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Jihadist lawyer: The attack on the Jewish Museum was a Mossad operation

Möbius Curve

Dec 5, 2018
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"First responders, who had taken care of the victims of the terrorist attack in May 2014 on the Jewish Museum in Brussels, made in the trial on Monday shattering statements about the bloody scenery that had offered them. The Islamist lawyers accused of atrocities stuck to their line of defense: the conspiracy theory that the operation was carried out by the Mossad, the Israeli intelligence service.

While the trial against the accused terrorist Mehdi Nemmouche went to the second week in a criminal court in Brussels, the staff of the rescue service described the fear that they had when they were providing for the victims of the attack, not knowing whether the shooter was still in the Nearby was. The nurse Charlyne Lietard told the court, "The four victims, looked at the precision of the shots as if they had been executed." Three of the victims - Emmanuel and Miriam Riva, an Israeli couple who visited the museum, and Dominique Sabrier, a museum museum volunteer, had already died when first responders arrived. The fourth victim, Alexandre Strens, who worked in the museum at the reception, died two weeks later in a hospital. (...)

he trial of Nemmouche is expected to be completed in early March. If he is found guilty, he faces a life imprisonment. His lawyers will argue in his defense in court that Nemmouche is not the murderer and that the four victims were murdered as part of a 'targeted execution' by Mossad agents. (...)

A portrait of [Nemmouche's solicitor Sébastian] Courtoy in 2015 called him 'the Vergès Islamist' - a reference to the late French lawyer Jacques Vergès, to whose famous list of clients the Nazi war criminal Klaus Barbie, the left-wing terrorist Ilich Ramirez (, Carlos the Jackal) Sanchez and the Holocaust denier Robert Faurisson had heard. The same report cites a lawyer from Brussels, who called Courtoy an 'anti-Semitic Don Quixote', who senses Jewish conspiracy behind every corner. After his former teacher had criticized him for defending Islamists in court, in 2006 Courtoy requested police protection because he believed there was a Mossad plan to silence him. " (Ben Cohen:"Lawyers for Jihadi Terrorist on Trial for Brussels Jewish Museum Shooting Push 'Mossad' Conspiracy Theory in Court ")


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