Philippines filed unilaterally in 2013."
Well we hope the friends in South China enjoy the friendly exercise. That area is not close to India so they should mind their own Bjness
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